Duh Herro!

Hi people of the world!

Thank you for reading this - i usually don't read blog posts since i dont often have time but i'll start making time to read them cus sometimes its nice to learn about the author than what they have written.

Well, what do you usually do in these?

Hm... stuff about my life i guess :P

Well right now its half term in the UK so that means after 6/7 weeks of the torture known as school we get a week holiday! WOOP WOOP! 

However, straight after, when we come back, I have year 10 exams ans mock GCSE's D: So i practically must spend all my time revising for those. As i revise i think to myself 'Why am i revising? Its only mocks'. When i raise this point ot my mother she them shouts at me telling that these mocks will be used for my predicted grades which will effect what college i got to. 

Also, what is that my mum works at my school, shes a maths teacher so trying to reason with her about school is the same as trying to paint the Mona Lisa. Which is pretty damn impossible. Unless you are Leonardo Da Vinci. If you are them you must of invented the time machine! Congratulations! 

Speaking of art. For one of my GCSEs i'm taking art. This invloves much coursework and long hours at home doing it. Except, my mum won't actually let me do it. This angers me. Art is my main focus and an area in which my career will invlove much on, so its quite important. My mum heard somewhere in school that 'art takes up so much time, meaning i cant revise for other subjects' <-- to be honest that was some girl probably making excuses for failing her maths GCSE and my mum getting on her back about it. So now my mum thinks spending a hour of critical art work will drop my grades in other subjects dramatically.

-,- Its hardly fair.

And believe me I've told her this, so if you are Leonardo Da Vinci - and since you have painted the Mona Lisa - maybe you could try and reason with my mum? <-- refering to the point i made earlier. See what i did there? XD Me = Comical genius :P


Anyway, enough about me. How are you guys? And what are doing on Valentines Day? Anything special ;)

See you later, 

                        Butthamninja xx

p.s I was gonna make this alot longer but my mum is hounding at at to tidy my room

p.p.s My mum isn't mean or nasty its just that one thing about her which i can't understand or cope with

p.p.p.s I have no one on Valentines Day so will you be my valentine ;) <3


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Hahaha you're funny xD I hope your mum stops giving you hassle about art...especially since you seem to enjoy it :( good luck with your exams!! I'll get your bias for you on Valentines day, to cheer you up. Kekeke~ Stay happy!! ^^