福良 双羽 FILES ( hahah i lost the original one i had to reupload i wanna die )

mention of death and depression ahead.


NAME 福良 双羽.
テクノロジー · ヒーロー· データベース.
technology hero “database.
there's no mistake in saying that futaba's quirk is rather complex, hell even she has a hard time explaining how it works. she believes the title of technology hero fits her well, as for the name itself — it just works.
ふらら, くら, フウ
furara, kura, fuu, those are all generic nicknames people use to refer to her. obviously there are many more, generic nicknames are infinite after all, but these are the most used. these nicknames are usually accompanied by -chan or -tan at the end.
being a rather short person, there's no way she could escape that nickname. rather than calling her different types of nicknames related to being short, people seem to enjoy sticking to calling her chibi.
because of her tendencies and personality, her classmates would call her freak. maybe not neccesarily in a mean way but the nickname always hits close to her heart – it doesn't feel good.
DATE OF BIRTH may 11th, fifteen years old.
BIRTHPLACE shinjuku ward, tokyo, japan.
HOMETOWN shinjuku ward, tokyo, japan.
born and raised in japanese ground, it's her native language.
from persona 5.
BACKUP 新山 仁子,
from kiznaiver.
HEIGHT 148 centimeters.
WEIGHT 45 kilograms.
IMAGE.PNG futaba's casual clothes consists of multiple layers; she wears an off-shoulder white top with a red splatter-like pattern on her chest with five white asterisks (which are reminiscent of a passport input system in the red splatter), a black tank top underneath that, a dark green jacket with a faux fur trimmed hood, black short shorts, a studded black belt in a slanted position, black thigh highs socks and black knee-high boots with buckles and studs at the top. on top of that she is always seen wearing a set of headphones with red earpads.
regarding her school wear, she wears the standard U.A. uniform for girls. adding her green jacket, thigh highs and black footwear, of course let's not forget the headphones.
IMAGE.PNG futaba's hero costume consists of a skintight black bodysuit with fluorescent neon green glowing strips and matching black boots with neon green soles. a bit more attention-catching than her regular clothes might i say. sticking to the old school idea of heroes wearing masks, futaba has one of her own. which is a pair of big black goggles with orange lenses, big enough to they can call on top of her glasses without needing for her to take them off – otherwise she wouldn't be able to see.
intelligent, blunt, introvert, caring, dependant, quirky, creative, ‘anxious’ 
a lot of people see futaba as quirky and socially inept, but there’s more to it than that. 

in social situations, futaba often comes across as blunt, rude or detached. this is actually something she struggles with, because she often doesn’t grasp the finer nuances of social interaction, what is “done” and “not done”, when to speak (or stop talking), separating main essence from useless details, etc., which is why her reactions might seem out of place or she don’t fully understand the emotions of others.

this is why social interaction can be extremely exhausting for futaba, because her brain is constantly working, trying to process every single stimulus (there is a lack of filter, if you will). you can see this when futaba goes to sleep after performing seemingly benign tasks, even the simplest tasks can manage to tire her out of all her energy.

this leads her to be reclusive. since social interaction is hard and draining, she prefers spending time alone. this big amount of alone time is usually spent cultivating certain skills or interests, in this case futaba’s knowledge and technology skills. sharp analysis and programming skills are common in her family tree and she just happens to cultivate them more.

futaba is the type of people who is also normally to highly gifted. despite her preferences for lone activities, she can actually adapt very well to new situations, learn new things, and is highly intelligent, which is why she often gets labeled as weird and freaky.

however, her hardship with social interaction doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to or doesn’t enjoy interacting with others. she just prefers quiet company, activities that don’t involve a heap of small talk, like reading together.

she tries to cope with her fears or problems in creative ways, or keep a certain mode of distance, which people sometimes interpret as being anti-social or just plain weird. this lifelong failure to be understood often leads to burn-out and depressive thoughs.

despite these hardships, futaba actually loves talking and sharing things with people, provided they’re patient and understanding enough. so, while she might not always be an “active” member in a group, she still enjoys being included and try to contribute in her own way. for example: even if there is a group conversation going on and she's silent, it doesn’t mean she is not enjoying the time together, she might just be analysing the others in the group and processing what’s going on around her.
in the same way, futaba is not a playable group member, but offers support in her own way.
living in the busy ward of shinjuku was a small family of three, the father, the mother and the daughter. they were a middle class, humble family — nothing was out of the ordinary for this family. well, the family was a normal as one could be in a world where most of humanity had super powers. despite living in the busy city of shinjuku, the family lived in a peaceful neighborhood and the little girl was able to grow up nicely — or so the parents wished for it.
when either one of the parents took the little girl out to the park so she could play outside, it soon became evident that she was rather uncomfortable in an area surrounded by people. she usually stayed far from the rest of the kids and played by herself – unbothered by the worried gazes of her parents.
when it came to starting school, academically-wise she was a good student, quiet and centered around her work during class — the perfect kind of student for any teacher who just wanted to make their class. despite that, she was a quite lonely child while growing up, she was a genius with photography memory – a term yet not understood by little kids hence she was considered a freak for being able to memorizing things by just a single glance, she wasn't the most sociable kid so if they didn't come to her she wouldn't come to them. hence, she didn't have a single friend.
when every kid started to show their own quirk, she joined them as well, her quirk mannifested at the same age as her classmates — her life was still ordinary, lonely but as ordinary as it could get for her. 
at the tender age of ten years old something happened, the little girl and her mother were buying christmas gifts as it was holiday season, it was rather late but the mother loved the scenary of a snowy day and didn't think anything bad would happen. there was a robbery, hostages were taken and the girl plus the mother were between them — the criminal was nothing mayor, but it was armed with a gun, pointing at the hostages who would make too much of a ruckus. it didn't take much for a hero to arrive, the criminal tried shooting down the hero — didn't hit a single bullet on him but he did hit a civilian, the mother was hit and bleeding. a bullet had pierced one of her lungs was what the girl would later learn.
christmas was spent in black clothes that year.
she had seen her mother get hit before her eyes, the little girl locked herself up in her room for days as a feeling of sorrow and emptiness filled her. they no longer were a happy little family of three, the father had been deeply hurt by the lost of his wife but he had to be strong, both for him and his daughter. the daughter spend days locked up, eating (when she did) inside her bedroom and going to school to give exams. she didn't go out of her own room.
but there's always a light at the end of every dark tunnel, and her light was called aiso kurisu. the boy had transfered to the school one year ago, he had taken notice of the quirky girl who was insolated, he worried in silence when he didn't see her show up to class – her desk being empty for days before she showed up. the boy was no genius like the girl, but it didn't take someone to be a genius to figure out something was wrong – if you were willing to see things and he was. slowly he tried to make small talk when she would show up, she never answered back – instead panicked and ran off in another direction, eventually he would just walk alongside her on the way back from school before parting their respective ways.
that was the first time someone showed interest for her that wasn't her family, she was intrigued by the boy. his calming presence was enough for her to keep her mind out of the dark hole her memories were, he remembers the first time she spoke to him. it was raining and the girl didn't have an umbrella, as cliché as it sounds, he gave her his and she replied with a soft どうも. despite the fact that he was getting soaked he left with a small smile, baby steps heh?
by the end of middle school and after many tries, the boy managed to befriend the girl – an odd duo but if you thought about it, it made sense. he became her rock, things you can't tell people she could tell him and she knew he wouldn't judge. it felt comfortabe to be around him.
she was still labeled as a freak but at least now she wasn't alone.
the girl had never thought about becoming a hero, the boy was the one who made her think about it. he wanted to help others, the weak in need for someone to stand up for them — she remembers the emptiness of loosing her mother, tons of people must be going through the same pain she has.
i don't want to be weak anymore, i'll stand up to those who're evil.
she was going to be a hero, she was going to keep others alive so they don't hesitate like she did.
福良 大作
fukura daisaku
her father, a simple man with the quirk of codification (the user can create complex codes, symbols or systems and even very difficult riddles, questions and spells that can be impossible to solve in order to protect or keep something safe) worked for a security agency and had an stable job. dealing with the death of his wife and having to take care of his only daughter took a tool on him but he always stayed strong. when his daughter locked herself up he never forced her to go out she needs time he would say, he is willing to give her as much time as he needs. even if up to this day she still locks herself from time to time.
相曽 音子 &
相曽 容美
aiso otoko & aiso irumi
the older  twin sisters of kurisu, their quirks being thermal resistance and heat manipulation respectively. irumi finds futaba adorable in a sense, sharing a soft spot for the girl with her brother and treats futaba like if she was a real cousin of hers — meanwhile otoko finds the girl rather weird, she isn't mean nor indiferent to futaba but if asked about it she would rather keep her distance from the weird socially-awkward girl.
+ both sisters are also enrolled in u.a., otoko is in the department of heroes while  irumi is in the department of general education. they're in their second year. 
the fellow students in class 1-a, here's a summary on futaba's thoughts about her classmates and her nicknames for them.
RYOZO cool quirk, ty attitude. 
nickname: frog head.
 INAI relatable and pretty, woud try to be friends with her. 
female usami.
ODA cool looking! would like to be friends but is intimidating. 
nickname: goth.
MASASHI cool i guess? forgettable character, almost an ncp. 
japanese van gogh.
key best boy, note to self: try to become friends. quirk is hella cool!
nickname: shun-kami.
YUSA ...who?
nickname: that girl.
reminds me of kurisu.
anime protagonist.
nickname: that guy.
AYAMI she's supposed to be in elementary school.
nickname: girl.
NARI acts like my older sister but we don't talk so??
nickname: tsu.
TORU would 10/10 be his friend, reminds me of momo.
nickname: furry.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, eleifend ac,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, eleifend ac,
QUIRK data conversion, emitter.
the user is able to convert matter and energy in data, values of qualitative or quantitative variables.  user is able to convert objects of matter into nothing but ones and zeroes to be archived and stored in another plane or field, the 'data-field', created by the user.
she can project around her the data that she recollects, and it's also able to turn it back into matter.
01 there's an unlimited  number of objects that she can convert and store. likewise she can also convert people, although it requires a lot of stamina.
02 the reaction of her powers is quick and she can convert things fast enough so no one can stop her.
03 can be used for both offense and defense, her being able to store medical supplies in case they're needed or weapons if the situation calls for it.
04 on a side note, it's also great to keep things safe. since the only one with access to her 'data-field' is herself.
01 the quirk doesn't give her any kind of enhanced strenght or abilities, and her physical condition is poor compared to her classmates, aka extremely bad. her stamina quickly drawns out in a fight.
02 funny enough, when converting people she still hasn't mastered it too well. so when she does she doesn't convert their clothes.
03 like a lot of quirks, hers depends on her emotional state. if she's distressed or angry, or any sort of negative emotion, her control over her quirk will go down.
04 because of her poor physical condition she can't be in the front lines as it would only become a hassle for her teammates. and likewise, she can't do solo missions — after all physical strenght is often required.
01 futaba is by no means a fighter, she's more of a strategist and someone who offers support to those in the front lines. she stays back and aids her companions in the distance, by giving them what they might need to win.
02 her quirk allows her to store things and to analize, coupling it with her incredible intellect she help in the recovery of information and making strategies for the group to follow.
03 of course if the moment needs it, she can leap into action although she's not a big help, her stamina is low so she would go with long range combat.
01 as stated before, futaba does not fight so she doesn't carry weapons (they would be too heavy for her to carry anyways). anything she might need her quirk can gives it.
02 in the case that she has to fight, in which are rare, she would go with any weapon that's for long range and it's also light – she doesn't have  preference.
she wasn't sure why she  was called alone-- only to find out that she's the only one in the 1-a classroom.

however, she's not entirely alone. what she saw infront of her is the symbol of peace standing by the windows, his eyes focused on the forest surrounding the building.
なに?! is he a cosplayer or what... but it would require skills over like level 20 to make such a cool cosplay...
too lost in her own thoughts, she didn'tsee the chair before she bumped into it. alerting the male of her presence.
deku turned around, a smile gracing his lips when he saw the student and waved.

hello! you must be fukura futaba-san! i'm happy that you agreed to come here even if all might didn't told you why you need to.
“it's like battling agaisnt a final boss, compared to this all might is like a level 1 monster...”
probably sensing the distress from the girl, seeing how she was murmuring, quite loud, to herself the pro-hero decides to move the conversation forward.
please sit,” he courtiously pointed at the familiar chair where she and her classmates sat on in a daily basis. with a little of hesitation she does as she's told, fidgeting in her seat before directing for the first time a few words to the male.
“so... did i break a rule or?... i memorized the rulebook so there's no way.”
despite the apparent nervousness she displays it's clear that her tone is playful, desinterested yet playful.
deku leaned on the table, crossing his arms across his chest before staring at her, the seriousness in his face is enough to make her nervous already. deku is the symbol of peace and number one hero in japan, after all.

to explain why i called you here, and same goes to the others previously, i'm going straight to the point,” he stared at her. “japan is in danger, more or less.
“so you need help or little high schoolers? did we really hit rock bottom with the pro-her—”
tell me, why did you chose u.a. instead of other schools who also offer hero coarses? you do know their reputation--especially during my generation back then.”
“dunno.” i know. “just felt like it? this is like the number one school so. every cool pro-hero came from here.”
do you want to become a hero?” he tilted his head, loud and clear emerald eyes piercing right through her. it's almost intimidating despite the kind and innocent expression he's wearing.
“yes.” to help the defenseless when the other heroes are just looking for a fight.
“then i'm asking you this; if me and the pro-heroes needed back-up, would you come? would you help us?”
“i work better with a team so sure? we would be like those extremely powerful guilds that are super op!”
the hero smiled, nodding slowly and pushed himself away from the table. the sound of his heavy iron black soles clashing with the cemented floor echoed throughout the empy classroom and deku just chuckled.

work hard, young fukura. thank you for your time,” he gave her a thumbs up. “make all of us proud, including yourself.
life doesn't feel the same when you're not with me.
NAME 相曽 栗栖.
FACECLAIM あまみや れん / 
くるす あきら,
from persona 5.
AGE 16 years old.
QUIRK ash manipulation, emitter.
the user can manipulate the ash, defined as the solid remains of fires, which as already burnt matter cannot be burned again. ashes contain residual heat, causing temperature-based damage in most attacks.
ENDING dating!!!!
STATUS  close friends.
01 kurisu is 175 cm tall which contrasts visibly with futaba who's 148 cm. they have a 27 cm height gap.
02 when people see them they either think they're boyfriend and girlfriend or siblings, no in-between.
03 none of them is really a fan of pda so sorry shippers!
04 in her first few years at u.a. futaba ditched all her classmates and went to kurisu's class looking like a lost puppy.
05 kurisu has a cat and they parent it together, it's a black ball of furr named momo.
06 they don't have many nicknames for the other, futaba calls him by his first name and kurisu calls her futaba-tan.
07 kurisu can cook and he likes when futaba accompanies him while he does so as she throws nerdy jokes.
08 futaba makes him cosplay when she feels like so.
09 more to be added!
good heart with a free spirit who disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
kurisu acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. he makes his own way, yet he still manages to be kind and benevolent. he believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. he hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. kurisu follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society.
to him, freedom and independence are as important to life and happiness. 
overall kurisu is basically good, but tends to be selfish and maybe a bit greedy. he tends to hold personal freedom and welfare above anything else. disliking confining laws and self-discipline.
about chaotic goods:
a chaotic good character will keep his word to those who are not evil and will lie only to evil-doers. he will never attack an unarmed foe and will never harm an innocent. he will not use torture to extract information or for pleasure, but he may "rough up" someone to get information. he will never kill for pleasure, only in self-defense or in the defense of others. a chaotic good character will never use poison. he will help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. he does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in his fight against evil. he will never betray a family member, comrade, or friend. chaotic good characters do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit freedom to act.
aiso kurisu was born into a middle class family, he remembers that when he was a mere little kid his father was accused of a crime he didn't commit thanks for the works of a villain with some kind of appareance mimicry quirk — his mother had to raise him and his two sisters alone as his father served jail time. some time had to pass before heroes and police alike found the real culprit and put him behind bars thus freeing his poor father. since then kurisu developed a strong sense of 'justice' and went on with his life living by his own morals. 
he went from school to school as his mother, and later his father too, tried to find a good job that would give them a good amount of money until they landed on shinjuku — where he transfered to the same school as our female lead. whenever he went there was the murmurs about his father being in prison, some seemed to overlook the fact that it was never the old man's fault in the first place — everyone at some point asked about it. except the girl who seemed to be surrounded by four invisible walls that separated her from everyone else. how intriguing.
ever since what happened to his father kurisu has wanted to be a hero, he wants to bring he real bad guys into the light and make them get the punishment they deserve — he doesn't want the innocent to pay for something a wicked person did. that's how he ended up taking u.a.'s entrance exam, although he was placed in class 1-B he's still going strong with his desires. 
kurisu had already been in futaba's school for a year before they had their first interaction together, she had not bothered to talk to the new kid and when he would ask about her to their classmates no one ever said much. he left her be, maybe she had her own issues and who was he to judge — however it all changed after one year, when he started to miss school on various days only to show up and dissapear again.
kurisu, being the boy he is, grew concerned. he greeted her one of the days she had showed up, his greeting was nothing special (he didn't ask what was troubling her or anything, after all people in those situations hardly will tell a stranger) just a simple hello, i''m aiso kurisu and all she did was give back a small heh? before running off.
kurisu isn't going to lie, it took time (longer than what he thought) to get close to the short girl. for months they would only exchange small greetings, most of the talk was made by the boy of course. 
the turning point for their reationship would probably be what others consider an insignificant action— to set the mood and paint the picture, it was raining hard and futaba had forgotten to bring an umbrella with her (one of the few days you come to school and you forget to check the weather?)  so she waited at the gates of the school for the rain to stop at least a little bit, kurisu was just leaving when he took notice of the girl that had his attention the past few months. she was standing still gazing at the rain, clearly she didn't bring an umbrella, so walking towards her he spoke softly —not wanting her to run off again.
here, have this. can't have you get sick and miss even more school.
... thanks.
for the past few months he had been trying to get to know her, making an effort to talk to her and now he says he doesn't want her to get sick? futaba seriously felt like she was getting a fever right there. she left shortly after, the next day appearig at school exclusivey to hand the boy his umbrella, this time her being the one to greet first. a simple hey but it was enough. from there on she seemed to have accepted the unspoken friendship request the boy had for her, answering back when he spoke to her and greeting him when they met. 
kurisu was glad for befriending the girl, learning that she didn't seem to have any friends he felt like he had to be there for her — because no one else seemed to be. after getting to know her, her personality became something amusing and enjoyable — he hardly left her side as she truly had no one else at school. by the last few years of highschool kurisu had became the pillar futaba didn't realize she needed, but she was glad she had found it. they spent time together in school and out of it, kurisu taking futaba out as she hardly left her home, futaba tutoring kurisu whenever he needed it, both helping each other when they needed it. unspoken feelings had been starting to arise in futaba since the umbrella situation, and for kurisu, he felt it was hard not to find endearing the quirky girl.
ever since the last year of middle school the two have had an unspoken label, a few classmates thought of them as a couple yet they didn't make a single move to make things officional despite there being feelings by both sides. futaba had been shoot an arrow to her heart the moment he handed her his umbrella, as clichè as it sounds. he was the first person to show concern for her aside from her father, he took care of her, spend time with her, anything they did didn't feel forced to her – he never made her speak when she didn't want to, go out when she didn't want nor anything like that.
kurisu by his part, never felt like his socially-awkward friend was a bother. and he was glad he befriended her, learning that she didn't seem to have any friends maybe what could've been of her if it wasn't for him. with the pass of time he was able to meet the real futaba, a quirky, smart and sad girl who wanted someone to be there for her yet no one was present – her uniqueness and eventualy, slight, dependance on kurisu made her adorable in his eyes. she was a little diamond and he was going to protect the diamond from any harm.
the realization of her feelings, for futaba, came when both got into u.a. as she was sure they would end in the same class. that's one of the very few times she has been wrong. with the pass of time she had gotten so used to kurisu's company, she had a hard time with crowds she needed kurisu there with her— i... need him with me at all times? he was worried for his short friend, worried for her and the possibility of going back to how she waws in middle school. you're going to be fine, i promise you. i'll make sure of it. 
when arriving at u.a. no one seemed to think of them as a couple, but as time went on it was obvious they had a strong bond with each other. it wasn't until the sports festival came, futaba for the first time managing to score an almost-win by herself – the encounter having left her exhausted thus her collapsing. her classmates had been worried and a few had gone to check on her with recovery girl, only to find kurisu there talking calmly with the female.
what? is it weird for a guyto check on his girlfriend?
say what. g-g-g-g-girlfriend?
so you're my... boyfriend...?
i like to think so.
*futaba-and-friends.exe has stopped working*
COMMENTS i had this layout for an anime appyflic i never did so i'm using it bc its cute
i actually really like the name futaba and the kanji i used, i had another oc with another fc in mind which i was also gonna name futaba but i love this idea more.
if anyone is familiar with persona 5 it might seem like i copied the character but i swear it's not the case! i love writing these type of charas and futaba fits so well as a fc and she's best girl :(((
general ideas:
- based on this headcannon i saw on tumblr
PASSWORD d-d-dabi
the gif is legit it's part of the 573489th ova i swear uwu
ARCS loading . . .
01 because of her quirk using something as closey connected to technology as data is, she naturally developed a liking to technology devices, specially computers.
02 actually is a big fan of japanese pop music, most of the time she's blasting idols' songs.
03 she loves anime and video games! a real otaku and gamer girl, a hardcore one. a bit fitting for someone like her. (love live is the best anime fight her).
04 she has this weird obsession with penguins, it's her favorite animal ever!
05 energy drinks, more than a like is almost an addiction.
06 kurisu.
01 ever since her mother passed away she has developed a hate towards christmas, it's no longer a festive holiday for her.
02 physical activity, her worst enemy in the planet.
03 extremely crowded places, they're a no-no if she's all by herself.
04 hates waking up early and if someone doesn't wake her up she awakes around 1 p.m.
05 prejudice as it's because of it that she had been insolated from the rest of the kids.
01 something she does daily and on big amounts is surfing on the internet, watching anime or playing video games.
02 she's constantly learning about technology in order to expand her knowledge about her quirk, she loves reading about binary codes.
03 spending time with kurisu, probably the only person she actively seeks for.
04 she's not an active person so of course, sleeping.
01 because she spends a lot of time sitting in front of a computer she developed the habit of falling asleep on chairs rather than beds.
02 plays, tugs, touches her extremities when nervous or anxious.
03 she adjust her glasses whenever she's bored or annoyed.
04 covering her whole face when she yawns, sneezes or coughs.
01 she has a very funny way of sitting down, kurisu has named it the “death note sit down” as she sits just like the character L.
02 her favorite foods are curry rice, yakitori, crepes, chocolate imagawayaki & likewise taiyaki.
03 as mentioned before, futaba has a photographic memory so she remembers everything by just a glance!
04 despite not saying it out loud she blames heroes for her mother's death as they weren't able to do anything for her mother.
05 she has daily text convos with her father so both know that the other is still alive.
06 not ashamed to admit she has a big phat crush on the pro-hero shoto.
07 she rarely uses honorifics when talking to people.
08 more to be added!
IMAGE.PNG unlike other students who would prefer to have a big and spacious room, futaba's room is small and cramped. it's much like the image, with creamy white walls and carpeted floor with a darker shade. she has only one window in her room and usually the curtains are closed, artificial light illuminating the room when needed.
next to the bed there is a big sofa and to the other side a small desk-like table with a monitor on top – the keyboard is usually scattered around the bed or the sofa. likewise there's always her laptop either on the floor or scattered with the wireless keyboard. next to the desk table there are white drawers where she keeps any junk she owns, from figurines to headphones to notebooks, you name it and she just stuffs it there.
there are numerous shelves where she keeps books or comics, many anime figurines on display around her room too! and speakers are scattered around her room for when she's playing or blasting music.
lastly, on the walls she mainly keeps posters of things she likes. a comic, a movie, a celebrity, anything. there are a few little cork boards where she hangs tihngs related to school.


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me: im going to recode this
also me: haha u ing thought