due to personal reasons, i lack friends.


hey there. lately i've been very dead on all my platforms aswell as getting more distant with people, and i wish to change that. so i'm looking for a friend or friends to talk, spend time and play games with! i tend to dabble into real life (ooc) talk so i hope you're comfortable with that.

some things about me:

  • my timezone is +1 and i, surprisingly, go to sleep at reasonable hours. i really don't mind whatever timezone you're in.

  • you can call me nao, puns around my name are very welcome. i'm gonna kms nao.

  • my fc's vary depending on my mood! but i'm currently fcing a girl, and i don't mind your fc.

  • i'd prefer it if we could both be comfortable and loud with eachother since i usually am not very literate? if you are, i will mirror you though. i'd like for the both of us to be ourselves!

  • in contrast to this ad i actually use a cancerous amount of emojis and insiders to communicate. and i sometimes don't put punctuation but i'm trying.

  • i am only looking to build new friendships, so if you're searching for a possible significant other - sorry i'm not the one, i'm happily taken.

  • i'd like to get back into playing ml since i stopped for about half a year maybe. so if you're into it then that's a huge bonus ugh. i'm open to trying other games aswell such as maybe pubg or plato. also, i enjoy rabbit dates!

  • this probably isn't really necessary but i find zepeto really cute and i'd want to take cute pictures with our zepeto's together...

  • i have kkt and twt fl, though i would prefer twt fl since i'm more active on there than kkt. i'm actually very very dead on kkt. i'd make an effort if it's your platform of choice though!

  • if we click, catch me making a playlist for you within a week or so. i'm a huge er for those, i love sharing and receiving song recs!

  • if we don't, feel free to sb or remove me. sorry i couldn't meet your expectations ):

so i think that's about everything that comes to my mind right nao now. i feel like this has 0 structure but oh well. if you're in any way intrigued by this, please hit me up with your prefered platform and i'll add you!



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moonlight1204 #1
i'm quite interested-- though i'm not comfortable enough to reveal my line or kkt id. so if ins (_hanyueyue) or twitter (softestyueyue) is okay for now, i'd be happy for a new friendship.