♡ SURPRISE Happy Birthday Saritababo ♡

To everyone who reads this, please please please check out her amazing stories that will grip your heart from the way she just exhibits raw emotions and realistic perception of love between people is amazing..

However, it always disheartens me how she has such low upvotes, comments, and subs ;×;

She deserves a lot more appreciation for her works, and I'd be more than eternally grateful if you take a few minutes to read some of her stories and leave a comment or something to encourage her to keep at it ♡

...or at least wish her a happy birthday, pretty please? (*꒦ິo꒦ີ)

She's had a difficult month, and though I try to cheer her up and be there for her as best I can, when I can, I feel I honestly never do enough to let her know how much I appreciate all she's done for me and all the times she's been there for me at my lowest points.

I planned this surprise to get her more appreciation and more importantly to show her how great she is at her art and show her all the people that love her for it! So, the whole day I messaged 90% of her subs and some of our friends lmao ×~× (was worth it I swear OTL) and I'd love for more people to contribute and meet/follow this lovely human being I call my aff bff (asianfanfics best friend forever lol) ♡

Thank you for your time and thank you to everyone who helped me out by sending her messages and checked out her stories!



And now to make her cry ∑d(°∀°d) lmao



To Saritababo:

I know you see all my updates so it was hard messaging everyone without you seeing it xD I tried to be sneaky about it but I knew you would find out eventually so I purposely did most of the messages after you went to bed so you wouldn't spoil the surprise lolol anywho--

SURPRISE (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Here is my birthday post to you since putting this on your wall would be obnoxious ... and will make me cringe xD


Dear Saritababo,

I wish you the utmost happiness, love, and warmth not only today on your birthday but for all the days of your life ♡! I appreciate our friendship since Day 1 of you commenting on my first fic, Lucky.. It's been such a blessing and a crazy ride together xD I feel like we've been friends forever already with all we have talked about and been through.. I can't ever thank you enough for all you've done for me and for all the days you've been my support, being here for me on my lowest points as well as cheering up and always snapping me out of hiding away in my dark cave ;×; And of course, most of all, thanks for withstanding my insanity and when I spam you my ridiculousness and everlasting thirst and (corrupting) creativity with LINE stickers lmao! Thanks for being there for all of my Baek Times and Chanyeol afternoons/nights LOL Thank you for being my #1 fan and yelling at me to write and to never delete anything haha 

Lastly, to sum up everything, thank you for being my affbff ♡

I pray that the rest of the year is only filled with tears of joy and laughter instead of sadness and stress. I wish that all the liveliness, hilarity, craziness, happiness, care, and love you give to everyone returns to you tenfold.

Never forget that you're not only an amazing, inspiring writer, but also a lovely, wonderful person ♡

Since I can't give you a physical birthday present in person, I pray that with all the wishes you received today from my little surprise gift that it will be a memory you may cherish and to always be a reminder to you that people love you and care and that even when I'm ill and can't be there for you as much as I want to be, and for all the times I'm not the most affectionate, gushy person, know that ily, hun c: ♡

Happy happy birthday, love~

And may we continue being aff bffs for many many years more ^^


Have fun crying at work! Mwuahahahaa~ (•̀ᵥᵥ•́)♡



Love always,

Your angsty dramatic EXO thirsty insane Cherry



P.S I was going to also get you a poster made for Want to Talk About It since it's my favorite story of yours and was supposed to finish that Kai chapter for Burning Whispers but, you know.. I didn't have time because of all of my attacks lately :/ But I guess that would be overkill with everything else xD

So here's my ending gift instead! And yes, it was supposed to look stupid lmao


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Also, I will answer each and everyone of those who wished me a happy birthday but I've cried so much, I need to sleep more and drink more water rn x) but people need to be ready for my replies ~
I don't even know what to say at this point anymore. You're done so much for me in the past year and a half, almost two now, and I could never thank you enough for everything you've done. You've been here to listen and laugh and cry and smile with me and it's a wonder we never get tired of each other because we litterally talk every day xD And sometimes I just can't believe that you are my friend becauqe you know how socially awkward I am and how little trust I have because of all the things I had endure in high school and here you are proving to me that I made the right decision by commenting on lucky such a long time ago, because I woumd be so lost without you now. You bring me so much joy and I just want to be here for you the way you are for me. I'm so sorry I've been having a ty life recently, and I feel like I'm not supporting you enough but I will always be here for you whatever you need, or want and I coumd never thank you enough for this amazing birthday gift ♡
AND OMG THANK YOU JONGIN XD (going back on line now )