Well Hey There!




Well hi everyone! Long time no see, right?

How long has it been? Almost 2 years, I believe...

Sorry for going MIA for so long.

LIfe just...happened.

That's the best way I can explain it, to be honest.

I graduated from college, started working.

Time flies when you're an adult.

And to be fair...I"d lost my will to write or create anything for that matter.

I truly just...COULDN'T write.

But I'm in a much better place emotionally and psychologically than I was 2 years ago.

Now...I don't want to jump the gun here and just reopen all of my stories and just start writing again like I used to.

I feel like that would set me up to get overwhelmed and for me to backtrack right back on off and then I would ghost on here for another 2 years.

And to be honest...I really missed writing and I missed interacting with all of my subscribers on here.


That means that instead of posting new stories like I have the inclination to do, I'm going back through all of my old stories and I'm going to edit them and rework them and make them better.

Make them better stories overall even though, even in the state that they're in currently, they will always have a special place in my heart.

One of the things that will change with some of the titles that you all love is that the dialogue is going to go through a MAJOR overhall so that it all sounds much less...well...much less Koreaboo than it is.

But yeah, that's my first goal: to go back through some of the old titles and work on them and reopen them for you all to read again and enjoy.

I'm still working out a concrete posting schedule that will fit my current work schedule and so that I'm not overwhelmed.

But at least loosely, I''m looking at updating on Saturdays,

If I post an update more frequently than that, then cool. But I'm only going to hold myself to try to update on Saturdays.

But yeah.

I'll post another blog soon to kind of update ya'll on exactly where I've been and what I've been up to these last 2 years but just know...I have missed all of you beautiful people and I can't wait to start writing again and interacting with all of you.

Take care and see ya'll soon! 


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Elayasia #1
OMG! I MISSED YOU TOO! I missed everyone I followed on here. But we're adults now some in mid 20s. So life just got in the way.