define plagiarism please....

Adaptation as far as my literature education wasn't a plagiarism.... Has it changed??? If an adaptation is plagiarims, then plays that has adaptated from some great Author could be consdiders as a plagiarism... Hell!!! Hate this. No literature works is purely original these days... It somehow had got its inspiration from another stories....


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The best definition is directly reprinting or using another's work (usually copyrighted) without express permission from the creator or without proper acknowledgement of the work within your own work. Basically, if you use someone else's stuff and don't give them credit for it or get permission, you have plagiarized.

Online, it is a bit stickier because if something is copyrighted and the holder files with DMCA, it can not only get your work banned from the net, but it can also take whatever site published it down...PERMANENTLY. So, it is pretty serious.

Hope that helps! :D