- Of That Idiot- A Character Study(?)


You don't have to read this at all to understand the story, I am writing this to have a look at the characters, you may understand them better this way, or be more confused ? (Ah... I hope not) This is how I see the characters throught my eyes.

Also, I kind of find this BLOG thing really funny to use, so I am seeing what can I do with it. Isn't it funny to go and try all the options on something ?


Jung Wheein - an important character somehow as she links everyone together -

I don't think this character serve a purpose, as this story doesn't have any plot to begin with. But this is an interesting woman. A list of all her traits : good a reading people - not good at reading situtations - scared of blood - when drunk say everything going through her mind - embarassed when people point out her feelings - seek physical contact when embarassed or feel strong emotions - highly driven -


Ahn Hyejin - not as calm as she thinks she is -

This character's purpose can't only be being Wheein's love interest, yet that actually what I did. Hyejin has whatsoever no storyline, no development, no backstory. She is just a love interest, how mean of me. A list of her traits : easily takes the lead when the situtation seems chaotic - good at cooking - don't like being drunk - easily worried - awkward with Yongsun© - allergic to dogs - 


Moon Byulyi - the perfect friend yet invisible in her crush's eyes -

The fact that this character has more back backstory than Hyejin is not cool. She is the link between Wheein and Hyejin like Wheein is the link between Yongsun and her. One of the most interesting character, in my eyes ; after Wheein. A list of her traits : handsome and sweet - Hyejin is her favorite person like Wheein is Yongsun's - disconfort prevent her from thinking clearly - pyjamas are her favorite outfit - can't handle her alcohol - love to party but rarely get the chance because of Wheein - 


Kim Yongsun - the irresponsible mom friend -

This is the character the closest to Wheein, I haven't specify yet since when they know each other. She doesn't serve a big purpose in Wheein's storyline as she has her own, but her relationship with Wheein deeply affect Wheein's actions. A list of her traits : life of the party© - a charismatic woman - can't handle doing nothing - shouldn't drink until she ends up wasted yet still does it - Wheein is the closest to her after her family - 


Kim Taehyung - the only male character with importance -

I don't know how people feel about it being in the story, but I believe he is an important character. His purpose is pushing Wheein's character, he is a supporting character, here only for Wheein. Still he has his own characteristics. A list of his traits : rich kid - his love for himself is high - he doesn't drink - his creative side is leading most of his actions - tends to empower Wheein's creative side - also empowers Wheein in general -




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