
I was really scared in the begining, even though I didnt do anything wrong it appeared that the arrows have been pointed at me, in the end I was the cuprit of everyone else's crime. 

Maybe my silence is not the best way, but its my only way, at least untill I know what to say, how to say , whats the best thing to say.

You or others may take it as a victory but the same God I prayed to over and over again when I was in the lowest place, the same one you or others probably dont believe in, unfolded His plan and the wisdom behind it. And thats all I need to wait for. 

He said "Be patient under all conditions and place your whole trust and confidence in God." and everytime I did, with a bit of patience, with a bit of trust in Him, he showed me he's still there for me. Even when everyone else refused to be. 

He showed me how to pull myself together and stand up again, on my own two feet,  contrary to what you or many others wanted me to believe. That I cant do it on my own, that I need someone to raise me up. 

I believe that empowered you, to see me hopeless without others to pull me up. You probably felt better about your miserable life looking at my rough times. and I think thats why you could never fully realize how pitiful you lived, because you hid it behind others miseries. 

Tonight, I'll say the same prayers and put my whole trust in Him again. I'm sure your persistence to show up in my life is one of his unfolded Wisdoms too. I'll just patiently wait for it all to unfold. 



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itz-ally #1
omg, you're such a strong woman!! this post is so empowering and i'm so glad i came across your blog!! i pray you have a life filled with happiness and love! God bless you, friend! lots of love! <3
Some days we just want to cry, and we need that. Through tears we can release what we may otherwise fester in our hearts. So please, let us cry.

Some days we just want to complain, and we need that. Through complaining we can vent and release the constant cycle of thoughts we are trapped in our mind. So please, let us complain.

Some days we just want to be angry, and we need that. Through anger we release emotions that otherwise can grow into something deeper and harder to release. So please, let us rage.

Some days we just feel off, and we need that. Through allowing ourselves to go with whatever emotion rises we accept both highs and lows in life. So please, let us feel.
God bless you... Thank you for your encouraging words buddy... Don't give up ever...