Intelligible rant

What do you think of having a place of your own?

Im 25 and i still live with my parents and i swear i almost gone crazy. Im thinking of moving out since im able to make money on my own but my parents always stop me. I have a sick older brother. He have to be on continuous medication and its kinda stressed him out. Whenever he refused to eat his medicine my parents always turn to me and ask me to talk to him and make him eat his medication. I do think that one reason they didn't let me move out from the house is because they don't want to take care of him by themselves.


Im a full time doctor. I mostly spent my days doing my rotation duty, and most of the time im home i was exhausted, i wanted to rest but somehow i cant even rest peacefully on my home coz my parents still tell me what to do and what not. Im losing interest on what i loved to do (thus the lack of writing and update) and i find myself barely getting out of home meeting my friends cos well, im basically always feel exhausted. And only wanted to be by myself. I know im leaning toward depression and my psychiatrist starts prescribing me antidepressant since around 6 months ago. 


Does any of you have any experience on how you convince your parent so you can move out? I really really need sometime alone.


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darknessnlight #1
I have a friend. She's tired of living with her family because they were ruining her more than helping her to grown up; she's dealing with depression because of that and she wanted to move out so badly like you, though her parents didn't want her to leave, she still did it because it was for her own good. You should think about yourself first, think 'bout your health and your happiness first; I know it's hard but it's going to be harder once you can no longer resist... so, my recommendation is... Talk to them and try to do things smoothly, if they don't understand you than move out without their concent; as I said you're an adult now and you do as much as you want and they can't retain you from doing it. It's for your own good and health so don't let them make you think you're a bad person or "egoistic" cuz you're not. ^^
darknessnlight #2
I hadn't experienced anything like it but have a few friends that had gone through something similar. Their solution was actually moving out from their parents' house and how they got to that... well, both reaction were different of course. First, you need to talk to your parents about the whole issue. Be honest and try to talk them to understand your situation, it could go smoothly or not... it depends how well you get along with your parents. If their understand then you'll be moving out with no problems, but if it gets hard and they try to stop you... Well, you're an adult now and you can always use that card. They don't have any hold or voice in your decisions taking anymore and you can be selfish if you need to, seeing you're leading to depression... then you HAVE to be selfish before it gets too hard.