quarantine things

Hey guys,

I'm sure you all know, the world is under heavy lockdown, and in some countries, they are taking extreme measures. I hope that you all are safe and are taking these measures as well. Please do not forget to wash your hands and wear a mask if you must go out into the public. At times like this, I know it can be difficult to be cooped inside the same four walls. Please know that you are not alone, and if need be, my dms are open and please, drop by and say hello. Don't be shy :) We all must band together and support each other through these hard times. 


You can reach me here, if you'd like: 

Twitter: @av_versiera


Also, if you are able to, please donate to nokidhungry.org to support children who have no means to provide for themselves. This will help them get the food they need, especially during this time of need when we are all quarantined. 





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Sending virtual hugs and positive vibes .Stay safe
Hey dear. Hope you are doing well with you life and stay safe too. Thanks for your encouraging words. In this time, we need to embrace each other. But for my case, i stall have to go to work. That's depressing. I rather be at home but do i have a choice? no.