Are you lonely~~

 I lovee you ❤️




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I'm sorry soooo late finding your blog. I feel the same. Lonely and sometimes can't deal with myself
Same with mee... feel lonely but i will always be with u.. luv u
I felt this. Sometimes it's nice to be alone, but not to the point where you isolate yourself from others and can't come back from it. I think there is a level of moderation we should have as individuals of a society, no matter how ed up some aspects of society are (judging, materialism, expectations to be extroverted or social, etc). You are not alone in this, and if you ever feel unmotivated to get out of bed, just know there's still a lot out there to explore without having to talk to others!
I am crying now :( I know this feeling too well. You are not alone in this.
Thank you, and no you aren't the only one bc theres me.

Love you too