❏ LYNX : JAEHEE (15% wip af; collab?)

idea bank uwu
very talented and sweet, and all of lynx dote on him. except when they piss him off and he tries to kill them. uwu
korean, but a lot of foreign friends.
I kind of want to give him fleeting crushses, things that come and go and pass because the boy he really wants is someone he can't have, for whatever reason. Either they like someone else, or they're straight/convinced they're not really gay, or he THINKS they like someone else (which means they could totally end up together longterm), or they're otherwise unattainable (i.e a staff member or something idk). Or they at least seem otherwise unattainable (their relationship fails longterm, idk, tossing out ideas). so if you're okay with me using your boy as the one he moons over, hit me upppp (aka this is literally open to all y'all)
before Seven Seasons he was in another company (placeholder is...Pledis/SVT//YG/iKon (2014) or Cube/PTG (2015))
Seaven Seasons was made in 2013; debut is Apr 1 2016; trainees begin joining.... late 2014-early 2015
in his previous company, he had a falling out with another trainee, and Jaehee ended up leaving. (seriously thinking about having them be dating, Jaehee wanting to come out, and th s/o refusing, them fighting, Jaehee leaving. then longterm/way down the line, Jaehee is out and open about it with Lynx and he runs into his ex at a performance and the ex is closeted and unhappy and jaehee realizes that if he'd backed down like he always  used to back down, he'd be unhappy too and character growth
very optimistic (he chooses to be); stubborn af. wants to believe in the best in people, wants to wear his heart on his sleeve. it learning when to be soft and good and when to stand up for himself and  be vocal about the things he wants (which is why, on occasion, he tries to kill the Lynx members)


img one

COMMENTS here; anything you have to say to me? don't be shy, i really don't bite. well. not too hard anyway. 

— I made Vic decide between boys for me uwu so sCOOOOps it became uwu


scene requests 

— here; want to see something specific in the story? these will help the pathetic as author :')


password here; did you read the cheatsheet? you should probably read the cheatsheet. 

basics img

NAME Son Jaehee [손 재희]



here; remember to include things like who calls them what! 


date of birth April 19, 1999

birthplace Seoul, South Korea

hometown Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity Korean

nationality Korean



Korean ; fluent, native language

Japanese ; conversational; he picked up a decent amount while a trainee at Pledis, because it's becoming more and more common in the industry to eventually promote in Japan, and Jaehee wanted to be ready.

English ; basic conversational; he picked up some phrases while training at Pledis after befriending Vernon and some of the other English-speaking trainees, but English is a hard language to learn, much less remember, so even though he's still trying to learn, he's doing it on his own and it's slow going.

faceclaim San (Ateez) x

backup Jinyoung (Cix), Wonwoo (SVT), Hyunjin (Stray Kids)


height 175 cms

weight 57 kgs


appearance For all intents and purposes, Jaehee is the visual of Lynx. And he is. A visual, that is. High cheekbones, sharp jawline, feline eyes, expressive features that bring Lynx's fangirls (and fanboys) to their knees. He's a pretty thing. It’s just a shame he doesn’t always feel the same.

As far as body modifications and accessories go, Jaehee has two piercings in his left earlobe and one in his right, and he’s a habitual offender of using ear cuffs. For casual dorm wear, he’ll keep it simple with small hoops or studs, but if he’s performing, he’s prone to finding dangly or otherwise very visible earrings. He also loves wearing rings (any finger, though he prefers them on his thumbs or index fingers), and chokers. He also has two small tattoos, the first of which is located on the inside of his left forearm (initially, this is covered by makeup while performing, then the fans see pieces of it while he’s out and about between schedules and he’s allowed to be open about it) and the second is located over his left /chest.


fashion style Jaehee’s style is a two-part doccu-series-- actually, Jaehee’s pretty straightforward when it comes to clothing. If it’s comfortable, he’ll wear it. If it’s not, he will actually fight you. That’s one of the very few things that Jaehee will, in fact, raise a real fuss about. He does have his preferences, like everyone else does, but when it comes to performances and to being out in public, he’s good with just about anything. (And if he’s not okay with it, there are two top secret methods to getting your way. First: tell him it’s for the fans. Second: tell him it’s for Lynx.) If he still balks after the usual methods fo goading and coaxing, there’s an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Still, Jaehee’s willingness to go along with the stylists’ whims have ended with him in a number of odd (but still wow) outfits.

Jaehee’s persosnal style, however, is more relaxed. ...mostly. He likes jeans (ranging from skinnies to comfortable low-riders), sneakers, and t-shirts. He’s a fan of rock and alternative, so if you open up his closet or dig through his drawers, you’ll find dozens of different band tees ranging from Kansas to Muse, from The Gazette to Nightwish, many of which he’s picked up online over the lasts few years. Language doesn’t matter. Language, when it comes to music, never matters. Of course, most of those shirts are reserved for dorm use and practice wear only.

personality mbti, zodiac, in a nutshell, hogwarts house, songs that describe your character, anything you think suits/describes etc your character. whatever you want to put! if you like you may delete this section. 


ENFP, Airbender, GryffinPuff, Valor, Dauntless
Aries-Taurus cusp



start here! remember that no one's perfect, and read the cheatsheet please! make sure to differentiate which are positive, which are neutral and which are negative!


elaboration here

personality img
background img

background here


— tea (particularly mint)

— daisies

— hamsters

— mice

— rabbits

— squirrels

— small furry critters in general (except guinea pigs)

— here

— here

— here



— coffee

— coffee-flavored candy

— coffee-flavored drinks

— coffee-scented things

— birds

— guinea pigs

— here

— here



— playing with/twisting his rings

— adjusting his chokers

— biting his lip

— running  a hand through his hair

— here



— collecting band tees

— listening to music

— watching youtube videos about creating art (aka 1, 2, 3, 4)

— here

— here



— birds

— enclosed spaces

— failure

— never being loved/having love returned

— here


— He has a small pink stuffed animed penguin (think Beanie Boo size) that Seungcheol gave to him for his birthday the year he left Pledis.

— It was also only a month later that they broke up. 

— Jaehee should hate that penguin, but he can't sleep at night without it.

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here


special talents

— He's really, really good at origami. Like, he sees a video or instructions a couple times and he can make it from memory.

— here

— here

— here

— here


JAEHEE says/does

— here, optional but loved

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

— here

relations format this however you wish. remember to include things like fc, occupation, personality, and closeness. the more information the better!


— parents

— Seventeen

— Pristin

— Nu'est

— Lynx

— Block B



name Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups)

backup Hong Jisoo (Joshua)


personality write here! remember that no one is perfect & read the cheatsheet please! traits and mbti are optional but also <3 because the more detail the better I understand them!


first meeting here


development here


interactions here


relationship trivia 

start here! the more the merrier! uwu i love these so please gimme as many as you want + cute ones are always loved!







status exes

ending still exes lol but Jaehee and Seungcheol are no longer so at odds with each other; they're talking again and even though Seungcheol still isn't  open with his friends and family (or even with all of his group), he's doing better. They're both okay again.

personality img
background img

name Yonggeun


for reference: this is a one-sisded crush, less fleeting and more like....a safe person that Jaehee can like without fear of repercussions while he figures things out. but someon Jaehee definitely likes bc dammit have you see Yonggeun smile? he smiles. all the time. it makes Jaehee's heart thump thump


personality write here! remember that no one is perfect & read the cheatsheet please! traits and mbti are optional but also <3 because the more detail the better I understand them!


first meeting here


development here


interactions here


relationship trivia 

start here! the more the merrier! uwu i love these so please gimme as many as you want + cute ones are always loved!


status here; remember that they can't be dating at the start of the story 

ending here; remember this is an ideal ending and i might not be able to pull off everything!

name another Lynx boy?

backup bissh getting bakc together with Seungcheol


personality write here! remember that no one is perfect & read the cheatsheet please! traits and mbti are optional but also <3 because the more detail the better I understand them!


first meeting here


development here


interactions here


relationship trivia 

start here! the more the merrier! uwu i love these so please gimme as many as you want + cute ones are always loved!


status here; remember that they can't be dating at the start of the story 

ending here; remember this is an ideal ending and i might not be able to pull off everything!

love int img

plotline Enouement; (Kenopsia)


stagename Jaehee [재희]

persona include a few words of explanation please!

position m vocal, visual (l vocal, rap)

fanclub here; explain

talent twins 

vocal - Kihyun x (San x)
rap - (???)
dance - San x (Han x)
talking - Kihyun
aegyo (optional) - 
variety (optional) - 


training years here; include years under another company if any

Pledis x years (20xx - 2015)

Seven Seasons 1 year (2015 - 2016)

training background here


predebut experiences 

here; include all the details because it will make things easier on me!


scandals/news articles

here; include all the details because it will make things easier on me!


future activities

here; include all the details because it will make things easier on me! if it's a solo release etc link all the tracks, give the title, et cetera. 

hello, Jaehee. please introduce yourself. 

write here


how do you feel about debuting in the first openly homoual korean boy group?

write here


when did you come out, and how? were you out before the formation of lynx? 

write here


are you nervous about debuting? 

write here


what made you decide to sign the contract to debut with an openly gay group? you know it won't be easy.  

write here


is there a member of lynx you consider yourself closest to? 

write here


say one thing that comes to mind when you think of your group and members. 

write here


do you have an ideal type? 

write here


is there an idol that matches that type? 

delete if they didn't answer with an ideal  type. 


are there any activities you would like to pursue outside of promotions?  

write here


what would you say is your best or ideal concept?   

write here


and lastly, what is your goal as a member of lynx? do you have anything you want to achieve as a group?

write here


goodbye, Jaehee.

write here


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also also I meant for my boy to be best friends with enouement so yasssss
yoTe Collabs
collab. yes? yes. owo