Alcohol and my distaste for it.

I don't know how many of you can drink but if you have, do you like it? I'm legal and drinking has become a thing my friends have become accustomed to. I feel like I don't really fit in sometimes because I don't share their like for beer. It's not like I have a low tolerance, I can drink quite a bit (unless it's vodka). My family don't share my dislike for the flavour of alcohol, so it's not a hereditary thing. My cousin says it's because I haven't developed my taste buds for them quite yet. 

I think my dislike for drinking might the result of my first hangover, couple the food poisoning I got on the same day. Rather than a couple hours worth of nausea and vomiting, it was a week straight of sickness. I think I mentally attribute that to alcohol, even though though it was two separate cases of sickness. 

Though, I do wonders if that really is the case. Maybe my cousin is right and that given time I will learn to appreciate alcohol. 


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jkjkjkook #1
my parents dont drink alcohol and I think that beer and smh this is so bad (if you 10-16years old).
I’m 28 and still don’t like beer or red wine. While I do like other alcohols I never saw it as necessary to drink something I disliked just so I could end up “liking it”. People always told me “nobody likes beer when they have their first beer but they drink it out of necessity” - well, I never saw the point of drinking it if I didn’t like it so I didn’t. And I still don’t like it.

It could be your first hangover coupled with the food poisoning that is affecting you or maybe you just don’t like it that much. I know a woman at 50 who doesn’t drink alcohol because she doesn’t like the taste. You don’t have to drink it, even if your friends do. Sometimes it’s actually quite the sight to be the only sober person amongst drunks.

Don’t drink it just to please someone else if you don’t like it. It’s not worth it and it’s not necessary to drink alcohol to live.
ohh i see where your coming from , when i was younger i hated seeing my mom and family members drinking alcohol so i just grew hate towards it Lmao but now that im older i was just like its a way that ppl "relieve stress " if you would say Lmao.