kyungsoo and jihyun are confirmed dating

I wish lol


I’ve seen so many Dandanies talk about Kyungsoo and Jihyun as a couple, like an actual, real couple, even though they don’t necessarily ship them. Knetz on PannNate "jokingly" refers to Jihyun as Kyungsoo's girlfriend.  As a fan of him since debut, I understand why. So far, she’s the only female co-star he has/had (very) good chemistry with. Other girls… didn’t. Not really. It makes me question if there’s… a reason behind it.


Could it be their dating rumor held some truth in it? I wish we could know.


Most of us have seen that video of them; they were at press conference, sitting behind a long table. Jihyun was touching him down there (touching what? His hand? His thigh? His ?? No one knew) and Kyungsoo looked down and then smirked at her. It was very… you could feel the between them, it was palpable.


From Kyungsoo’s body language, it seems he’s attracted to Jihyun. He looks at her when he smiles, laughs or talks. Jihyun seems to be a bit shy to do the same, but she said it herself in an interview, after shooting the drama with Kyungsoo, she began to wonder what it’d feel like to date someone, to go on dates with them, before that she had never felt about such thing.


It might be nothing, but it might mean something, a hint…you know? Maybe Kyungsoo made her feel that emotion, or maybe it was the time she spent with Kyungsoo as his wife in drama.


As a fan since debut, I hadn’t really shipped Kyungsoo with anybody romantically, but after seeing 100 Days My Prince and its bloopers/behind the scenes moments. There’s something about these two, I think even if they aren’t dating, they most likely hooked up for a while. It happens often among actors/actresses.


Their kissing scenes were good and left deep impressions. Jongdae himself was surprised when he watched it, because Kyungsoo kept on kissing her (non-stop). The scene took too long for a kiss, which means there were many NG’s/they had to do lots of retakes, and probably practiced off cam so they could get used to each other’s lips. I wonder how many times they kissed.


I wish we could see more beyond it, they’re husband and wife after all in the drama. As a senior actress Jihyun had done a scene before (though not explicitly), someday Kyungsoo might do it too, and it’d be nice if it’s with Jihyun since she has had experiences with him lol.


Their good chemistry aside, they’d look hot doing it especially Kyungsoo. He was on top of her a lot in the drama after all, I wish the producer wasn’t a coward and really went with it.


Whether it’s true they’re dating or not, Kyungsoo and Jihyun would make a really good match. Hopefully they meet again in future project, preferably as a romantic pair.


Do you guys think they’re dating?


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mrsdandanie #1
I actually feel a bit sorry for Kyungsoo because he's in the military right now. He must miss Jihyun (or whoever his girlfriend really is) so much..........and the they often have. Kyungsoo is dirty minded after all that's why he cuts his hair often🤭
mrsdandanie #2
Yes!!! Fellow dandanies I'm friend with also think the same. Kyungsoo and Jihyun have such a great chemistry (they really deserve the best couple title ), I can see them dating for real, though even if Kyungsoo isn't dating her, I think he's dating someone right now. There's rumor he's dating an actress he recently worked with, so it's either Jihyun or Hyesoo, but my bet is on Jihyun! Kyungsoo was so eager to kiss her in HDH. LOL! Jihyun seems to be more mature and bubbly/energetic, she suits Kyungsoo's equally mature and quiet/stoic personality. It'd be great if it's revealed they're dating, many would support them especially us dandanies. The fact that knetizen calls Jihyun as Kyungsoo's girlfriend is already very telling.