비쥴 ❖ TRAINEE — KIM WONTAE (collabs welcome!)

FULL NAME Kim Wontae
❖ Wonder Girl - She's referred to herself as Wonder before her company approved it as a stage name, with her very limited English is kinda sounds like her name and therefore it is COOL and must be used. Wonder Girls are disbanded, there's only one Wonder Girl now.
❖ The Gem of Jeju - Has there ever been something as precious come from Jeju? I mean, probably, but shhht.
DOB 12-12-2001
ETHNICITY Jeju- eeeh Korean
❖ Korean ofc ofc. She's worked hard on losing dat weird Jeju accent but it sticks around when she gets wired up. You can take the girl from the island but... You know the drill.
❖ English > quite bad but she likes trying to speak it anyway because it's COOL and EXOTIC and did she mention COOL??
HEIGHT 160cm
STYLE Wontae dresses in things that she thinks are cool without any real sense bindin it all together. One day it's ripped jeans and flannels and a baret, the other day it's a graphic jeans and shorts and chained snapback, another day it's a godawful print with a coloured jean that doesn't fit with it at all but would make SNSD proud.
PERSONALITY TRAITS Charismatic, self-centered, childish, emotional, loyal, social, petty
PERSONALITY Everyone knows a girl like Wontae at school, a girl who grabs any and all kinds of spotlight as soon as she can get it. The girl who's always in the school play, who's first in line to sign up for the talent show, who always has to be front and center at any time. Wontae was made for the stage, she shines when all eyes are upon her. Wontae always known she was destined for greatness.
She's every bit the priviledged gregarious self-centered teenager. On a good day she's glowing, she's fun, she's chatty and friendly, she can make a friend before you've finished your caffe machiato. Sure, most of what she's saying ends up being about herself, but her charisma pulls you into her orbit (and an orbit it is). She's like the sun pulling all the planets to revolve around her, or at least that;s how she thinks of herself. Ever the center of her own universe. Put a camera on her and she shines, you want to know her, she's warm and charismatic on interviews, she's magnetic on stage.
The only place she falters a bit is on variety shows, she's never been all that good when things don't go her way and she's not the best at hiding her feelins. She's all emotions and on a bad day Wontae is more like a petulant child. She hates getting blindsided, hates being left out, hates when things aren't about her at all times in general. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, you'll know when she's in a bad mood, she wants you to know. After all, if you don't know, how will you be able to make the steps to make her feel better?
For all her flaws, Wontae is at least a loyal hoe. If you're in her clique then she'll fight for you. She's a temperamental little thing and she's not afraid to stand up for herself, but moreso for her friends. Seniority? Wontae doesn't give a , you take what you said about Jiyoon back RIGHT NOW.
BACKGROUND Wontae has a really unremarkable background, honestly. Mom is a chef, dad a freelance writer and fulltime dad. She was an only child for most of her life, completely doted upon and given anything she ever wanted, until an accident 4 years ago left her with a baby sister. It wasn't long after that Wontae finally wore her parents down and started auditioning for companies and left for Seoul. It probably wasn't the sleep-depravation that finally made her parents consent to Wontae's dream, it also definitely wasn't the constant nagging, and it was absolutely not the guilt they felt for shoving a sibling into her lap that Wontae wasn't really getting along with. No they definitely finally realized what Wontae had known all of her life, that their little Wonder was meant to shine not only for them, but for the entire world.
❖ Weird hats
❖ Sweet things, especially cakes and candies and strawberries
❖ Cats
❖ Children
❖ Being overshadowed
❖ Cold weather
❖ Performing, being on stage or in front of the camera in any capacity at all. Her biggest hobby is being seen.
❖ She has the laugh of a dolphin

❖ Loves animals but has never had a pet before. If it were up to her she'd adopt every dog/cat she's ever seen.

❖ If she likes you: bring on the skinship. If she does not: don't even think of touching her.
FAMILY Her dad, Kim Moonjin, works as a freelance writer for some magazines around Korean and takes care of the toddler the rest of the time. Her mom, Joo Minji is a chef at a local traditional style restaurant. The family is perfectly middle class and Wontae loves them a lot, but everything got kinda weird when baby sister Mirae appeared. Wontae doesn't like children, she doesn't really get them, so when a loud and gross baby entered her life she was like can I get a refund? She loves Mirae but it's difficult to relate to her or to interact with her. She hasn't seen them since she was a trainee cause visits were forbidden, though she's video called and seen her progress. Video calls are easier.
OTHER Collab!
PLOTLINE The Trainee
POSITION If Miju debuts it'll be lead dancer, vocalist, if Miju doesn't debut it'll be main dancer, vocalist.
PERSONA The Visual Next Door
COMPANY KQ Entertainment
TRAINEE LIFE Training was like finding a new family for Wontae, which was especially welcome as she still yearned for the one she left in Jeju. Wontae loves the others so much, even the ones who are annoying ot distant or rude. They're a family who barely functions, but what family is different? She'd fight for all of them (except maybe Dayi, screw Dayi). 
PRE-DEBUT EXPERIENCE None, girl comes in like a wrecking ball
FUTURE ACTIVITIES Lots of CFs, using her relatability factor to sell to teenage girls.
Otherwise there's the youtube channel posting periodic training videos of the KQ trainees. There are some videos from before she joined Bejeweled and she joins a video here and there after when they're not busy, until it's time to debut.
HEADLINES optional. format this however you want. this can be possible scandals, gossip articles, news, etc.
OPINION OF BEJEWEL Thanks, she wants a refund. Wontae can't wait to debut with her own girls and the way she sees it, Bejewel is holding her back. She doesn't for a second believe she's getting this popular only because of a project group, she would've shined this bright in  the group with her girls too, so why aren't we there yet?
MEMBER # 5 or 6, probably
DEBUT DATE Who knows?
DEBUT SONG Who knows? Probably something more cutesy like Bim Bam Bum or Nun Nu Na Na
CONCEPT Youthful
OVERVIEW They're still getting formed. The company is still in the process of seeing what members look well together, what exact concept to go for. All that's for certain is it will be formed exclusively around Wontae, to take full advantage of her newfound popularity.
On Wontae's part, she's so anxious for her friends to make it in! All she ever wanted was to debut with her friends, with the girls she's trained with for years, the girls she loves. She's not all that happy to be shoved into some project group away from her found family, especially since she thinks she would've made waves with her looks and fun personality anyway, she didn't need Bejeweled! And now all she can do is watch and hope that none of the girls she loves get cut in the process.
DOB 6-7-01
POSITION Lead vocal
TRAITS Sweet, awkward, introverted, insecure, no backbone
RELATIONSHIP Best friends forever! Not only are Wonte and Jiyun same age friends, they also entered the company at exactly the same time. Jiyun is introverted and a little awkward where Wontae can talk anyone's ear of. They were a match made in heaven.Wontae looks after Jiyun where Jiyun doesn't always look after her own interests, Wontae has always been the cheerleader while Jiyun is the adoration that Wontae requires. Unfortunately where Wontae was made for the stage, Jiyun was anything but. She's no visual, she has a nice voice but no charisma to speak of. It's a big question if she'll make it into the girl group, and Wontae would be gutted if she didn't.
DOB 3-12-96
POSITION Main vocal
TRAITS Proud, sarcastic, contrary, stubborn, mature, might be vampire
RELATIONSHIP Wontae isn't convinced that Chanha isn't a vampire, with her dark clothes, big floppy black hats, porcelaine skin, and fantastic face. Chanha is edgy, she's brooding, she's sarcastic... Wontae absolutely adores her. She's so WEIRD, it's absolutely fantastic! Of course she doesn't fit the future concept at all, but that voice oh that voice.
DOB 4-12-99
POSITION Lead/Main vocal
TRAITS Reliable, mature, polite, obedient, bossy, rigid, dependent
RELATIONSHIP Despite her age, Nari is the most likely leader among them, and next in line for main vocal should the higher ups decide Chanha doesn't suit the concept. She's cold and bossy, has been at the company since it was stll Seven Seasons and knows all the staff. Wontae doesn't like her and she's pretty sure Nari doesn't like Wontae either. Wontae isn't super good with authority, Nari doesn't have a flexible bone in her body and is a mouthpiece for management. They clash a lot.
DOB 18-5-00
POSITION Main rapper (?)
TRAITS Artistic, dreamy, reserved, timid, easily embarrassed, dorky
RELATIONSHIP The sister of an actress, Sunmi doesn't have much of the starpower or visuals of her sister, but that's like what's kept her training both in terms of connection for kq and for Sunmi it's the path her family expects her to go on. She's a creative soul, a great writer and decent painter, and kind of weird in that dreamy artistic kinda way. Wontae adores her for the same reason she adores Chanha, she's fascinating and weird and also an absolute dork, Wontae can't count the amount of times she's burst out laughing about something that Sunmi didn't intend to be funny. Wontae stans.
DOB 12-8-04
TRAITS Stubborn, proud, loud, childish, ambitious, cute, loves attention
RELATIONSHIP Baram is an actual baby, Wontae doesn't do so well with babies, especially babies who like attention almost as much as she does. She doesn't mind Baram but they're not close friends, 
DOB 1-4-99
POSITION Main dancer, lead vocal
TRAITS Boisterous, optimistic, curious, cheeky, daring, shameless
RELATIONSHIP Miju used to live in Europe! Where in Europe? eeeh Wontae forgets (it's Sweden), it's like every time Miju mentions it it's a different country (no it's always Sweden, Wontae is just dumb)! It doesn't matter, she's from exotic Europe and that's cool enough. Miju is fun and energetic and absolutely nothing can get her down and Wontae loves it. Soemtimes she gets a little annoyed when Miju takes up more of the room than Wontae does, but for the most part they get along well. It helps that her visuals are no match for Wontae, no need for jealousy there.
DOB 4-1-01
POSITION Dancer, rapper
TRAITS Confident, competitive, introverted, loner, insecure, anxious
RELATIONSHIP They don't get along. Wontae has herd whispers about visual followed by both of their names and has bristled at the very idea. Dayi prefers to be by herself, she trains by herself if she can, eats by herself. She seems extremely stuck-up to Wontae and she won't have any of it. Besides, she's not even that a good dancer, and oh god she's a horrid rapper. At leat Wontae isn't here just because she's pretty. Unfortunately she's pretty sure they'll debut together goddamnit. 

DOB 13-2-99
POSITION Lead vocal
TRAITS Dumb, gullible, enthusiastic,shameless, priviledged, thoughtless
RELATIONSHIP Bada is from a really rich family, but she's super nice about it so Wontae doesn't mind (and sometimes she brings free clothes from her designer dad). She's very dumb, like wWontae isn't super smart but wow Bada is dumb, but Wontae thinks it's hilarious honestly and Bada never seems to mind. She breezes through life, never minding anything, and just taking it all in stride. Wontae doesn't think Bada cares all that much about becoming an idol but she likes her so whatever.
DISCOGRAPHY I figure they'd debut with something like Rocket Punch, cute with a tiiiiny bit of bite, but it's up to you and how you want to tell their story!
COMMENTS hope you like her!


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Luig-a-nim, can we collaborate?
Pffft. Dislikes: children. I don't know why that entertains me so much XD
i'm not the only one who enjoys connecting their apps. hey dayi, chanha. :-P
I didn’t realize her traits when I’ve made Hwayool with a couple similar ones. Eeeeeh dammit.
i love you i love her