nct community; let's talk about this

This is to all my "friends" here on AFF and the NCT community


  • I think I've been through a very stressful period without truly acknowledging how bad my mental health was getting. 
  • Now I've reached a point where I'm definitely more relaxed and positive, but I'm re-building my mindset and hoping it will lead me on a brighter path.
  • I'm doing that with AFF too. 
  • I've been feeling really let down by the community and the fact that in the NCT fandom, nobody seems to appreciate what they get from authors??? But we're sure quick to be edgy and savage, instead of being open and kind??? 
  • I know we are a very huge and torn community because the group we support is very huge and definitely torn. We don't have anything to lean on, because it keeps changing and evolving and many get left behind. 
  • I was left behind. 

  • So right now, of course I still support NCT and I'm a huge fan still... but I am also really worried about NCT and how they are being managed and promoted. 
  • Currently, there are so many good things happening with them being in the US, and that is making me very happy. 

  • Since I am trying to be more positive I also want to respect myself. That's why I put subscriber's only on Gifted, because even though I really shouldn't care about numbers, I kind of felt I was writing for two people and felt discouraged. 
  • But what I am writing has great potential and I want to share that. So if you like what I do and what I give to you, do remember to be grateful. 
  • Being grateful and giving love, will only make this community better and make it a much nicer place to be. 

  • We need to stop being selfish and remember that this is a place where we have people who love the same things. 
  • We have a chance to interact and be ourselves, or a version that we want to be. 
  • I have so many friends here on AFF and then again I don't know why many added me as a friend on here since clearly, they don't want to interact?? Or are afraid to??? 
  • We do not write for profit or compliments, but because we love writing and sharing it with others who love reading!!! We want to share this joy and handing out and receiving no sign of enjoyment is not what us authors want. This website is here so that we can share our interests in a community that understands and love the groups we love and enjoy creative thoughts. 

  • Let's share what we love about fanfics!! Writing or reading! Just share some love! <3

Emma <3

You can also follow my twitter: @sunnyatlast if you wanna be mutuals!! <3


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I completely understand and I’m deeply sorry for not being here to support you. I take that responsibility on myself for being forgetful and overthinking everything that comes to my mind. I wish I could help in some way, but I am here if you need someone and I think you should take a break and focus on your health, I don’t want you getting hurt, love.

I’m also let down by the NCTzen fandom (and other fandoms I’m in), but there will always be good and bad people EVERYWHERE, unfortunately. It but that’s the way the world works right now and we just need to try to ignore them and stick with the people we love and care for who respect you as a person.
shinyao #2
I feel what you mean, because the nctzen readers are either very enthusiastic OR very erhm... How shall I put it? Kind of lazy/rude in their commenting. And if you are a reader of mine and reading this: I appreciate any comment by default, but people who just put like 3 words after a chapter update.... why???? 'update soon please' is not really something that inspires every writer. Its better to mention a detail of the chapter you've read or maybe try to make an inside joke or some sort? I dunno... That usually works for me as a writer to read those.

In my opinion: nctzens are for most part kind of young or new to kpop and I just hope they grow into the right direction. We can only help them by showing the right example and keep stimulating them to learn from us :)
oml u used hendery and yangyang in one gif im
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