INKED SKINS : Woo Ji Yoo (우지유)


username — Susan15

nickname — Carol

activity rate — 7.5/10


name — Woo Ji Yoo

Ji (by her friends);
Ice Princess (she got this nickname since she was a kid, by her classmates and people who saw her, because she looks like a cold hearted girl).

birthdate (aGe) — 15th March (20).

birthplace — Seoul.

hometown — Seoul.

ethnicity — Korean.

— Korean (Native language);
— English (Semi fluent).


my life, my rules

face claim — Seo Ye Ji (Actress).

backup face claim — Gong Seung Yeon (Actress).


appearance — Ji Yoo has brown eyes and she has a black hair with a fringe. She usually has her hair long, however, during her journey in the university the're times where she decides to cut it short (due to her journey of discovering herself). She is tall and skinny. Ji Yoo may seem cold and doesn't wear a smile in vain.

style — She usually wears comfortable clothing (comfortable dresses, shirt and trousers and even sweatshirts). However, there're times when she uses more expensive and fashionable clothes, especially if it's to impress her parents or to meet someone important.
Examples of her daily style:


i am who i am, don't test my limits

traits —

Positive: Loyal, Good hearted, Protective, Responsible, Caring, Just/Fair/Honest
Neutral: Straightforward/blunt, Reserved, Intelligent, Hardworking,
Negative: Cold, Fierce (impulsive when provoked), Stubborn, Sarcastic, Impatient
- Gryffindor

personality — 

Ji Yoo is a very reserved girl who prefers to be discrete rather than being the center of the attentions. Most of the times she is quiet and calm, since she doesn't like trouble and messy places (filled with noises and troublesome people). Her calm nature helps her to think straight and fast in stressful situations and endure when she is under pressure. She prefers to be alone or with a couple of people who she truly trusts because she has a difficult time to make friends and trust people. Beside having trust issues, she is afraid to be left alone and abandoned so she tries to distance herself from people in order not to get hurt.

Although she might seem scary or a bad person, she is actually a nice, sweet, good hearted girl who just wants to make a difference and she would help anyone who would need her help, even if that situation would cause her trouble.  However, Ji Yoo isn't always the quiet girl. Indeed, if she doesn't agree with something and believes to be wrong, she might actually be blunt and straightforward about that, so she would tell exactly her thoughts to certain situations or people, without any type of filter. She has a temper and when she gets angry or when she feels threatened, she becomes a little aggressive and under certain circumstances she might punch the person. Ji Yoo is also very stubborn, being sometimes very difficult to change her mind, and she is very impatient since she waited all her life for her parents and became a lonely person, so she doesn't like to wait or make people wait for her.

If she gets comfortable with someone she shows that she can be a warm and funny person, but she has trust issues and she is too vulnerable to show her bright side. She sometimes may have a lot of self-doubts, since she doesn't even trust herself and always followed her parent's orders and expectations, which makes her also vulnerable and lonely sometimes. Ji Yoo is loyal to her friends and loved ones and would always protect them despite the situation.

Ji Yoo is a hardworking girl who never gives up until she achieves her purpose, however, even if she gets tired or even if it's difficult she won't stop, which could sometimes leave her in very tiring condition. She is also very intelligent, being a great student and spends most of her time studying or reading for fun.



Ji Yoo was born in the Woo family, acquiring her family's legacy as soon as she was born. All her family were important people, or they were doctors, CEO's or well known businessmen. She was the only child of her parents and both her mother and father were expecting a son who would inherit all their legacy, however, they never got a boy and instead they had a girl.

Most of her life she was alone at home, her father (a neurosurgeon and head of the surgery department) and her mother (Director of the hospital and CEO of a well known medical device company) were always working and never were present in her life. Almost all her birthdays she spent alone or with one of her maids. Even if they promised to be present (when they didn't forget her birthday) they would always cancel, be late or never show, leaving the poor girl waiting for hours for her parents.

As she grown up, she started to be pressured by her parents to be perfect in every aspect. They always scolded her and were never impressed by her achievements. Even if she was the best student of her class, even if she mastered playing the piano or even she was was super smart, it wasn't enough, nothing that she did was. This lead her to become even more vulnerable and close to herself, not wanting to be near anyone. That was the time people in her school started seeing her as the quiet girl who was always alone with her books. As time passed by, she started to become more cold towards everyone and when people made fun of her, she would snap and slap the girl/boy in order to never do that again. Whenever she saw a little kid being bullied, she would be the one to defend the kid and punch the people who were bullying the kid.

The only time she was forced to meet people, was when she had to go with her parents to events in the hospital and meet their colleagues or their friend's children. Her parents always introduced her as their daughter who would one day become the most gifted doctor in that hospital and one day she would inherit the hospital. She was always pressured and forced to one day become a doctor even when she didn't know what that meant. Ji Yoo unlike the other teenagers of her age, never had a dream and she didn't know what she wanted to do. She always obeyed her parent's wishes without ever questioning, since she wanted to make them proud and impress them, however, she didn't even know if she wanted to become a doctor.

One day, her friend (Kyulhwi), who was always there for her, explained to her what it meant to have a soulmate and share a skin. Ji Yoo laughed and sarcastically mocked the situation and didn't believe that it was true (since she didn't believe in fate and she thought that it was something people made up, but, since she didn't have much contact with people, she wasn't aware that so many people had the so said shared skin and believed in fate). She always saw her friend as a role model and would tell her everything, both when they talked about emotions or feelings, Ji Yoo was always sarcastic. Ji Yoo never had a boyfriend, she never fell in love, she didn't have many friends, she was a lone wolf, and everyone would call her Ice Princess, some were afraid to approach her or even look at her.

When the time came, she had to make a decision about the major and university she would be applying. Of course her parents told her that she had to apply for HNU into medicine, and she, being the good daughter she was, did as she was told. Not long after getting accepted into the university, she became 18 years old, but nothing changed, and she didn't even remember about the soulmate thing. However, there were times that she had some random names or numbers in her arm (which she deducted it was her friends' doing) or she would get pissed off when she had written some medical terms or important notes in her arm or hand and it would vanish as if "she" erased it. That's when she remembered about the whole soulmate thing and realized that the person who was writing and cleaning thinsg would be that said person which made her furious. She didn't care if she met that person or not, but she hated that it would affect her life, but then she found out that her parents were each other's soulmate and it made her concerned that once again she wasn't able to control her life or make her own decisions.

Ji Yoo started to go to the gym and exercise a lot in order to relieve some stress, which was a recommendation of her doctor who said that she needed to find a way to expel her stress from her in order to control her emotions, so that she wouldn't hit anyone if one day a person pissed her off. And made a friend in her first year in HNU, Ji Soo, a super energetic girl who always challenged her for everything and became her best friend. One day Ji Soo gave Ji Yoo a challenge that actually became stuck in her head: Find herself.

So, Ji Yoo made a decision, she would use her university days, not only to find who she was, what her dream is, but also to finally be happy.



Likes: Study, Music, Food, Swim, Watch the stars, Sweets, Animals, Children, Coffee, Tea, Snow, Books, Sing, Play Piano, White chocolate, Bubble Tea, Stationery supplies (especially pastel things), Cheesecake.

Dislikes: Bugs, Liars, Cheaters, Superficial and Bad people, Skinship (she isn't used to it), Bees, Spiders, Romance movies, Hot Days (too sunny), Dark (she is afraid of the dark).

Hobbies: Exercice in the gym, Martial Arts, Running, Read, Sing and play the piano

— Most of the times she has her headphones or earphones in her ears, but she doesn't hear any music, she is just faking to doing so, in order to avoid hearing what people around her are saying about her;
—Touch in her hair or bite her lips when nervous, knot her hair into a ponytail when she needs to think.

Fears: To be left behind/abandoned, Bees, Dark, Death, Being a failure

Even thought she has a lot of pressure on her, which can make her stressed, she is mentally strong and stable, and when she gets nervous or stressed out she has the ability to keep herself up and maintain healthy, in order to not have a breakdown (this is something that sometimes freaks out Jisoo, because, even if she knows that her friend is strong, she is always afraid that one day her friend may have a breakdown);

— Her favourite colour is purple;

— She is a minimalist and she isn't materialist;

— She is good at the piano and has a good voice (she doesn't know at the beginning, but she actually enjoys music, however, she doesn't think about doing it as a career);
— Ji Yoo may not show it or may not realize it, but she really likes medicine (she may think that she is only doing it because of her family but she actually likes it, likes to help people and she is very talented);
— Even if she doesn't admit, she is the best among her colleagues in surgery;
— She likes to help elders and children;
— She is afraid of one day failing her children or not be a good mother;
— Even thought people are afraid of her, she has some male admirers and received some confessions;
— She never kissed anyone;
— She never got drunk (if she ever got drunk she would be the flirty and would be loud and super funny to watch);
— She wants to make a difference and help people;
— She never watched a horror movie (and would be scared to death if she watched one);
— She cooks well;
— Even thought Ji Soo isn't in the same major that she is, they are always together whenever they can;
— Ji Soo tells Ji Yoo a lot of dirty things in order to make her less innocent but Ji Yoo doesn't pay attention to her friend;
— She is black belt in Taekwondo;
— She wants to become the president of the Student Council;
— Ji Yoo doesn't know hot to ride a bicycle;
— Her instagram account is @woojiyoo.

my so called family

family — 

Woo Hyemi | Mother | Director of the hospital and CEO of the Woo Newlife Medical Devices

Hyemi is most of the times busy either with the hospital or her company. She cares about her daughter, however, she also cares a lot about what other people might think about her and her daughter, so she wants Ji Yoo to be one of the best doctors in the world, so that she can be recognized worldwide.


Woo Jae Ho | Father | Neurosurgeon and head of the surgery department

Jae Ho comes from a family of surgeons and also, the hospital is a legacy from his family. He is very strict and he is a very famous neurosurgeon, being nice to every patient, but he is arrogant to anyone he might think that is inferior to him. He wants his daughter to become a surgeon just like him and be recognized worldwide as a family of elite surgeons. Jae Ho also wants Ji Yoo to become the heir of their legacy. He puts a lot of pressure into his daughter and cares a lot about family status and power. If he had to arrange a marriage of his daughter in order to win more status, he would without hesitation.

my friends, my support

friends — 

Best Friend | Kim Ji Soo | 20 | Clinical Nutrition | Junior (3rd Year)

Ji Soo was the first friend Ji Yoo met in the university and probably one of the only ones she has. They are like best friends and rely on each other. Ji Soo is lively and full of energy while Ji Yoo is more calm and reserved, so they balance one another. Ji Soo likes to talk about boys with Ji Yoo and tries to persuade her into meeting a boy, while Ji Yoo doesn't show any interest about that. Since Ji Soo comes from a long line of doctors in her family, Ji Yoo thinks that they might already met when they were young, but since Ji Yoo never really had many friends, she never cared about the people her mother introduced to her. Ji Yoo tries to hang out with Ji Soo whenever she has the time. They are roommates.

FC: Lee Jieun


Acquaintances almost Friends (Friend) | Lee Minjoon | 21 |  Biomedical Engineering | Senior (4th Year)


Ji Yoo met Minjoon through Jisoo, since they are childhood friends. At first, Ji Yoo didn't like Minjoon and was always suspicious of him since he was a party boy and a boy and she wanted to protect her friend, so she was cold towards him and threatened to beat his down and hunt him down if he ever hurt Jisoo. However, since he is the president of the Student Events (SE) and she is a member of the Student Council, they had the oportunity of getting to know each other a little better and Ji Yoo realized that he was responsible and intelligent and more than just a frat boy. Although she isn't the most friendly person of earth, Minjoon isn't afraid of Ji Yoo like many of his friends, and for the sake of Jisoo tries to get along with her, inviting her to some parties (which she refuses, while Jisoo whines for her to go), making jokes and trying to be friendly towards her. Whenever Minjoon needs a honest advice or opinion he talks to her because she will tell him exactly what she thinks. Even though they fight a lot, and Ji Yoo refuses to admit it at first, Minjoon and her are friends.



FC: Kim Namjoon (BTS)

Like an older sister (Friend) | Noh Kyulhwi | 27 | Graduate Year 2 / Intern/ Residency Year 3

Ji Yoo's mother and Kyulhwi's mother arranged a meeting where they introduced the two of them, when Ji Yoo was still a young kid. Kyulhwi was Ji Yoo's role model and probably one of the only friends she ever had. Kyulhwi is like her older sister and gives her a lot of advices and looks after her. She was the one who taught Ji Yoo about the soulmate stuff and she is the one Ji Yoo would go for any type of advices regarding to boys or doubts in general. Kyulhwi is the person Ji Yoo sees as someone she admires and someone who she can rely on.

FC: Sunmi

my uni life

year — 3rd year / Junior .
major — Medical Student.

clubs — Ji Yoo is a member of the Student Council (she joined the Student Council for two main reasons: first, she wanted to help the students and feel useful, and second, to find herself while helping others).

my daily life

living arrangementsJi Yoo lives in the dorm with Ji Soo and another roommate. Her room is simple, organised and neat. She has a bookshelf where she palces all her books, which is near her desk, so she can study but still be organized. Her desk has her computer, a lamp and some stationery materials like pens and highlights for her studies. Her wardrobe is also near her bed. She is a minimalist and not materialist. She doesn't have pictures (neither from hers or her family) in the desk or plushies. Near her bed she has an empty wall which she didn't put any portrait or picture (hopefully she will fill it with her memories).




daily schedule — Most of her daily life she has classes, so she wakes up at around 7 am, showers, takes her breakfast and heads to class. Since she is a Junior, she started following doctors in Medicare Hospital, do some rotations there in order to understand what service they provide (such as Surgery, Medicine, Cardiology, Neurology, Paediatrics, etc.). She has a core course of Patient and Doctor (I in the first semester and II in the second semester) on Mondays and Thursdays. And she also enrolled in the elective modules: Emergency Medicine I (1st semester - 6 weeks, Tuesdays), Mental Health and Ageing (1st semester - 4 weeks, Fridays), Emergency Medicine II (2nd semester - 6 weeks, Tuesdays),  Health in Childhood and Adolescence (2nd semester - 3 weeks, Fridays).
Ji Yoo everyday goes to the library after her classes finish, in order to study and prepare the classes for the next day. She spends around 1 to 2 hours there.
She tries to have lunch with Ji Soo if she has time, but everyday she keeps a free time to spend with her friend.
During her free times, she likes to go for a walk in order to think, or either jogging in the Long Walk, or practicing her martial arts (or punching a bag) in the gym. She also uses her free time to relax, by taking a nap (if she feels tired) or just listen to music (she is always with her earphones, and hears music a lot of times). If she is alone, she sings and has some fun by herself.
Ji Yoo sometimes also has the Student Council's meetings and tutors people or volunteers to help if someone may need some help in either subjects or actions.
Since she is a Junior she started to follow some of the Senior students in the hospital, and has some classes in the hospital as well. Whenever she has the opportunity, she meets Kyulhwi and follows her, getting to learn what she does.
On the weekends she likes to rest a little, however, sometimes her parents usually invite her to meet people at events or talk to them about her grades. She also texts Kyulhwi on the weekend, to update her and to talk to her friend. Sometimes they meet during the weekend, when Kyulhwi doesn't have a shift.
Once in a while she does volunteering at her family's hospital, helping the doctors and nurses, but most of the times, she visits and plays with the children and the elders who are hospitalised.

you are my dream. my other half. i need you. i love you.

soulmate name — Park Ho Seok
soulmate Backup - Wang Jackson

nickname — Park, Hoseok (by his colleagues), Olympic God (by mostly by his female fans), The Gold Machine (by his rivals).

birthdate (aGe) — 1st March (21)

face claim — Wonho

backup face claim — Wang Jackson


personality — Charming, Friendly, Energetic, Funny, Protective, Kind, Honest, Blunt, Hardworking, Witty, Flirty, Jealous, Emotional, Impulsive and sometimes he is a scaredy cat (he seems all manly and like he isn't afraid of anything but he gets scared easily).


Their story: Ji Yoo is a year younger than Hoseok and when she turned 18 years old, she didn't remember about the soulmate thing most of the time and only remembered it when Kyulhwi talked to her. She had the habit of writing in her arm some self notes that she didn't want to forget, so when they started to disappear of some random things started to appear in her arm she didn't give much thought even thought she found it odd. However, Hoseok had been always curious to find who was his soulmate, he would find notes in his arm who he believed would be from his soulmate. At the beginning he was confused with some terms, but he found it cute. From time to time, he would leave a message written in his arm such as "hi" or "smile" (or a happy face), hoping that he would get a reply or any clue about his soulmate, but he was a little disappointed that she didn't reply to none of his messages.

First meeting: One day Hoseok bumped into Ji Yoo and even thought he apologised, without realising he touched her chest. Ji Yoo was so angry that she lost her temper and punched him, leaving the poor boy clueless looking at her, while she walked away pissed off.

Relashionship: At the beginning, Ji Yoo pushed Hoseok away, but he found her interesting, especially after realising that she was his soulmate. Hoseok was very popular among girls, even without trying, however, his charms seemed not affecting Ji Yoo, on the opposite, she would be cold towards him and ignore him. As the time passed by and the two of them started spending more time together, Ji Yoo realised that Hoseok wasn't the superficial boy she thought he was and instead he was a genuine, friendly and funny boy who cared a lot for her. When she started trusting him more, she found that deep down they were similar and had a lot of things in common and he was the person who helped her out finding who she was,and they were there for one another. Without realising she starts having feelings for him, but she thinks that someone popular and genuine, like him, would never like someone like her and that he deserved better than her. They usually don't talk much about each other's parents, unless it's for supporting the other. Ji Yoo and Hoseok are both afraid of introducing one another to each other's parents because they know that Ji Yoo's parents wouldn't approve Hoseok (they would think that he wasn't good enough and wasn't suited for her) and Hoseok's parents wouldn't approve Ji Yoo (they would think that she was a distraction for him).
They balance each other, she tries to calm his impulsive self, while he would challenge her and take her out of her comfort zone.

Interactions: Even thought that at the beginning she pushed him away, Hoseok didn't give up on her and started annoying her by provoking her, being funny around her and follow her around. After a while she gave up and started to get to know him. Hoseok provokes her from time to time to see her angry face, and in those times she may hit him. They fight a lot and he is flirty and touchy around her. She finds his flirty side a little annoying, but after a couple of time she gets used to his personality and his skinship interactions. He gives her a lot of affection that she isn't used to, but he likes to joke around with her as well. She is blunt and cold towards him, but she starts to become more sweet and funnier after opening up to him. If she gets angry or stressed out, he likes to pretend trying to kiss her in order to make her stop. He is protective towards her and doesn't let other boys get near her (he also gets jealous if she smiles to other boys) but since she could kick some guy's asses he feels a little at ease and for that same reason he tries not to push her off her limits (not provoke her too far) to save his own . If he gets scared he would jump, scream and hide behind her.

— He's instagram account is @hohoyo;
— He is a Senior and he is majoring in Athletic training;
— Hoseok is the president of the cycling club;
— His biggest fear is heights;
— He believes in soulmates (he believes that everyone have someone they're meant to and that their destiny will bring them together);
— Hoseok loves to workout, especially in the gym, in order to achieve the perfect healthy body of his dreams;
— He wants to get married and have a lot of children (he loves kids and is amazing with them);
— Hoseok is very popular, especially among girls;
— He taught Ji Yoo to ride a bicycle.
— His parents are Olympic champion athletes and are soulmates;
— Hoseok's parents pressure him a lot for him to be the best and win the golden medal and become an Olympic champion athlete like them;
— There are times that Hoseok isn't sure if he likes what he does, if he lost his passion or if he wants to become an Olympic Champion Athlete like his parents.

how can i find my own dream?

comments/suggestions — I loved making this app, I hope you like it! Honestly, I hope she isn't very confusing. I leave to your imagination what path she would choose, but when I created her I thought that later in her journey she would find that she actually wants to become a doctor in order to help people (maybe something can happen for her to realise it) but if you prefer that she becomes something else I'm ok with it! :)

scene requests — Oh boy, I have so many scenarios in my head haha but things that I think would fit the story better:
— Ji Yoo introducing Hoseok to her family (maybe her father could try to engage her to someone else?);
— Hoseok getting hurt and Ji Yoo helping him;
— Ji Yoo getting drunk and becoming flirty towards Hoseok and him making fun of her later in the story;
— Maybe something romantic or intimate between them haha.

password — Maybe Shoot Me (her Jam) or Colors (describes her better) by Day6.

turn in — back to the story


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