q&a | 21 to 40

the second part of 'q&a with julien' series! thank you for the interesting questions and the affection.




21. What are your dreams and goals?

to be independent till the end of my life, to have an apartment complex with friends who enjoy being single like me, and to build a home for abandoned pets.


22. How would you like to be remembered? At your funeral, what do you want people to say about you?

i ask myself what if i die tomorrow quite often, but there is no answer.


23. What, according to you, should a perfect date be like?

with the right person. everything else doesn't matter.


24. Would you rather have one or two belly buttons?

i don't even want to have s.


25. When do you think a person is ready for marriage?

when they don't think marriage is something romantic.


26. What will you say to your ex if you meet him/her again?

go yourself.


27. what’s your favorite song right now? :)

it's a vietnamese song so i don't think you will want to try or understand it : ( name's "tình nhân ơi" by binz, orange and super brothers anyways!

here is the links of some more: adodda, mượn rượu tỏ tình (THIS IS REALLY CUTE TRY IT), hôm nay tôi buồn, mình yêu nhau từ kiếp nào


28. i have this problem-- i'm irrationally scared of abandoment. yet at the same time, i have this indescribable need for affection. and so what happens is, i cling and obsess over someone, but end up suddenly cutting all ties and ruining the relationship because i'm so scared they'll leave me. i always think, "if i leave you first, you won't have the chance to abandon me and hurt me". and it's so hard to maintain a relationship, friendly or romantic, because i'm so ing paranoid about the idea of them... abandoning me. throwing me away. and sometimes the smallest things trigger me. just the simplest of things can make me so upset. and everything i do is just so... extreme when i feel upset. i don't know. i just feel like there's something extremely wrong with me. i don't know what to do.

what can i say; i'm exactly this type. or should i say, i was. i'm not afraid of pain or whatsoever, but i always have a toxic thought i```n mind that everything has to end at some point, and the sooner it is, the less difficult for both parties. and i guess i'm cruel enough to be the one dropping the bomb. until i found some precious souls who would do anything to keep me by their side, to make me stay. same goes for you, darling. once you met the right people, you wouldn't want to leave.


29. what inspires you to Write?

long story short; last year, there was an author with a blackvelvet collection, but the stories are all converted from another pairing (as in, she just changed the name and did not write it by herself). and i think my girls deserve better. not to mention, those oneshots weren't even worth stealing.


30. i miss the days when you would actually reply to every one of your comments.

me too. everyone has to grow up eventually.


31. we need to start a fanclub for you! i bet i could get like 30 members in an hour from the enthusiasm i'm seeing, haha.

i once dreamed of having a meeting with you guys where i even made nameplate of the fanclub for each -- named little apples/petals. HAHA.


32. Do you prefer soft beta boys or a strong alpha male?

as long as the alpha male doesn't act like he's the main , either is fine for me!


33. Favorite pet name you wanna be called?



34. ah, you're very welcome! 
though, what exactly first inspired you to write? and why the english language, instead of vietnamese, which i can only assume you're more familiar with. 

i started harboring the urge to write when i was 9, after listening to my grandpa reading and translating the masterpiece 'lolita' by the great nabokov, but i actually was motivated by conan doyle and his sherlock and tried to write the first short story (full of plot holes but precious to me nonetheless). i do write in vietnamese as well, but usually not because well, the language is too beautiful for the filth. i often translate stuff into vietnamese instead.


35. How do you feel about betrayal or someone close to your betraying you for fun and enjoyment and making you hurt and degrading you etc?

they need to be punished by getting hit by a truck, and that would still be not enough.


36. what is your real name and what does it means?

written as 'vũ ngọc nam phương'. means the gem of the south.


37. what do u think about oneside love?

why do you have to waste your time on something like that when there are many more important things in life.


38. if I can't hear well, should I use a hearing aid? I'm just really scared of being judged......

tell them you're an undercover agent. and slap them across the face if they do laugh.


39. juicy+gucci=jucci, i guess. i'll support your fashion brand :^)))

my fashion brand will be 'blaspheme' :^)


40. please PLEASE update blasphemy

please be me for a week and do all the work.




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theloveitself #1
You’re VIET? I’m honored.
28 is so damn relatable like wow