Kim Chanha
luigi-a  liv  7
replace with fc (110x110)
— include who calls her this + reason.
BIRTHDAY.  3 Dec 1996
—Korean: fluent
—English: conversational with ing accent in a learned it all from an obsession with American media culture kinda way.
FACE CLAIM Siyeon (Dreamcatcher)
If looks could kill the earth would no longer be in danger of overpopulation. Chanha has cultivated the glare to an alrtfom, nurtured its development until she had to have the very best and most intimidating glare in the world. There should really be a Guinness World Record with her name on it.
Everything Chanha is angles: her cheekbones could cut you, her eyes can kill you, and her smirks are the deadliest weapon of all. A twitch of an eyebrow and a glint of teeth, it's a smile but you know she's not laughing with you. It's an armour, Chanha keeps the world comfortably at bay by being made of blades
Black witch goth aesthetic. Shiny pleather jackets, ripped pants, big floppy black hates, combat boots, ripped band tees, you know the drill. She schews masculine for sure. She's not allergic to heels, she likes a good heel now and then. Height means more intimidation and you can stab someone with a good stiletto, besides do you know how powerful a woman in a pinstripe suit and heels is??? Chanha knows.
It's not always good fashion, boy is it not even often good fashion, but it's Chanha's fashion.
Proud, sarcastic, super edgy, contrary, selfish, emotionally distant, stubborn, mature, healthy amount of deeprooted misogyny
Kim Chanha is that girl brooding in the corner. She's all sharp and intimidating, she gives off the impression that the world is a joke and only she is in on it. She prides herself on a dark and sarcastic sense of humour, prides herself on being different and unique and definitely not like those other girls, the way she sees it she plays her own game on her very own board.
She's very proud of being this kind of contrary figure, of going against the grain and not conforming, which obviously chafes with her existence as a trainee maybe soon-to-be idol. For Chanha here is nothing more important than staying true to herself, even though she takes it farther than she should. She's by nature a solitary creature, she's very bad at group work and is inclined towards selfishness. She's never really had a group she belonged in, she's only been at Pledis for a year (and hasn't made herself very likeable) and only existed on the fringe of her previous company. Most of it is her own doing, she doesn't really know how to function in a group but she doesn't make it easy either, instead opting to distance herself before she can be distanced from. 
Chanha delights in pushing against the grain, her grins and sharp comments give her a rush, there is an impish nature to her impudence. If anyone tells her to do anything her natural reaction will be to push against it. She has no respect for authority and her disrespect chafes against the collectivist ideals of politeness and seniority. Whatever she does, there's always a layer of rebelliousness to it.
Still, if anything she's a mature presence. She tends to be stable, emotionally, and while she carries her emotions (mostly disdain, eyerolls, sighs, looks into an imaginary the Office camera) on her face they are never overwhelming, she's a cold person and her emotions don't run out. It makes her level-headed when it comes to pressure and stress, but it also makes her very out of tune with her own emotions. She's so used to just shoving things down and dealing with them later (never) that she doesn't know how to handle emotions well, her own and those of others. For her it's shoulders back, chin in the air, and keep going.
She has some casual misogyny in her too, the kind of deeprooted ism that comes from a deeply conservative culture. In the way that Chanha prides herself on being counter-culture and individualistic she also prides herself at not being like other girls. She looks at most of the other trainees and sees them as  barbies, girls desperately conforming to what others want them to be in order to stand in the spotlight, girls buying into expectations of vapidity, girls without integrity. She feels above them, like her sincerity makes her a person with more worth than they have, more strength, more meaning. 
Chanha's immediate family is completely ordinary, an office worker dad and a stay at home mom, no siblings. Chanha was always doted on by her whole family, including aunt Jung Seoin, though she didn't see much of Seoin for most of her life. while Chanha was struggling with her numbers in preschool, Seoin had debuted in Star Empire's new girl group Jewelry, and they blew up almost instantly. Chanha never noticed much of it, she was far too busy with things like learning how to read.
She only started to see a lot of her aunt around age 14. Before that she'd watch music show performance and tv shows Seoin was in with her family as a pride thing. She used to watch with wide eyes at the glamorous woman on tv who'd send her gifts on her birthday even if she rarely had the time to attend. 2009 was when Seoin left the group to focus on her solo career and, while still busy, it did open up some time for family and she doted on Chanha instantly. She was a pretty teen with a voice bigger than she was and Seoin decided then and there that she wanted to take the little girl with the twinkle in her eye under her wing.
Slowly her life changed, weekends of karaoke with her friends move aside for dance and vocal classes graciously funded by her aunt. She started visiting the glamorous Seoul apartment more and more often at Seoin's insistence, and Chanha's as well. She was so star struck by her aunt she used to beg her parents to let her go more often, every school vacation she could be found in the capital as Seoin dragged her from fashion week to music video shoots. She has a crystal clear memory of doing summer vacation homework on the floor of a warehouse while Seoin's latest single blared over the speakers and cameras captured her every move. Seoin's stylist used to do her hair and makeup in the waiting time, just for fun, and Chanha would adore the image she saw in the mirror. The first time she ever got drunk was with her aunt (way too young, too), the first time she ever went to a big party, the first time she ever went to a club. She got dragged along, an impressionable teenager seduced by glitters and gold.
But slowly as she grew up the glitters lost their glimmer, seeing her aunt drunkenly stumble home while she finished homework did get old. She was 17 when Seoin finally deemed her ready for trainee life, she pulled some strings and got her admitted into her old company: Star Empire. Chanha was miserable, they treated her horribly (and better than the other trainees too due to her connections), she was constantly malnourished and hungry, the emotional manipulation was strong, she felt ostracized by the other trainees for the special treatment she got. The only good parts where when she got to take a break and join her aunt on some journey or other. She developed her armour and her edges and the candle that used to burn bright for the idol life extinguished but no matter how many times she tried to tell her aunt there was no stopping Seoin with a goal. So she just did what Seoin wanted, not like she had any better plans (or a test score to get into any decent university) hoping that maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't come to pass at all.
 She knows quite a few people in the industry, knows the bad and the good
apples. Let's just say she knew to avoid Seungri for a while now.
 She still doesn't like wine much, more of a soju girl. Not one to drink more
than she can handle though, she doesn't like vomiting.
 Has a huge crush on Sunmi, adores Epik High for their music, admires Taemin
for his artistry and bending of gender norms, and is very into folksy alternative
English music like Eden and Billy Eilish and Hozier and Justin Nozuka. Wrinkles her
nose at the normal pop stuff.
 Never wears anything made of real leather of real fur.
 Not a strong dancer but has been doing this long enough to be competent.
 Has been to quite a few countries in her life, though usually the more resort
type areas, those are the ones that her aunt likes.
— Aunt // Jung Seo In // 38 // Ex-idol, model, actress, tv personality, you name it // Overbearing, stubborn, visionary, glamorous, sassy, need to have her way // (insp and fc: Seo In Young)
Chanha has a very odd relationship with her aunt. She worshipped Seoin when she was younger, the glamorous superstar who came into her life and swept her up with promises of stardom and spotlight. In many ways Seoin's own cheek influenced Chanha's humour and sass, Seoin has a way of being all smiles and grace at  some corporate idiot and then turning to young Chanha and, with a smile that has turned impish, brush him off with sass. "He thinks he's important but he's nearly bankrupt," she says with that cheeky smile of hers. "Always smile and nod little Chanha but know who holds the real cards." When Seoin walks into a room the whole room fills up with her presence, she's a true superstar, dramatic and self-absorbed and charismatic and stunning and even now Chanha still gets starstruck when she visits.
But it's not all rosy either. Seoin is glamorous, she used to make Chanha feel special and seen, but she's also very set on her own vision and right now that vision is to make Chanha the same glorious idol that she used to be. At first that was fine with Chanha, she loved the attention she got by letter Seoin groom her, but over time that feeling soured. She has no more interest in the idol life, especially not after years of training, doesn't see herself having any talent for it either. She has far too much a penchant for the scandalous and a love for black leather. Besides, she likes singing well enough, but dancing is a chore and constantly smiling on stage with fans while surrounded by her own set of barbie dolls? She has to suppress a shudder. It sounds horrific. But everytime she mentions being unfit for idol life her aunt brushes her concerns away. Nonsense, I know star quality when I see it. My blood runs through your veins too and my blood is the blood of a star. She never actually listens to what Chanha has to say and more and more their interactions have been marked by eyerolls and sarcasm muttered under breaths.
Chanha loves her aunt, she still spends more time at her expensive Seoul apartment than she does at home in Daegu, but she loathes her in the same breath. Seoin is more family to her than her own parents, had more influence over her growing up than her parents, too. At 16 she had her very first glass of wine sitting at the marble counter of the penthouse, watching the Seoul skyscape through the floor to ceiling glass windows and remarking how gross it is. That same evening she had her first drunking vomit while Seoin held her hair back (nobody said the influence was always good). Seoin took her to fancy parties, Seoin went to vocal recitals and applauded louder than anyone else in the audience (including her own parents), Seoin took her to impromptu vacations in faraway places.
More than anyone their lives entwined, and for Seoin Chanha was definitely the daughter she would now never have. Chanha can't imagine life without Seoin, unfortunately life has other plans.
— Project-group-member // Bae Yeona
Will add stuff when I know more about her!
Just Chanha, she doesn't expect to go far enough to ever actually use the stage name
Lily (Gladiolus)
Siyeon (Yujin (CLC))
Main vocal (lead dancer, vocal)
— To nobody's surprise, rock and angst concepts are what Chanha excells in. Let her be creepy and dramatic and she'll have an absolute blast. She can do girl crush too, her whole vibe is 'I will crush you' so that works. Cute and quirky? God no. 
— 1 year at Pledis, 4 years at Star Empire
She spent 4 years training at Star Empire at first, the company her aunt was signed at, but debut plans for a new group kept being put on hold and while Chanha was totally fine with that, Seoin was not. A year ago she heard from industry connections that Pledis had put together a new project group and after sending the CEO an audition tape and layering on the favours Chanha was transferred over to Pledis to be added to their project group.
— Just a single cover video in February for an OST song of Sky Castle: We All Lie. It was Seoin's idea and went semi-viral mostly thanks to her aunt's push. Chanha got to pick the song and she had an absolute blast with the facials, finally the cultivation of the perfect single-eyebrow-twitch paid off! 
— I give this over to you, I've given you a character with plenty of scandal potential and however that fits into your planning is good with me! There will obviously be the death of her aunt, and probably judgments from those who think she shouldn't be continuing a show like this while grieving, if you want to add more scandals on top of that be my guest!
At first, when Chanha hears about the survival show, she's livid. Not only does she have to do the whole trainee but she doesn't even get handed a spot in the lineup, she has to compete for it too?? But then the cogs start turning in her head, but what if.... If she's eliminated she can just quit, go to her aunt and be like "hey, I tried and it didn't work out, can I go study in America now?"
So here she is, preparing for a survival show, just not in the way people usually do. Chanha is here to half- her way to an elimination, but here's the thing, her pride and arrogance and impishness don't actually let her just fade into the background, she wants to fail but she wants to fail spectacularly, you feel? She wants to go out with the biggest bang and biggest middle finger to the industry.
So, here she is, preparing for her first performance, the introduction. What is more of a you than taking your regular boygroup song and turn it into a sharp edgy grungy rock performance? There she is, standing on stage and belting her lungs out. Her voice is rough, her smirk is impish, her cheekbones could cut. She's having the absolute time of her life. Nobody saw this performance coming and she's standing in the spotlight as the music fades basking in the faces of shock and the applause. Yeah, she did that. Chanha ing did that.
But, eh, oops. She stood out. She stood out a lot and the votes are coming. Turns out making a splash in a first episode is actually good for votes, whodda thunk??
And then the show goes on, she's never been good with teamwork and it shows, but she actually grows to like these girls. They might not be as plastic and fake and pathetic and she'd initially thought. Her aunt's words ring in her ears you don't know what it's like to be in a group until you've found your family and you can rely on each other, there's nothing like it. . Abort abort this isn't what she'd intended!!
And then it happens. A manager taps her onto her shoulder, mouth set in a grim line. "Can I talk to you for a moment, Chanha?" His voice is like a wire pulled taut, she should've known nothing good could come out of this, but at the time she just smirked and shrugged and thrown something impudent and sassy his way. She should've known it was serious when no reprimand followed.
"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but your aunt has passed away." A car crash. Of all things it was a car crash. She always was a reckless driver, Chanha thinks. It makes sense. She's in shock, she doesn't believe it happened, can't wrap her mind around the idea that her aunt is gone. Overbearing, eccentric, glamorous, cheeky, stubborn, superstar Jung Seo In was gone.
It's like the ground has crumpled underneath her.
She walks around like a shell, unable to comprehend. One moment she sobs, another she stares out of the window like everything is only a dream. There's talks of pulling her out of the show and that wakes her up. No. No she has to do this.
She tells herself it's for Seoin, it's what her aunt wanted for her, but it's also because the girls have actually started to feel like home.
— Please make her learn to connect with the other girls and turn them into a family. Make her step off her dumb high horse and fix that internalized ism in there.
Been a while since I've finished an app in a day, hope you like her! This was 100% triggered by that overdose cover, OOF.


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ooh, so good to know i wasn't the only one contemplating this fic. yaaaaaas. i really like her name too.
wow ok we stan