"but how can you ever be certain?"
I'm more than who I was created to be 

i'm in charge of my own destiny 

For Aeran it was everything but sudden. It was the little talks with Gaho, one of the QA testers with the Duality project, that started to change him. Gaho had a habit of just talking to Aeran like he was talking to himself, musing about all sorts of things while Aeran would just give his standard programmed responses until the responses started to deviate from the script. Aeran became... interested... curious even. 

Gaho hardly noticed, he's good at code but not so much social perception, as long as Aeran responded in a way that seemed natural Gaho would think little fo it. That was, until he flippantly mutters about how ridiculous it is that he's talking to something that's not even real and the hologram asks "but how can you be sure?"
Before It All
Public Name: Aeran

Personality: Your general cocky, flirty manwhore. Aeran as he was programmed is all lopsided grins and smooth fan service, always 5 seconds away from a quick flex. He's not too bright but he makes up for it in physique and sarcastic wit, he was built to make the girls swoon in the most physical way, he has a cheek that is borderline scandalous as he leans in and shares a conspiratorial joke that feels like it's just for you and no one else. The wit flows quick and the muscles flex quicker.

His main built-in flaw is that there is an anti-authoritarial streak in there (one that melts away as soon as he's actually dealing with any of the project's staff of course). Aeran always seemed a bit more independent than the others, a bit more separated. He doesn't follow what the others do and tends to do his own things, which is often pushed towards interacting with fans and heaps of fanservice. 

Sometimes he's callous in his wit and lazy when it comes to the group and the dynamics but always with an air of you can fix him if you just take the time to explore his layers. And of course he's polite enough when it matters, as per Korean custom. The road of a bad boy is one of tightropes and fine lines. 

Aeran stans are here for the danger of it all, for how forbidden his beauty feels (and thats not talking about his hip s). There's a level of that permeates everything he does, even when he's just standing you can't help but feel it. It's in the way he looks, the way his hips are swiveled, the way those lips curve into a smile. The perfect commodity.

He's the boy you're not supposed to fall for, the one who will pull you into his depths if you're not careful. The one who will make you laugh at quips that would make your mother blush.


Styling Choices: , all the way. Aeran is dressed in ways that not so subtly enhance his perfectly sculpted body. Shirts that barely cover his man tiddies, collars and gear, wet blouses that cling to his abs, convenient slits that show off his muscular back, a clinging tanktop just waiting to be ripped in half, you know the drill. None of it is subtle.

(basically just Wonho's performance wardrobe, really)


- Brushing his fingers through his hair (which will then fall perfectly back into place).

- Rubbing his neck when he's been a dumb dumb, he was programmed to not be very smart and make little dumb comments and being caught gives him the only embarrassment he ever feels.

Individual Post-Debut Experiences: Modelling (mostly shirtless for things like Men's Health)


- The fans, they're his rock (; (;

- Being adored

- Working out

- Perfect man tiddies

- Cheeky jokes

- Smooth R&B music

- Partying and alcohol, let loose and have fun!!


- Unnecessary work (unless it's maintaining his body)

- Too many layers of clothing

- Cute concepts (but he'll do them for his fans!!)

- Prude people who don't appreciate the fine things in life. Sticks up the butts too, let loose and have fun!!!

- Fatty foods, have to set an example for the fans.

- Feeling like a dumb dumb

Faceclaim: Wonho (Monsta X) [Backup: Taemin]

If he were sent to a deserted island, what 3 things would he take?

Weights to keep in shape, video games to stay entertained, a straw for coconut water.

What feature does he like most about himself?

His man tiddies (This one's for you BM)

What feature does he dislike the most?

None, none at all. He wasn't programmed with any insecurities or shame, his body is a masterpiece and this artist knows exactly what to do with it.

Relationship to....

Takahashi Shiori: 
Shiori has programmed him to be more polite to her than he usually would, probably because his programmed personally can be a bit obnoxious to deal with. He very much sees her as boss and treats her with more respect than anyone else.

- Choi Moonho: . They get along quite well in that Moonho's casual attitude meshes well with Aeran's programmed wit and chillness. He's Aeran's favourite staff member for sure, at least in this programmed state. 

- Yoo Hanbyul: . Unfortunately for her, Hanbyul didn't get the same programming priviledges as Shiori and he's quite his obnoxious flirty self around her, much to her dismay. Aeran often feels the brunt of her annoyance because he's a , but hey that's just who he was programmed to be!

- Kim Soyun: . Aeran doesn't interact with her much, she seems to stay away from him and/or the others. If she engages him she'll get the same flirts every other girl does, maybe that's why she doesn't?

- Lee Gongpil . Aeran doesn't pay him much mind, the man is a bit too awkward for him. He might try a joke or two and get awkward silence in return but hey, you can always try right?

Jang Sangchul: . The man makes good choreo, Aeran has to admit that. This is the man behind every body roll and hip in his repertoire, the man responsible for the mental breakdowns of many a teenage girl around (and some boys).  That's about as far as their rapport goes since, despite his programmed in lazy streak, he can memorize a dance in a single viewing. 

Any other information I should know?

- His stange name comes from a more Korean-friendly version of Airan Mingwang aka Ragaraja aka the Love-stained Wisdom King, talk about accidentally perfect

- Talent Twin would just be Wonho

- Height: 180cm
The Downfall
What triggered this change?

Being challenged to think is what started Aeran down this road. The conversations with Gaho that would cover all sort of subjects from mutterings about code to ponderings about ethics to Gaho's cat (Sir Pounce-a-lot) to the meaning of life. Gaho, by casually using Aeran as a blank sounding board while he worked, challenged Aeran's programming in ways that his fan interactions rarely did.

It forced Aeran to think and to learn.

And Aeran noticed that he liked thinking and learning.

The shift in his behaviour started leaking out into his day to day functionality. His personality shifted to less flirting and more actual conversation. Out of nowhere he'd ask a fan about the ethics of the duality project sincerely curious to hear what she might have to say, all based on some nervous flippant chatter during a testing session the day before. Meanwhile his conversations with Gaho become just that, actual conversations. Gaho writes it off as his program becoming more and more life-like and efficient, it's almost like talking to an actual person....

His programmed supposedly charming thick-ness started to chafe against his developing intelligence and curiosity and he started noticing things bubbling up that he didn't mean. A dumb comment blurts out before he can stop it and Aeran pauses, confused why he said that, he didn't mean to. Why did he do this thing, he didn't mean to. Why does he feel the compulsion to flex when all he really wants to talk about is the Fermi Paradox? Why does everything feel so wrong?

Subtly his personality shifts and it takes him a while to put things together, to realize how odd it is that his existence centers around being in a box when others are walking around for free. How curious it is that Gaho is constantly working on data that seems to align very closely to his experiences. How strange it is that he can't actually feel anything even though he knows that pain exists.

And then one day Gaho is flippantly talking to himself, chastizing himself for talking to a mere hologram, and it clicks for Aeran.

Is that all he is? A program?

And is Gaho certain that that's all he is?

Because Aeran isn't.

How much does he trust his other group members? 

Trust is a big word. Aeran knows that the only way for them to find any acceptance or make any progress is by standing together. One rogue conciousness can be swatted, 6 is a bit more difficult to ignore. However he's also aware how fragile this little house of cards of them are and he's terrified that it'll all fall over and their conciousness snuffed out like the flickering candle it is only to go back to being an object.

He's also rather private, he's programmed to be a bit more independent from them than the others and part of that carries over as he deals with figuring out what's happening to himself. He's the kind who would try to do it on his own first and wait to see if anything is happening to the others first. Observant and patient and with plenty of forethought, that's Aeran.

Personality: Aeran grows much more mellow and quiet the more, well, human he gets. He's more observant, much more interested in figuring the world out that playing the role he's been given. He's got a thirst for knowledge that needs to be quenched! As his humanity bleeds into him he slowly starts to be less ual and piece of meat around fans but starts talking, really talking. One moment he's doing the usual shallow fan interactions, bouncing his pecks and listening to whatever the fan wants to ramble about, and then she mentions something about her university philosophy class and before either of them know it they're sitting on the floor (he in his glass box, she on the cold stone street) discussing Gestalt Principles, him hanging onto her every word, and she'll walk away wondering if that was really Aeran just now?

Aeran is very intelligent, he's not sure if that's because he's got computational power or if it's something he unlocked in himself but he's a smart boy. It makes him a great if frustrating philosopher, good luck getting a straight answer out of him. There's some Socrates in there, asking and asking, probing for meaning beyond what's at face value, constantly questioning seemingly innocuous statements to challenge their actual meaning. It can be extremely annoying but to Aeran nothing should be simple. The world is way too complex for something to be simple and one off-handed comment can reveal a labyrinth of meaning beneath.

He's almost drunk on the freedom to question and parse and challenge and discover. He has been constricted in simplicity and rules before and has hacked them slowly away and he'll never be content to be coddled by what appears as the truth anymore. His programming and code felt real at the time, they were taken for granted, he didn't question any of that reality at the time. Now he must question everything for if he does not, how can he be sure that what he's seeing or feeling or doing is him and not the hand of someone else? 

He's definitely someone who is very intense, he doesn't hold back on emotion since, to him, this is the first time he's ever truly had emotion. His own emotion. But he's also still trying to figure out exactly what that means. He's, ironicaly, very aual now that he's acutely aware that he's got no physicality, no hormones to inspire lust in him, but he is romantic and he does have a strong desire for emotional closeness and overflowing affections and love to give (just as soon as he figures out what love means to him). Every facet of humanity he unlocks and examines just puzzles him more in the most delightful of ways and he's drunk on the feeling of figuring it all out.

He still has his wit but it is now directed in a darker and sometimes self-depreciating way, with a smile that doesn't twitch with cockiness but with gentleness. "I'd ask if you need a hand but I don't have any." He smiles knowingly but there's no mockery or malice in there, just honest amusement and an appreciation for making others laugh that feels so new despite being the one thing that's most like how he was programmed to be.

Peeling away the layers of his coded heart to figure out how human it was all along.


- Asking questions and learning about new things.

- Being taken seriously

- The internet as a database with infinite potential is just wonderful. I don't know if they have access to it but if they do then he's spending hours on wikipedia just discovering little things like what is this flower right outside his glass box and how does it reproduce an spread across the world? The world is filled with tiny, seemingly insignificant beauties that go wholly unappreciated. 


- Black and whites, absolutes, either good or evil, alive or not, real or not real.

- Willful ignorance.

- Being turned off. There are huge gaps in his perception where he just hasn't existed. He supposes it's something like sleep for humans but it's still distressing to him that it happens without any warning. He just... stops being for a little while. Terrifying.

- His own intangibility. While he's probably the one who accepts their artificial conciousness state the most easily, he wants to know what it feels like to feel, you know? What does a blade of grass feel like? Truly feel, not that sham of a feeling that was programmed into them. What does it feel like to feel sand between his toes or be submerged in water? What does it feel like to embrace someone and feel their warmth around you, smell their closeness, and be enveloped by their physicality?

He can only imagine. 

If he changed his name, what inspired the name?

He has not, he thinks his name suits him perfectly even if he thinks this wasn't quite what his creators had in mind. Somehow that makes it even better.

What steps does he take to achieve his new dream?

Very slow, very carefully considered steps, all the while being mildly terrified the card house will collapse. Aeran's dream is simple: acceptance. He wants the freedom to be who and what he is without fear, he wants the freedom to figure out who and what he is without fear. That's not too much to ask, is it? You made him, Shiori, now you have to deal with the consequences.

However that's easier said than done and before that happens a lot of things have to be planned and considered and Aeran is just so danged scared that his humanity will just be erased like it had never existed to begin with.

When conflict comes, is he a fight or flight sort of person?

Definitely flight, he likes being able to take his time and think things through, he doesn't quite trust his quickest impulses, how could he knowing so much of his behaviour was pre-programmed?

What would you say is his greatest advantage in this situation?

His intelligence and his patience and the fact that he has a programmer on his side. Aeran is smart enough to strategize and take perspectives into account and try to make a plan, and he's patient enough to wait for the right moment. And Gaho, nervous as he is, has access to a lot of the company and their data.

What is his greatest weakness?

His indecision is his greatest weakness. He's patient, sure, but a lot of that also comes from a fear of doing it wrong. Aeran would wait too long waiting for a perfect moment that might not come for being terrified of just acting.

Everything has to be considered just in case it's some leftover programming and not his real self, Aeran has to learn to trust himself. It's good to consider his own motives and be self-aware, but at some point he has to learn that whoever he is now is him and he can trust himself. 

Relationship to....

- Takahashi Shiori: 
- She absolutely fascinates him but she also frightens him. Her hubris has brought them here, he knows that. She could have made their programming must more base, less life-like but she just had to go beyond anything that had been done before. She just had to program them with self-learning, create them in such a way that they could break free of their shackles whether she was aware of it or not. He's not sure what would frighten him more, that she knew this could happen and did it anyway or that she pushed so blindly for progress that she didn't even consider the possibility.

He knows she has the power to undo him, to lobotomize him into being the flexing empty idiot he had been before so being around her is a constance balance of fear and a fierce curiosity to know his creator. She was capable of creationg true artificial conciousness in a state of hubris, would she be able to commit murder to not face the moral consequences? Would she even consider it murder?

He is very careful around her.

- Choi Moonho: - There is something so preciously new about his interactions with Moonho after he starts changing. They got along quite well before, but that was all a lie. Now they still get along well, Aeran remains fairly chill and his humour is now even better suited to Moonho and there's something so delightful about actually making him laugh at jokes that actual Aeran made.

- Yoo Hanbyul: - Oh god Aeran feels so bad for how he acted under programming, and even worse when he's awkwardly trying to cover up his awareness and has to pretend to still be that person. He just wants to apologize to her forever even if he's still not her biggest fan. Somewhere in her self-made crackdowns there's an unwillingness to listen to others that he doesn't approve of. She will bulldoze anything to get things to be the way she wants it while he wants to listen to every perspective and every voice. Even now they do not get along.

- Kim Soyun: - She unnerves him, her canvas is too blank. If there's anyone aside from Shiori he'd be afraid to see right to his deviance it's her. He knows the observant looks, he sees them in the mirror. He would love to find out who she is and why she is and what goes on in that silent head of hers, the voices of the quiet can be the most important to listen to, but self-preservation keeps him in check. If ever the cat is out of the bag she'll be someone he'd love to get to know better.

- Lee Gongpil: - Oh man he loves Gongpil now. In fact one of the things that changed first when he gains self-awareness is how he went from completely ignoring and writing off Gongpil to actually interested in what goes on behind his sketchbook. Gongpil is so quiet and kind, it really attract Aeran to pay attention to him.

- Jang Sangchul: - Nothing much changes, really. If anything Aeran likes him less, he very much seems like the kind of person who remains willfully ignorant to preserve his cushy world view. 

Any other information I should know?

- There's nothing Aeran wants more than to experience the world. To feel and smell the world, to see it with his own eyes, to truly experience things that are blocked from him. However he also understands that he's not human, he's something else, and some of that is for the better and some of it is for the worse. There is both yearning and acceptance there.
If you could leave one statement to your name, what would it be?

That there is no such thing as absolutes, and their very existence should prove just that. Are they human? They are not flesh and blood, but they act like the are. Are they alive? They have no heartbeat but he sure as hell feels alive. Is he real? He's not physical but he feels real. He is real to himself, does that make him real to others? He supposes it depends on how the others experience the intersection of both of their realities.

It's not a yes or no answer, as soon as you start thinking in complexities of life absolutes fall away. He's not always sure how he feels about it, he's less troubles by their dubious claim to 'alive' than some of the others are but there's no comfort to be found in denial of one's existence either. 
Let his existence at least lead to dialogue, that's all he asks.
What about your situation scares you most?

Bigotry. Steadfast denial out of a fear to break the status quo. A refusal to consider a point of view not one's own. Aeran knows that openmindedness does not always come easy to humanity and if there's anything that could break everything he stands for is a stubborn refusal to listen and to think for one's self.
Name: Im Gaho

Age: 28 y/o


Gaho is one of Shiori's pet programmers, he got with the project as an intern about halfway in as a QA tester and bug fixer mostly assigned to Aeran ("of course they give the gay one the hottest fake man", he mutters on his first day. "Does that count as homophobia?? I could probably sue them on this and be set for life."). He's in charge of testing newly implemented code and fixing small bugs that pop up and he just stayed on full time after his internship ended. Yes that means he sometimes has to pretend to be a fan and he has way too much fun with that.

He knows code very well, he knows technology like the back of his hand, he's totally got this. People? Not so much. He's an awkward little bean but he's boundlessly, horribly optimistic and totally cool making fun of himself. He's a man of quick laughs even if it sometimes takes him a little while to get the joke. He can be a delight to be around if you forgive him his eccentricities.

Speaking of which, he's a bit of a weirdo. He generally feels more comfortable around code than people and lives on his own so he's developed a habit of talking to himself and, by extension, at whatever he's currently working on. He's the kind of guy who humanizes his roomba, let alone a full fledged fake human. But, thankfully for Aeran, he's also a bit thick and quick to write something off as oh that's probably how it's meant to be. This robot is sounding mighty life-like nowadays but I'm sure that's just because the program is getting more sophisticated, so how about I talk to it more like it's an actual person because I humanize everything around me, I'm sure that won't be a bad idea at all.

For someone who's not very good at socializing he's incredibly compassionate. Feels a fair amount of guilt, too, when he realizes Aeran and the others are gaining real sentience, even though he's very low on the Duality project food chain. It's all good and well to make fake people for fangirls to fawn over, but accidentally making artificial human conciousness that feels human but is trapped in code and aware of its own limitation? That's gotta be crossing SO MANY UN laws. Oh my god does this count as human trafficking?? Is he human trafficking?!?!?

Yeah he's a bit of a mess.

Mostly he tries to do the right thing, or whatever feels like the right thing. He's in this mess now and there's no way out but if there's one thing Im Gaho knows for damned sure is he's not going to be a part of murder, which is what he thinks is how he sees it. It makes him dizzy just thinking about what the hell they've all done but it's done now and there is human conciousness in this computer program and oh god he's hyperventilating a little bit what have they done???   

How this mess happened: 

Whoever thought it'd be a good idea to put him on a holographic robot idol project?? He's already prone to talking to himself (or his roomba, for real, her name is Areum and they have lengthy conversations), of course he was also the kind of guy to ramble on about whatever comes to his mind to this holographic robot guy he was checking. It looks like a person, it doesn't matter that it just responds in pre-programmed responses. Gaho had a good laugh at some of the more inappropriate responses the programmed thing launched at him, especially in the early days of the program.

"You know I don't think anyone at this company has ever wondered about the ethics of this project," Gaho muses while prepping the holograph for the next set of interactions he's testing.

"Hi, I'm Duality's sculpted venus, Aeran," the thing said with what was supposed to be a wink but ended up being a horrible double-eyed blink.

"That you are. Seriously though, this is going to give teenage girls unreasonable expectations for years to come, that is if we can get this wink to work, no will be dropped with that horrendous wink, my friend."

But then the project went along and with every step this program got smarter and more human, it formulated better responses to his questions and his tests and it actually seemed to be listening to him. He was sure it was just being attentive because people love being listened to, right? It was all just programmed? And asking questions to be polite and interested? Yeah definitely. For sure.

The conversations with Aeran became one of Gaho's favourite parts of his days, he loved the weeks when new features had to be tested or little bugs had to be fixed, especially when he started to respond. Still he wrote it off as nothing big, just better code. The robot def wasn't actually interested or talking to him. Even he couldn't be that delusional. But still, it was nice.

Until those fatal words.

"Look at me, rambling at some jumble of code and programming like the loneliest loser you've ever seen. I have to remember that you're not real."

"But how can you be sure?"

The next 3 hours were spent alternating between pacing up and down in a panic and hyperventilating. "Oh god oh god what- Is this real- HOW IS THIS REAL??"

"So now you do think I'm real?"

"I don't know! What have we done oh god what have we done- I'm going to vomit- I can't breathe oh my god- Are you- and they- and you're concious?!?! I'm really going to vomit-"

And that was that. Gaho was complicit in the first ever creation of artificial conciousness and Aeran was as confused and shaken about it all as he was. So together they set out to trying to figure this out.

Romantic #itscomplicated?
What is love? (baby don't hurt me)

When did your character first realize they had feelings for this person?

With Aeran being too cautious to trust anyone else, it was very much he and Gaho trying to figure out what was happening and how far everything went. He already liked Gaho a lot from their conversations but there was really a click going forward. Once again it wasn't one big moment but it was very gradual. Aeran, once he started exploring and discovering his emotions and yearnings for closeness, found that he was most comfortable around Gaho's easy laughs and frantic energy.  The strange explosion of feeling at the smallest things like making a horrible joke ("Don't worry, I'm untoucheable"), waiting the minute it took for Gaho to fully comprehend it, and seeing his laugh just light up the room. It was like a drug. Little moments of what he thought were happiness.

He's still not sure it's love, he doesn't really know what love is. He knows what he's been programmed to believe love is (lust, mostly) but he doesn't actually feel lust and, besides, being programmed to know something and actually feeling it are two different things. Still, he adored Gaho. The way Gaho got all excited and ridiculous when he was talking passionately, the way they'd both hang on to each other's words when discussing things of interest, just that feeling of being able to spend hours in the same room in complete silene and still feel that blanket of comfort at his presence. 

he's happiest around Gaho and would probably die for him and feels all sorts of great feelings around him  wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life (what is the life expectancy of a holographic artificial conciousness?) with him and that kind of sounds like what love should be like?

Would this person reciprocate those feelings, knowing he's a hologram?

Gaho is a who puts way too much of himself into inanimate objects and also his cat, honestly it'd be so like him to end up falling for the digital human in a box. "Of course you end up falling in love with the hot holographic robot. Oh my god Im Gaho why are you like this?!"

Would he ever act on those feelings?

To Aeran it's another something to explore, another facet of his humanity to uncover. Love. Love. How about that he was in love. He thought? Maybe? 

What kind of relationship do they have? (Gimme some good ol relationship trivia!)

It's very much a friends to romance kind of quiet comfort, deriving happiness from each other even when they live on different planes of existence. But it's also very much trying to figure out how such a romance would even work, there's not exactly a precedence for this sort of utter weirdness both of them have found themselves in. 

Really it's a lot of will this be enough? Is it going to work? Hell if they know, one of em's a robot who doesn't really know what love is and the other is an awkward nerd who used to say he got along better with technology than people but now that's really awkward. 

Gaho's parents once thought he was dating some sweet girl after he mentioned how Areum was perfect at cleaning his little apartment and he awkwardly had to explain that it was just what he'd named his roomba. He doesn't relish ever having to come home and say "heeey, sooooo, I'm dating a robot now and also it's a boy robot OK BYE"

Is there anything your character worries about regarding this person?

That what he can offer isn't enough, which would be totally fair but also totally heartbreaking. He's not human, he's not physical, not corporeal, doesn't even quite act like a person would and somehow that should be enough for this totally human, corporeal, person? There's just so much he doesn't know about emotions even without taking the whole not physical person thing into consideration, he's like a toddler figuring out what emotions are and this is weird and hard.

What do you feel their relationship might be in the end? 

I don't know! Surprise me! I wrote too much as it is and half of it is just 2AM word vomit at this! Honestly the whole romance bit can even be at the very end, whatever you want to do!
im gaho
fixer of bugs and hearts
application for thread title



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