OLYMPUS ❃ MIN TAEHUI [wippity woppity ; hmu to collab]

  • color palette: f778a1, c25a7c, 7e354d
  • aiming at the Rose plotline, tyvm
  • bringing back my shy, sad, insecure Taehui baby!
  • uhh currently thinking SKz Han fc, but it's a work in process lmfao nah I got one, I lied
  • he's gonna be pink uwu his color scheme is pink cause he's actually a soff boy
  • he's good, arguably really good -- at dancing in particular, but also decent enough at singing, passable at rap -- but he's shy, and sad, and soff, and so painfully inecure
  • he's the main dancer for a reason, lead vocal for a reason. and yet he still compares himself to the others, convinced that they're better than he is, more deserving than he is, and that he needs to work that much harder in order to avoid letting his group down
  • some of his insecurity over not being enough stems back to someone he loved (present tense loves?) that chooses someone else over him. and it essentially "well, if I'm not good enough for them, how can I be good enough for anyone? for anything? I have to do/be better"
  • it's official. I have a playlist: Day6's I Need Somebody, Marshmello & Bastille's Happier, Kina Grannis' Can't Help Falling in Love
  • I wanna try something different for the personality section but idk what so i'm here to brainstorm
  • the [trait] method, use a Tae quote or IWTFY quote and then elaborate, on camera v off camera (highlight his "perfection" against his humanity), describe him in verbal quotes from other people (staff, group, labelmates, family), more of general "aesthetics" description?




return to the story

name Min Taehui [민 태희]



✿ Tae, Taetae, T, Tee : common nicknames; used by all

✿ Hui, Min : less common nicknames, used more by members, friends, and family
✿ Min Jagger : fan-given nickname and a play on "Mick Jagger” -- because Taehui has “all the moves”, fondly used by fans and members, particularly on variety shows

✿ Little Bird [Jageun Sae (작은 새)] : used by the members, most often when Taehui is sleepy and all bundled up in a coat or blanket, because he has a tendency to look fluffed and sleep-ruffled and like a disgruntled and cold bird (he might also bite; fair warning) [reference]

✿ Saehui, Sae Tae [새희, 새태] : used by members (occasionally by witty fans); a play on “sae” (bird) and his name

✿ Minja : a combination of his name and “ninja,” given to Taehui predebut by Regalia, who catches Taehui sneaking up on the older members one day during practice; for a while, the name is an inside joke, but then someone lets it slip during a variety show and the fans catch on to Taehui’s love of sneaking up on and scaring the elder members, and Minja kind of becomes a thing  

✿ Sunshine : given to him by Cerulean and Carmine during their trainee days, a nod to the sunny and otherwise bright and cheerful demeanor he tried so hard to exude in order to hide his insecurities

✿ Tae Bae/Babe/Baby : given to him by the boys and used when he’s particularly soff, small, or otherwise insecure (though not only; Taebae in particular is a favored term of endearment with all of the members)


birthdate June 1, 1999

birthplace Daejeon, South Korea

hometown Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity Korean

nationality Korean


✿ Korean ; fluent

    ✿ Gyeong-gi-do dialect/standard Korean ; while he learned this in textbooks and such, this wasn't how he really spoke until he moved to Seoul with his family for his father's job

    ✿ Chung-cheong-do dialect ; while there's not that much of a difference, it's important to note that when Taehui is trying to be cute, or when he's really tired or sleepy, he's prone to slipping into the cuter/more friendly speaking habits and dialects of the area he grew up in. 

✿ English ; conversational; self-taught from repeatedly watching Twister, Show/Movie, and all those baking shows, and in order to read his favorite English poetry! and even then his fluency varies based on whether he's listening (higher, maybe closer to 50-60%) or trying to speak (lower, closer to 40%), beause he understand it well enough, but he struggles to translate the words properly in his head and lacks the confidence to actually say them aloud; his memorization skill for songs and poetry, however, is hella high, like that boy got the melody memory down pat


faceclaim Yeosang (Ateez)

backup Hyunjin (SKz), San (Ateez)


height 173 cm

weight 51 kg


appearance Taehui isn’t small by any means of the word -- he’s of average height, and of average weight (though perhaps a little overweight for a rookie idol), but somehow he always appears so much smaller than his size. When he’s on stage, when he’s off stage, bigger when he’s performing and the light is his to own, but still always so small. “He walks and talks in tiny font” fans say, and if you’d just ask, Taehui would probably agree. His earlobes are pierced once each, and there’s two outer helix piercings in his right ear and one in his left (though he absolutely wants more). No tattoos, though he wants one. (See trivia for details.) No major scars to speak of, though he does have a birth mark around his left eye. Unfortunately, he's a little shy about it and doens't like having attention drawn to it outside of schedules. (When they have a schedule, it's almost aalways covered by makeup.)


fashion style Taehui’s style runs more toward chic comfort. He likes to look good, but he also loves soft materials. Washed, worn jeans, broken in just enough that they stretch and bend and fold with ease. Soft shirts -- short sleeve, long sleeve, always some sort of sleeve -- softener in the wash, dried on low or hung to dry, treated with care and love. In public, his clothing fits , not tight, but close to form-fitting and tidy. At the dorms, however, it’s always a size too loose, offering freedom of movement and comfort. Around the dorm, Taehui is also prone to wearing hoodies that he’s stolen from the  other members, ones that are two or three sizes too big and literally swallow his frame, leaving hims wimming in fabric. In the practice room, it’s a mix of the two -- soft and comfortable, some things loose, other things tighter, but always allowing freedom of movement. 


public - x x x

practice - x x x

dorm - x x x


favorite flower Although Taehui currently claims daffodils are his favorite flower (because they’re pretty and smell amazing), his favorite flower is actually the sunflower. But he’d been told that sunflowers are boring and that his reasons for liking them were childish and “girly” so...he found a new favorite flower. 


Taehui loves sunflowers because they can be small, but they can also be large and beautiful, and because they turn to follow the sun. It’s such a hopeful and lovely idea, and Taehui can be so sad....and yet he wants so badly to be hopeful, to believe that he, too, deserves to always turn to follow the sun. Sunflowers also symbolize warmth and happiness, as well as adoration and longevity.


His favorite variety of sunflowers? The Firecracker Sunflower.

personality traits format however you wish, include things like mbti, zodiac, hogwarts house, anything you want if you think it will help me get a grasp of your character.


INFP/ISFP. Gemini. Hufflepuff. Amity. Alignment. 


“This is why it hurts the way it hurts.
You have too many words in your head. There are too many ways to describe the way you feel. You will never have the luxury of a dull ache.
You must suffer through the intricacy of feeling too much.”



personality elaborations, anything else you might feel the need to add, etc.


passionate, hard-working, charming, observant

emotional, competitive, romantic, independent

shy, indecisive, stoic, insecure





stranger: He’s pretty, prettier than some girls. That probably causes some issues: girls insulted by his beauty, guys assuming he’s there to steal their girls. (And they’re kind of right.) There’s something almost unearthly about him. Typical Korean beauty standards. He must be the visual of the group, just another filler pretty face. BTS V is way more attractive. And V doesn’t have a resting face. You say he’s the main dancer and lead vocalist? He doesn’t look like it. He carries himself with a certain sort of confidence. Now that’s attractive. And look at that expression in this fancam. He’s honestly enjoying himself. He must really love this, being an idol. Dancing, singing, that stuff. 


fan: Bold and beautiful. Perfectly imperfect. Confident, shining when he’s on center stage and stealing your focus even when he isn’t. Hard to “not bias” -- he’s your bias, or he’s your wrecker, because how do you not love a boy when he smiles like Taehui does? Demands your attention with his actions, then requests your attention when he speaks. Polite, always using honorifics with the staff and crew at events, bowing and greeting industry seniors at music shows. A gentleman. But also quiet, thoughtful. Never the first to speak up on shows, always giving Olympus the chance to speak first while he thinks about what he wants to say and how he wants to say it. He’s so careful with his words. A little shy around girls sometimes, but has the cutest interactions with the Sugar Puff members. And he loves Olympus. He’s so cute and clingy with Tachi and Yeowon when you get him going.




staff: Polite, cordial, easy to deal with. Often on the sidelines rather than in the thick of things, watching and adding the occasional quick witted comment. Only ever gets into trouble when he’s roped into Tachi’s and Yeowon’s shenanigans. Normally one of the first to settle into a chair to get this hair and makeup done; he can be trusted to stay out of trouble and not mess up either one before the performance. Clumsy. Has a tendency to bump into things. Often. Also has a tendency to apologize to those things he bumps into. ....also often. But he always has a smile for the stylists and wardrobe managers.  Know what’s really cute though? Sometimes when he’s already had his time in the chair and he’s done Soohan or Jinwoo will go looking for him and find him watching the screens for the act currently on stage, hyper focused on the dancing, or in a quiet corner or hallway, just....practicing.


labelmates: A good kid. Sweet. Hard-working. Respectful to his elders. (A little less respectful to the seniors he’s closer to, like Yujin and Jiwoo. but always so respectful to Bren.) When Sugar Puff see him, it’s usually in the practice room, either with Yujin and Jiwoo, or with Tachi, Minsu, and Jeongha. Dancing. Always dancing. Hyper focused. On, on occasion, holed up in Jiwoo’s or Yujin’s rooms, curled up and watching an anime. (His favorites are the ones that make him cry. And he always cries.) Really in touch with his emotions, but that’s not such a bad thing. And observant; he always knows when to sneak chocolate or candy into the girls’ dorm. (They’re not allowed to have favorites. But if they could have favorites, Taehui would be one of them.)



family: The light of their life, a precious bundle of joy. Thoughtful, considerate. Innocent, but not naive. He knows the importance of hard work, and the importance of doing what he loves -- and loving what he does. He’ll go far in life. Filial child. Once quiet, always quiet; but more quiet by nature than by choice. He wanted to be a vet growing up, then a teacher, and then he discovered dance. No one expected a desire to be an idol to stick. Except it did. He does what he does now to make them proud, and tries hard to avoid bringing them negative attention. Despite growing apart from them as he aged, despite taking his own path, he still loves them, and it’s obvious in all the little things he does. (And they love him, too.)


friends: A bit of a romantic. Kind of weird. Boys don’t do romance. But he’s such a romantic. A hopeless one. If he ever falls in love with someone, someone that can see past his insecurities and his whole ‘being shy’ thing, he’s going to remind them every day that they’re his entire world. Poetry, roses, love songs. His sun, moon, and stars. He’s in touch with his emotions. Flowery nicknames don’t bother him at all. But not the best at expressing himself. In fact, really really bad at expressing hismelf. Quiet, shy, reticent, aloof. He struggles with getting close to people, with letting them in, with letting them actually see him. He sees them, of course, Taehui sees everything. But do they see him? Do they really see him?


groupmates: Competitive. Not fiercely, but strongly, enough of a drive to always push himself to be better, especially when working with Tachi on choreography. But also giving, compassionate, caring. He lives for the stage, but it’s not the same without Olympus. He would never make it as a soloist -- not because he couldn’t, but because he wouldn’t want to. The stage isn’t the same without all nine of them together. People think it’s a gimick sometimes, him being quiet and shy, or  watching from the sidelines, but Taehui just cares. And he thinks a lot. He cares enough to let everyone talk, to observe, to think about what he might say, to think about the consequences of what he might say, and to doubt his right to speak, before he finally opens his mouth. Not impulsive, but not confident or decisive, either. At least, not if he’s not on stage.




summary: Taehui is, for all intents and purposes, the sort of boy parents and adult figures love. He’s charming and polite and sweet, always prepared to offer a kind word, even when he’s tired or busy. Fans love him for those reasons, too, for being kind and thoughtful, but also because of how obvious it is that he loves what he does. He’s a hard-worker, doesn’t really know when to quit (much less that he should quit). He loves what he does, though, loves performing and the stage so much that even strangers can see it. But they can also see that Taehui has issues that are unbecoming for an idol. He’s shy and insecure, and it’s hard for him to open up to other people because he’s always afraid that they’re never going to truly see him. But that’s okkay. It’s okay, because he has the boys. He has Olympus, and while he may not be confident in himself, he’s confident in them and their ability to help him be the very best he can be.




Due to a number of complications during the prenancy, Taehui was born in a Daejeon hospital on June 1, 1999, to Min Taehyun and Lee Sohee. At the time, Taehui was almost two weeks premature and with a defect around his left eye, and the doctors considered him to be a weak and unremarkable baby. The kindest prognosis the doctors could give was that Taehui would always be weak and small, lagging behind his peers and lucky to just get along in life. The cruelest was that Taehui would die before the year was out, and that the best thing his parents could do for him was keep him comfortable.


For the first couple months of his life, Taehui didn’t cry. It wasn’t that Taehui was dumb or slow -- he gurgled at his parents when pleased, and beamed a slobbery, gummy smile when his mother sang along to the radio as she washed dishes and folded laundry, and he made his displeasure known when his diaper was soiled -- and yet save for the rare exceptions, Taehui just...didn’t cry much at all. His parents walked on eggshells around him for months because of it, afraid somehow that their child might be somehow damaged from the complications.


That all changed six months in when, in the middle of the night, Taehui started crying and simply wouldn’t stop. He wasn’t hungry, or tired, or soiled; he didn’t want to be serenaded or rocked. It was like after six months of uneasy quiet, a switch had been flipped and Taehui swung to the opposite side of the spectrum.


It took two day before the neighbors started raising complaints with the landlord against the family. It took one more day before the landlord’s wife, Kim Jooyeon took pity on the young couple and stepped in to help. To this day, neither Taehyun or Sohee know what it was that she’d done, but within fifteen minutes, Taehui was quiet and complacent once again. And so, Jooyeon became a common fixture at the apartment. With her own children long-since grown up and out of the house, Jooyeon found a comfort in Taehui, and she enjoyed the time they spent together. And as Taehui aged, he found comfort in Jooyeon, too, so much so that she became like a grandmother to him.


When Taehui was ten, his father announced that he’d been promoted at work, a promotion that had been years in the making and that had finally paid off. The only problem was that in order to accept the position, Taehyun would have to move. And so Sohee and Taehui would also have to move. To Seoul. It’s only 140 kilometers, just an hour or two ride or drive. And yet it feels impossibly far away.

Taehui leaves behind Jooyeon, promising that he’ll write letters every week, and the only home and city he’s ever really known.
Seoul brings a number of new challenges, including the challenge of a shy, introverted child being introduced mid-year to a class of students that have essentially spent the last few years growing up together. They’re neighbors and friends, and there’s no room for Taehui with any of them. It isn’t until just after Taehui’s eleventh birthday that things change.

In 2010, change comes in the form of Lee Jongmin and his family, Busan natives that had moved to be closer to their mother’s new job in Seoul. Despite being shy and wary around strangers, Taehui and Jongmin bond over missing home and the sickness that come with it. When Jongmin is slotted into Taehui’s class at school, they bond over more than that, finding a mutual appreciation in animes and comic books, in a love of super heroes (even if Jongmin thinks Superman is better than Batman), and in their love for dance.

After the family’s initial move to Seoul, dance had been something Taehui got started on in order to avoid spending more time than necessary at school, but to also avoid spending time home alone. The dance studio had been near their apartment and was conveniently on the way home, and although Taehui wasn’t the best dancer, he found relief and catharsis in practicing. Jongmin, meanwhile, was a fan of kpop, and while he wans’t the best dancer, he enjoyed learning the dances to his favorite songs is that he could dance and sing along when they played on the radio. His parents, relieved to have their son take an interest in anything, signed Jongmin up for lessons in the same time slot as Taehui. 


Over the year that followed, both grew better, more sure, more confident. But while Jongmin almost preferred singing over dancing, Taehui honed his skills until he felt formidable, a force to reckon with inside the studio. And then Jongmin talked Taehui into participating in their school’s talent show.

On one hand, it was one of the defining moments of Taehui’s life. Despite being terrified to take the stage, even with Jongmin at his side, Taehui was confident in his skills, and the chance to shine for once in his life was too good to pass up. The duo performed an altered version of Group’s Song, with Jongmin as the primary vocalist and Taehui as the primary dancer, and they did....well. Really well. But with the cloud also came a storm, and her name was Jung Jisoo.

Jisoo approached the boys after the end of the talent show, praising their dance skills and vocal abilities, and then somehow, just like that, their duo became a trio. It too months before Taehui realized he was in love. Months of watching Jisoo when he didn’t think she was watching him, months of watching Jisoo wiggle to the SNSD songs on her mp3 player -- because for as bad as Jongmin was at dancing, Jisoo was even worse -- and months of a funny tickle in his throat and a swooping in his belly.

Taehui was thirteen when he first coughed the rose petals into his hand. Thirteen years, three months, four days. And he thought it was a joke. But then again, he’d thought the way he’d caught Jisoo looking at Jongmin was also a joke, and yet they were still there, kissing right in front of him as if he weren’t on his way to meet them to walk home with Jongmin. Taehui slips out the back, inside, and leaves them to it, all the while telling himself that he’d never had any claim on Jisoo, no matter how he’d looked at her, no matter how he thought she’d looked at him, too. 

Jongmin was just....better than him. A better singer, a better performer, nicer, more giving, more outgoing, bolder, brighter, beautiful. The list could go on. And Taehui was just....Taehui. He wasn’t anything special.

Taehui spends the next couple days feigning sickness in order to stay home from school. But really, is it faking when he’d cough up rose petals every so often, the color a deep, rich red all too reminiscent of blood? When he finally returns to school, Jongmin and Jisoo are waiting for him, hands clasped and smile wide. Taehui congratulates them as earnestly as he can, and he swallows back the tickle in his throat, hiding his hurt behind a smile. But that day after school, he spends hours in the studio, workking diligently until his mother comes to fetch him.

Over the months that follow, Taehui chases the feeling he’d had while standing on stage for the taent show. He pushes himself after school, memorizing routines and learning them until they’re muscle memory, working on choreographies of his own, and pushing himself until the memory of seeing Jisoo and Jongmin kiss is just that -- a memory. His throat no longer tickles like it once did, his belly no longer swoops with butterflies, and his heart no longer lurches with a jealous want. He has more important things to focus on now.

Taehui is all of a tender fifteen years old when he joined Imagine Entertainment. He’s one of the younger trainees at the company, but that hardly seems to matter when the elder trainees adopt him into their group, often treating him like a younger brother. While he doesn’t make much progress initially in his dancing, his vocal work and even his rap ability -- previously nonexistent -- make progress by leaps and bounds, giving Taehui that hint of an edge,  offering him a confidence in himself that begins to show during evaluations and practices. 

The only problem.... As the months wear on, as Taehui grows closer to the other boys, the trainees that he would one day debut with as part of Olympus.... That tickle returns, the one that feels like a feather in his throat, and the fluttering in his belly. But like a good boy, Taehui ignores it and works hard....right up until the morning he catches member dozing on the couch in their dorm room, limbs akimbo, head tilted back, and snore thunderous in their quiet dorm. Taehui rushes to the bathroom, and he only just manages to close the door behind himself before he coughs bruised flower petals into his cupped palms.



 "soft" colors and pastels (baby pink, sky blue, lavender, mint green) 


 the feel and smell of (particularly older) books

 the "i wrote this for you" series

 butter rum and butterscotch candy







 vanilla (the scent)

 artificial fruit flavors (think sticky or sickly sweet like cough syrup, soda, most candies)

 alcohol (he dislikes the taste of straight alcohol, but doesn't mind sweet cocktails or mixed drinks)






 [general habit] apologizing (reflex) whenever he bumps into an inanimate object (this happens like...daily)

 [general habit] carrying a poetry book with him at all times for something to read and do

 [startled] squawks like a bird (this hilariously lends to his "Sae" nicknames)

 [annoyed, confused] wrinkling his nose (and subsequently his entire face)

 [annoyed] frowns

 [thoughtful, upset] chewing on the tip of his thumb

 [shy, but happy] pressing his knuckles to his lips when he's smiling or laughing/trying not to smile or laugh 




hobbies format as you wish

 watching  Halloween Baking Championship, Halloween Wars, Holiday Gingerbread Showdown, all the baking shows.

 puzzles (puzzle boxes, board puzzles, puzzle games, etc)

 collecting wings & bird things

 reading (poetry is his favorite!)

 watching disaster movies



 not being "good enough"

 being left behind or discarded


 loud sudden noises in general


special talents 

 sneaky af ; Taehui's stealth is, in fact, this massive running joke, because he's not very quiet in general and not a huge fan of horror movies or anything and yet he's so damn quiet and stealthy when he wants to be, and he just sneaks up like a cat, gets right up behind s and touches them or "boo!" and they leap a  meter in the air and look at him like he just insulted their cow

 he makes the best coffee ; it's hilarious, in fact, because Taehui doesn't even usually drink coffee (he only like the cold Starbucks energy drinks), and yet it's his job to make and start the coffee when he gets up in the morning, because his is the best coffee. the secret? a little extra love  in every pot. 

 He has something of an internal alarm clock. If you ask him what time it is, he can tell you the time within 5 minutes. This only fails when when he's absolutely exhausted (in which case he'll "it's sleep o'clock" or "it's sleep thirty").



 Taehui would like to get a tattoo, but is currently on the fence about where he would get it and the specifics of it. This is a fact known only to the other Olympus members. If he has his way, it'll reference Blackbird and look something like this. [reference]

If the other members are talking, Taehui is reluctant to talk over them or interrupt them. Even if he wants or needs something. He'll just try to get/do it on his own,  and silently or very very quietly ask for help. [ref]

Twister is his favorite movie. Yes, really. No, it's not a joke.

 He enjoys mornings. A lot. He's one of the first out of bed and usually has the coffee brewing by the time the other members motivate enough to wipe the sleep from their eyes.

  Taehui also likes to cook. (And  bake.) He cooks or helps cook breakfast in the morning to make things easier on Cerulean and [Leader]. He's usually too tired to make dinner on his own, but he'll try to help, even if all he's doing is boiling the water for ramen or pulling out bowls and utensils.

 He loves to read poetry, and it's one of the reasons he started leanring English, so he could read more poetry written by foreign (English) authors.  His favorites are Lang Leav, Rumi Kapur, and pleasefindthis (Iain Thomas). He's also a romantic at heart. So I mean...

 Shoes are things that do not exist as soon as he gets to the dorm. He’ll wear socks, particularly the soft aloe ones, but no others. He hates wearing shoes and would much rather be barefoot.

 When he can dance without shoes on, his speed and agility increases dramatically. The kid is literally just hindred by shoes. If he has his way, he initially learns and creates the chores with them off (sometimes wearing socks for sanitary purposes), then practices with his shoes on.





Taehui says / does 

“[half smile] I came here to (insert thing) and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”

“And this is why I have trust issues.”

 “[blinks slowly] Uhm. ....no?”

[quotes poetry]



relations you can literally format this however, this code is a lazy one as always but basically here's where your character's relationships would go



Taehyun & Sohee, parents





Jongmin & Jisoo, friends





Soohan, relationship


's boy

(fc Hangyul)



Jinwoo, relationship


Soul's boy

(fc Taeyong)



Yeowon, relationship


Min's boy

(fc Wonpil)



Tachi, relationship


Sien's boy

(fc Liu Yuhang?)



Alex, relationship


not-really manager boy

(fc idr i'll be back)



name, relationship





name, relationship






notes: don't remember if Nele, Haru, and Aaron wanted to collab or not, but haru is also v busy rn with exams and personal stuff


the love who does he have the love for? make sure to read the cheatsheet and read on the strains! also, if there's more than one person, make sure to include them and talk about them. 


the flower write here, tell me a bit about it, give me the color, the variety, etc etc. images would be more than welcome! make sure to include the flowers for each different person, in the cases that require it!


the strain read the page about the different strains that would be in the story and choose appropriately! | Strain B


the development how does hanahaki disease develop for him? how does it start, how severe does it get, does anyone ever notice etc etc


name's knowledge of hanahaki back when they first debut. or basically before he contracts a strain. what's his knowledge of it? is he well-versed? does he know scarcely anything? 


name's thoughts on hanahaki what he thinks of the disease, again before contracting it. 


name's feelings about having hanahaki can do something simple or you can give me a whole novel about how his feelings change/develop, it's all up to you 


++ if applying for carmine, add how he feels about olympus' boom in popularity and his feelings about having hanahaki and the company not even attempting to treat him because of the boom 


if the flowers bloomed in his lungs, what would name choose to do get the surgery? tell the members? tell his family? die of it, if necessary to keep his love (and the appropriate strain)?


would he hide it more accurately, would he try to hide it? from the company? the members of olympus? the one/ones he loves? 


if he develops hanahaki, when does it happen give me a timeframe! make sure you read the cheatsheet, because no members can die before the soty event. not that i'm saying anyone is dying after that---


also, if you're applying for carmine, remember that he's the first member to have a public incident! coughs up petals onstage, and all that. read cheatsheet. 


outcome what's your ideal circumstance for your character? what do you want to happen as far as hanahaki goes? do you want him to be treated? do you want the love requited? what do you want to happen? 


if you want him treated, please check the strains and list what treatment option he / the company go for!


(and i'm not saying this is going to happen exactly how you want it to, because it might not. uwu) 

stagename Taehui [태희]


plotline Rose [bu: Ruby]

positions main dance, lead vocals, rap


persona here and explain


talent twins this is me musing ideas, don't mind my dust

✿ dance : Ten (NCT) x x x

✿ vocal : Jun (ACE) x x x

✿ rap : Lee Know (SKz) x

✿ talking : Yeosang? that sof, low voice tyvm x x [bonus]

✿ aegyo/variety/extra : Yeosang x x x 


trainee years under imagine and any other companies they might have been a part of


training background under imagine and any other companies they might have been a part of


predebut experiences if any. who what where when why how!


future experiences if any. who what where when why how!


scandals/news articles if any. who what where when why how!

hello, stagename: 

response here, include any actions if applicable


this occurs after soty but before the next big disaster for olympus.


olympus has just won song of the year. how do you feel: 

response here, include any actions if applicable


how has your relationship with the other members of olympus changed over your time as a group: 

response here, include any actions if applicable


who are you closest to and least close to in olympus:  

response here, include any actions if applicable


[carmine/you] was/were revealed to have hanahaki disease earlier this year after an incident onstage. do you have anything to say about that: 

response here, include any actions if applicable. i doubt any members of olympus would be comfortable with this question. 


[carmine/you] has/have been revealed to be undergoing treatment for hanahaki. how's that been going: 

response here, include any actions if applicable. because of their company, they would have to lie about this. 


what's next for olympus? new music? maybe album of the year: 

response here, include any actions if applicable


thank you for your time, stagename. any last words: 

response here, include any actions if applicable

name Lee Jinwoo [here]

backup other Olympus member or none


personality here


first meeting here


development here


interactions here


status here

ideal ending might happen, might not


trivia occupation? age? date of birth? likes? hobbies? w/e you want to add about the love interest. 


relationship trivia here


favorite flower you know. just in case. don't need to include this if it's the person they have hanahaki for, because you'd have already specified that. 

last words Did I really go hunting through a dialect video on Youtube in order to figure out where Taehui would have lived in his childhood? Yes, yes I did. Do I regret it? Heck no. Also, when I was doing the personalaity, did I how a couple picture sof Yeosang to a random person at work and say "describe this boy? .....yes. Yes, I did. I was not diappointed. And did I also use a bunch of Jongjin and Hamin pics for outfit references? ....yes. Because outfit reference hunting is hard and I'm an old woman. And uh. .....the personality section.... I saw a couple different things in other apps a while ago and wanted to try them, and they're meant to read kind of like a thoughts/dialogue compilation from people in that category.


scene requests here


password Heroes, for the fact that Olympus implies the boys themselves are gods or god-like, and  "heroes" can refer to the way gods and their demi-god children often presented them selves on earth. "Heroes" is also a gender neutral term! I'm....still working on the song. 9 member song tho


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If we do the love interest thing, I am going to give Jinwoo a mild crisis when he realizes Taehui is only a year older than Jinwoo's cousins - who Jinwoo still thinks of as children >:)
Also, what do you think about Jinwoo having hanahaki for Taehui? :O
I kind of want Jinwoo to have hanahaki for someone else though - and he wanted surgery because it's annoying and he doesn't want to die (though everyone thinks it's the non-dying strain) but the company won't let him because of the publicity :/
Okay but Yeowon catching him snekking about is the cute baby content i'm signed up for UwU
Can we collab too? ; u ;
(Precious, soft child)
cute bby