hello, i'm KIM SIEUN


 BIRTHNAME  kim sieun

this nickname was originally just between her older brother and her, but her best friends found out about the nickname. they made fun of the silly nickname but ended up actually calling her by bbang as well. if you're trying to find the reason behind this nickname, refer to her cheeks.

sieun-ah, syun
general nicknames.

 AGE  18
 BIRTHPLACE  seoul, south korea
 ETHNICITY  korean

an 18 year-old girl who has been living in korea for more than 18 years - if you count the time she was in her mom's belly - would obviously be fluent in korean.

with a good combination of online lessons and school lessons, she's intermediate level. she does have a noticeable accent when speaking english, though.


dude, why do you smell like meat?

 FACE CLAIM  lee chaeryeong (itzy)
 BACK-UP FACE CLAIM  jeon heejin (loona)


if you've ever heard of the tiktok trend that goes "ay-yo, i look intimidating until i smile check!" she is the embodiment of that trend. she's not the best at keeping a friendly face (her older brother always reminds her to but she just can't.. it's been a part of her since birth) but once she flashes a smile, her intimidation rate goes down 100%. her hair reaches her chest and she's not a very proud owner of split ends. she doesn't want to cut it because she spent 90.000krw to dye her hair chestnut brown. (if you can't tell, she loves her hair and her hair care products dominate her bathroom). she stands about 166cm tall and she rarely weighs herself so her weight shouldn't matter, should it!


i'm not always carrying meat!


easygoing, sociable, entertaining, adaptable
libra, esfp
know-it-all, stubborn, blunt, unpredictable


there's always that one person you know that seems angelic at first sight and becomes so obnoxious the more you spend time with them. in a loving way, of course. i don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but kim sieun is that person. she doesn't exude the best first impression - blame that on her resting face - but all of that would disappear the first minute you talk to her. stiff laughs, silence, staring everywhere but at sieun? there's none of that. the girl is a natural when it comes to conversations and doesn't take things too seriusly, which makes it fun to hang out with her. heck, you could drop her off in a beach filled with strangers and in a blink of an eye, she'd be sunbathing with a group of people she just met. she's also someone who rarely gets mad and is relaxed most of the time. you won't see her in a panicked state, you'd instead see her telling childhood stories and funny jokes to other people to calm herself down. classmates label her as the class clown, by the way, she's pretty good at reading people and knowing the appropriate times to joke around.

sieun's a good friend to be around, but sometimes she gets so irritating that you just want to throw a stuffed animal at her and tell her to talk to that instead. she calls herself the mom friend when all she does is give ty advice to people (thankfully, nobody has actually done what she tells them to do) and say "don't slip, fall, and die!" when she parts ways with somebody. she's also the worst person to debate with, because when she says something, chances are she has some random unsupported fact at the back of her head and would keep bluffing with confidence even if she's actually in the wrong. the worst part is, she'd stay silent when she doesn't have anything to say and that would be the end of the argument. a part everyone wishes to take away from kim sieun is her unfiltered sentences. the girl can't keep shut and would say her thoughts out loud without proofreading it. she's just not the most sympathetic when she wants to prove a point. you could say sieun's impulsive; nobody knows her next move. one minute she's chilling on her phone and the next minute she gets up and tells everybody she wants a new haircut.


kim sieun was born in seoul's home to gleaming skyscrapers, designer brands, and active nightlife, also known as gangnam-gu. she was the youngest child after kim daeun and kim taeyoung, but son became the second youngest with the addition of her younger sister kim haeun. being a daughter of a dentist and a ceo of a rather popular fashion brand, it was no secret that sieun grew up pretty well-off in terms of money. she never faced hardships regarding money but what she faced instead was a distant relationship with her parents. they'd always leave to work in the morning and come home late, leaving the siblings with nothing but each other and some money for takeout. when sieun was six, her parents decided to part ways due to work always getting in the way of their relationship. it was a mutual separation, her mom left with daeun and haeun while sieun stayed with her dad and taeyoung.

growing up, sieun mantained a great relationship with her brother and had countless heart-to-heart talks about their problems. they even developed a small segment every saturday they call mungob (short for munjae gobaek, which means problem confession) to talk about their feelings. her dad also started making more time for his children and taking them to family dates sometimes. at home, she'd always watch hannah montana with taeyoung, who actually also paid attention to the show. that's how she wanted to learn english and become a popstar but she only got dance classes and learned english online, so that was never going to happen. she did average in middle school but on the bright side, she met a girl who stuck to her until present time. when there weren't any homework or exams for the next day, they'd hang out in a kbbq place near her school called pureuda at least twice a month.

that was about the time she met goo rani, the cutie of the restaurant. she greeted the two girls often and would exchange conversations while rani wiped the tables next to them. sieun's two best friends were okay with the restaurant but sieun was so hooked on the food that she'd come there a couple of times to eat some meat. her brother complained about her smelling like meat every time she came home, so she decided to take him to pureuda and he was instantly hooked. they'd take their dad there too sometimes. there, sieun hit it off with rani and her parents and felt the genuine love of parents that wasn't fully based off material.


random facts about kim sieun


— her motivation to learn english was hannah montana. she dreamt of being an international popstar when she was 5 until she realized hannah montana was fake (that was age 11).

— she also asked her dad to get her dance classes when she was age 7 until age 11, that was also because of hannah montana. (so she's actually pretty okay at dancing!)

— her go-to order at starbucks is black tea lemonade and comes there almost every single time the wifi at her house is down.

— her favorite food is korean bbq. when she's not in the mood for kbbq, she'd go for pasta.

— her favorite subjects are english and art.

— she absolutely hates math.. she usually depends on her friends/calculators.

— when she isn't busy, she'd be hanging out at a place called zapangi cafe.

— she's not good with scary movies. one single scary sound effect and she's out of the house.

— she also hates sudden loud noises like lightning and fireworks.

— she's the tiktok girl of her friend group and constantly forces her friends to do tiktoks with her.

— before she goes out, she has to do her eyebrows and put lip tint on her lips. even if she's only going out to buy something from the grocery store.

— she adores dressing up and looking pretty.

— her weird habit is blinking when she's confused.

— she's a disney fan.

— her favorite artists are coldplay and doja cat.

— she loves dogs.. she really loves dogs. she's always dreamt of having one but she can't imagine how hard it would be to take care of one.

— she still keeps in contact with her sisters, but they only text each other sometimes.



random quotes from kim sieun


"i swear i've seen him somewhere.. i bet he's famous on tiktok."

"i don't think makeup will be necessary, sieun--" "--nope. just a touch of lip tint!"

"hello, everybody, your favorite bbang is in the house!"

"don't ask me to make decisions, rani, please.. you know i hate debating with you. i'll leave it up to you."

"girl, come here and do this one tiktok dance with me."




do you like meat?


dad, kim donggu, dentist (6)

helpful, intelligent, introverted, cautious

like mentioned in sieun's background story, she's not the closest to her dad as he's always busy but he's been making time for his children. he's still a little stiff as a dad, but sieun appreciates that he's putting in effort to talk to her more and understand what's going on in her life. they go to hang out at restaurants and cafes often, especially when taeyoung's around (since he's always busy with uni). one of the most memorable things she's done with her dad would be going to the amusement park in christmas. she genuinely enjoyed her time there.


older brother, kim taeyoung (9)

funny, reliable, childish, frivolous

if told to describe taeyoung, there's no doubt sieun would say, "don't even get me started on that son of a ." taeyoung is just so lovingly annoying as a brother! he was the one who dragged sieun into that mess called tiktok. but when he's not barging into sieun's room and telling her to look at weird tiktoks he found on the app, he's the provider of amazing life advice. he's been through some weird life experiences and she's glad he's there to warn her and protect her from the baddies (that's what he calls the bad things in life).


best friend, han yeoreum (9)

enthusiastic, friendly, boisterous, moody

yeoreum is a year younger than her. she met her when she was in her second year of junior high and she was in her first year. they met because she asked her directions to the girls' bathroom on the first day of school. she accompanied her and their friendship elevated from there. this girl is the epitome of the word noise. she can't stop talking about anything and everything, which is good and bad at the same time. you can't run out of conversation topics but she doesn't understand when to shut up. all is well when sieun's with her, though. (she's also trying to set her up with her neighbor, but sieun's just not up for it.)



"our homegirl rani is busy... eating a cup of ice cream!"

"priorities, you know. ice cream's very good for you."


friend, goo rani (8)

hardworking, charismatic, stubborn, sensitive

with sieun's constant presence in pureuda, there was no way rani and sieun couldn't say hello to each other and become friends. sometimes rani's parents would let her sit for a moment and talk to sieun because sieun just wouldn't stop making conversation with her. although sieun and rani aren't the closest friends, they've exchanged social media accounts and chat from time to time. sieun finds rani a great person to be around, as their personalities match well. the two have made plans to hang out but 'til this day, it hasn't come true.


 LOVE INTEREST  cha junho


loyal, thoughtful, hardworking
cancer, infp
sensitive, private, quiet


cha junho, also known as the cute guy among the seniors, and one of the smart kids at school, only hangs out with two of his best friends at school but that's because he doesn't look the most approachable. he's not the type to come and talk to people first, but he's also really awkward when somebody makes conversation with him. he's basically a robot! once he's comfortable with someone, he'd treasure them with all his might. he puts his loved ones first before him and he cares - a lot - about everything that's going on around him. he's just not the best when it comes to openly showing emotions, that's why he's not strangers with failed friendships and relationships. he works at chingu and often helps out by taking others' shifts when something comes up and works hard to improve his passiveness. he's the type to take things to heart and most of the time blames himself for mistakes that he may or may not have caused.


"unnie, you know cha junho?"

"i've heard that name before but i don't think i've seen him around? why, is he famous?"

"nope.. i don't think so.. wait, i don't know! but he's my neighbor and he's in your year! i'll send you a picture of him."

"sure. i'm actually confused as to why you're telling me about this guy.. is this your new crush, yeoreum-ie? didn't you just break up with your ex.."

"sometimes i just wanna tape your mouth shut, unnie.."

"heh, sorry! it was a joke."

"no, i don't have a crush on him. he has a crush on you."

"wait, what?"

"yup, a crush on you! so i was thinking of setting you guys up on a date.."

"hold on, yeoreum. i haven't even agreed to this. why does he even like me when we've never even met?"

"you're wrong on that, you guys have met! when you went to my house, he sent some side dishes from his mom?"

"oh, yeah, i remember the dude."

"he saw you and thought you were pretty."

"...and you're telling me that's why you wanna set me up on a date with him."


"no, thank you!"

"u-unnie, can you at least let me give him your kakao, please? i kinda told him i was gonna try to set you up with him and.. and well, he looked hopeful!"

"god damn it.. okay, fine."

"yay! thanks unnie! i love you so much, you know that?"

"mhm.. i love you too, but don't blame me if he's boring and i don't text him back!"



yeoreum sent a text message afterwards telling her that she had sent her kakao id to him and he allegedly replied with 'yay, thanks yeoreum'. she was honestly unexcited about the whole matchmaking idea, because she barely knew the boy and she wasn't in the position to get involved with someone at the time. when he finally texted her, it took her about an hour to reply back but the conversation continued (which was surprising to sieun considering yeoreum told her he wasn't the most social).. until it reached the point where he said he worked at chingu.

sieun was okay with junho, but she wasn't really into the fact that he was working at chingu and they ended up having a little argument about how chingu, in a way, nearly destroyed pureuda. "i'm sorry, sieun, but i don't get to control what happens to pureuda when i'm just a mere waiter there, you know." and the conversation ended there. that was - fun fact - one of the few times sieun realized she was too headstrong, and junho was right. she texted him afterwards, apologizing, and kept texting him.

at school, sieun and junho exchanged greetings from time to time and sieun got the most annoying looks from yeoreum. yeoreum pestered the older girl with questions like "don't tell me you guys are together!" or "have you guys gone on a date?" and the truth is.. they've gone on one date at the time. she wasn't even sure if it was a date because it was super platonic to her. they watched a movie together and ate at an italian restaurant. no hand-holding, no hugging, no forehead kisses, nadda. but junho did tell her that he was interested in her and hoped she felt the same way. sieun told him that she needed some time to think, because a relationship wasn't really in her to-do list. but it was obvious that sieun actually thought about it after the hangout. (nobody knew about the "date", not even yeoreum).

their interactions include texting (frequently.. turns out the boy has a lot of opinions on the wondrous world of movies and buzzfeed videos), calling when bored, sending each other takeout, watching movies together online, watching movies in real life too, sometimes, and going to the amusement park (that happened once).

as of now, sieun and junho are still talking (it's been about three months since the first time they talked) and they're still at the state where they know there's something there but they're not sure if it's the right time to move forward. junho still works at chingu as the waiter (who seems a little robotic but is still warm) and texts sieun in the middle of his shifts.


let me ask you about meat.

 what is your ideal type like? 

she raised her brows, clearly amused by the sudden question. "yeoreum's asked me this so many times but i've also refused to answer so many times... but exclusively for today, you're allowed to know classified information. i like someone who's loving, kind, fun, and supportive. i think everyone wants someone compatible with them, no?"

 why did you start liking JUNHO? 

"oh, honey, i'm afraid you've got it all switched up!" sieun leaned forward in her seat and shook her head. "if anything, i'm pretty sure it's junho who likes me. i do enjoy his company and he's pretty cute.. but i don't like him like that. or do i? okay, if we're talking liking platonically, probably by the second day we chatted."

 so why did you want to work for pureuda? 

"rani and her parents are some of the most genuine souls i've ever met, and they're so passionate about this business. that's one of the reasons why i keep coming back to pureuda, you know? i think i might lose my mind a little bit if pureuda closed. i really wanna help out because pureuda deserves to get the glory it once had because pureuda just means.. a lot to rani, it means a lot to me as well. plus i know it like the back of my hand, so.."

 how do you feel about chingu barbeque? 

"chingu? that's the other kbbq shop, right?" she paused for a moment, thinking of an appropriate sentence to say about said restaurant. "well, i don't like them." she stared at the interviewer. "i don't know, maybe it's because i love pureuda so much that i think chingu's the cause of pureuda's.. almost.. downfall. i've never tried their food, but i know junho and a bunch of good-looking guys work there -- sorry, is that their marketing strategy? handsome waiters?"

 anything else you want to tell me? 

"do you have tiktok?" the interviewer nodded. "oh, you do? fun. follow my tiktok, i'll type in my username. i'll follow back, i promise!"


D0NGPYO : MADI :  turn in

 COMMENTS  hi! i was gone from the applyfic scene for like four years so please forgive my sad attempt at writing this.. heh.. hope you like sieun, by the way. if you have any questions, feel free to reach me!! :D


— the characters convincing themselves to go to chingu and actually liking it there but due to the little rivalry they have, they try to mask it but they fail.. badly
— when sieun starts to realize she actually likes junho she avoids him for a whole day and the girls at pureuda are just bombarding her with advices
— one of the girls getting bad treatment from one of the customers.. an ex friend/boyfriend perhaps.. and handles it like a pro/the girls coming through as backup
— yeoreum coming into the shop one day when sieun's working and recording it like "hi guys, this girl's my friend and she's working at pureuda.. she's also very much single and--" before getting her phone snatched from her hands. that video never saw the light of day
— omg.. a scene where sieun just finished her shift and a random dude flirts with her, you know the drill.. junho happens to see it happen and told him to "stop flirting with my gf".. AHHH things were never the same since
— sieun forcing the girls to make a tiktok PLEASE and getting mixed reactions but rani loves the idea

 PASSWORD  there's this one kbbq place i really really like and their pork bulgogi is the BEST



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