セレブ愛 / hush, it's hyemi & jisung's secret


about HYEMI

birth name na hyemi ( 나혜미 ).
other names 
no hyemi : "hey look, it's no hyemi!" hyemi rolls her eyes at the familiar nickname as she pulls out a chair next to a blonde man. "very funny, kibum." she deadpands, "it's only been five years since you've graduated college. I think it's time you left this stupid nickname back in the days." hyemi shakes her head in exasperation, reaching for the shot glass in front of her as her eyes wander the table for a bottle of soju. 

you're drinking? whatever happened to saying no to every vice we presented to you at parties?" kibum smiles, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. hyemi pulls her lips back into a mock snarl and lifts her hand to hit kibum's head lightly. "go away, key." she snickers. "hey, we banned stage names!" the blonde gasps, his hand covering his mouth in exagerrated surprise. hyemi lets a smile appear on her face as she pours herself a shot.

this nickname was first ( drunkenly ) found by kibum when both were college freshmen. a fellow student was hosting a party and hyemi rejected every cup of alcohol or lit cigarette people gave her - she did so for every single party thereafter. yes, she would dance her heart out and socialise with everyone and everyone knew her name, but hyemi never ever touched liquor or tobacco. and because she'd always comically exclaim "
no!" in english every time someone asked if she wanted anything, kibum decided to just call her no hyemi as a parody of her name. it stuck, and whenever she arrived at social gatherings people would take one look at her and announce that "no hyemi coming through!" as she ducks her head and tries to get through the pulsing crowd of people. truth is, hyemi was just extremely cautious - you never know what people put in the drinks or whether the cigarette is tobacco ( legal in korea ) or cleverly disguised weed ( illegal in korea ) so she just chose not to consume any. she was still able to have lots of fun, so she doesn't regret her choice.

goyangmi : "I still don't especially enjoy the taste of alcohol, to be honest," hyemi remarks as she downs her shot, grimacing at the aftertaste. "but this is a college reunion and I don't have work tomorrow, so why not?" she shrugs. kibum frowns, his brows knitting together. "don't you have to drive home though? or are you going to call for a desginated driver?

hyemi winks as she reaches for the soju bottle again. "
I have my personal driver tonight," she grins. "jisung's here to pick you up? that's rare," he responds, brows lifted. "his promotions just ended yesterday, so he has three days of holiday!" hyemi's eyes light up. her phone starts buzzing and she glances at the screen. "speak of the devil." she presses the phone to her ear and jisung's loud, loud voice comes through, forcing her to wince and pull her phone away slightly.

goyangmi! I know you probably just sat down, but I just wanted to say I miss you and I'll be here at 1am sharp to pick you up! love you bye!"jisung practically shouts through the phone. hyemi scoffs at the sweet words and places her phone back on the table gently, a sweet smile dancing on her face. 

you two are disgusting," kibum shakes his head. "how is it you two are still so lovey-dovey? shouldn't you be way past the honeymoon stage already? and what is that, a new nickname again? whatever happened to banana?"

I made him change banana a long time ago, I disliked that way too much. goyangmi is because he thinks I both look and act like a cat. a bratty cat, he said, but yeah. I approve of this one, it's much better than banana," hyemi leans her head back and downs another shot. "cheers?"

birth date + age april twenty-first, nineteen ninety-one ; age twenty-seven.
birthplace dangye-dong, wonju, gangwon-do, south korea.
hometown dangye-dong, wonju, gangwon-do, south korea.
ethnicity korean.
nationality korean.
most people think that her voice would be clear and strong due to the confident way she carries herself and how put-together she looks, and they're right. hyemi's voice is deeper than the average female and she speaks at a quick speed but with clear enunciation. even when she raises her voice, it's never shrill or piercing and is always modulated.

fluent korean : as a native korean, it's only natural she can speak, write, listen and read without any difficulty, even when it comes to slang. as someone who's lived in seoul for more than ten years, her gangwon dialect is practically non-existent and many don't realise she's not a seoulite unless she tells them. however, her dialect does resurface when she's extremely drunk or agitated.

advanced english : she's been studying english for most of her life, so while she's not fluent and still has a noticeable accent, she can converse with tourists without any problems and is the best at english out of her peers. she doesn't know any slang but will definitely be able to survive in a foreign country. just don't engage her in debates.

played by 정채율 : model.
understudies 황세온 : model / 이세영 : actress.
exterior hyemi towers over most korean females at the height of 171cm, but her height isn't the only reason she stands out. due to her small appetite, annoyingly quick metabolism and stress from work, she only weighs 49 kilograms, which makes her underweight. thus, when she stands next to other females, her limbs look extra thin and many have commented that they're too afraid to touch her with even the slightest bit of force because she looks like she'd get hurt with jsut one touch. other than that, her lack of fats has also resulted in a lack of curves - it was something hyemi used to be extremely insecure about, but has now embraced completely.

what she lacks in figure, she makes up with a face that fits almost every single standard of korean beauty. with a small oval face, large doe eyes, a refined nose bridge and cherubic lips that hide pearly whites, it's not surprising for she soared in popularity after her first apperance on tv. although she's usually sitting during broadacst, her golden proportions shown on her social medias have led to netizens questioning why sbs has the best news presenters, often comparing hyemi to jang yewon, a presenter who went viral due to a video of her smiling at the world cups in 2014. hyemi often receives comments from people detailing their envy for her long legs and how they wish to have her figure - which alarms her really.  

when she was still studying in film and musical, she'd dye her hair frequently. her past 'accomplishments' include purple, blue-green ombré, red-purple balayage, dark blue, black-blue ombré, dirty blonde, ash brown with golden highlights... and these colours were only what she went through in her freshman year. however, when she switched to study in digital media, she dyed her hair auburn and has kept it that way ever since, with wispy bangs framing her face. she spends lots of time caring for her hair after she damaged her locks during her wild hair days, now ensuring that it always looks healthy, bouncy and shiny. aside form the usual lobe piercings, she also has upper lobe piercings on both ears. her right ear has a helix and tragus piercing while her left ear has an industrial piercing. during broadcasts, she either takes out her earrings if she's wearing a ponytail or lets her hair cover her ears. 

fashion sense #girlcrush #boyfriendmaterial #militaryjackets #oversizedsweaters #plaincolours #wideleggedtrousers #rippedjeans #blouses #whitevans #turtlenecks #blazers #minimalisticnecklaces #charmbracelets #totebags




slytherdor chaotic neutral taurus
stepford snarker guile hero jerk with a heart of gold
quick-witted vivacious perceptive autonomous 
stubborn impetuous apathetic pompous

the type of girl you momentarily have a crush on when you exchange glances with her in the subway or spy her sitting in the corner of a café, hyemi's confident aura ensures all the attention is on her wherever she goes. there's just something about the way her eyes crinkle when her signature half-smirk graces her face that commands the room. she flicks her hair nonchalantly and the floral-woodsy scent of chanel no.5 wafts towars you, as if making sure she leaves a lasting impression on you. her drinks are usually free when she goes to bars, but she'll always find a way to return the money and pay for her own, because she can do fine by herself and doesn't need anyone's help.

it's really not hard to understand why hyemi has such a large social circle or why she always seems to be the life of the party. she never has problems maintaining conversation and can think of stupid puns and jokes on the spot, not afraid to self-deprecate or embarrass herself. with a severe lack of shame, she can make friends everywhere and strike up conversations with random strangers on the street - you only live once, so why shy away from anything? and as words are coming out of at a few miles per hour, her eyes dart around, taking in the expressions and actions of those around her, the tiniest furrow of eyebrows or the slightest downturn of lips, and she'll know when she's going overboard and stop. that's why hyemi tends to be a very pleasant person to be around - she jokes a lot but never ends up offending anyone or becomes overbearing, so most people who meet her can't help themselves but end up liking her.

to some, she's like a great island, with lush vegetation and all, but hard to get to. and even if hyemi doesn't want to admit it, it's true. she knows that on the surface she has everything, from a successful career to a great repuatation, but she refuses to trust people easily and likes living life by herself, resulting in a lot of friends but a lack of close confidants. it's probably because of her daddy issues that she really needs to address, but she digresses and just attributes it to being independent. that's why so many people deem hyemi perfect - she doesn't let them close enough to see the negtive attributes she has, instead maintaining the friendly, down-to-earth disposition.

those closer to her would definitely identify her biggest problem to be her laziness. it's a wonder how she got her journalism degree, really, when she's the type to yell for ahyeong desperately, only to ask for her charger that's barely out of reach when ahyeong runs into the room. whenever a problem faces itself, hyemi shrugs and leans back onto the couch, poking away on her phone, sure that the problem'll fix itself. her friends hsve pointed out her flaws before, but she always reacts strongly and says that if they don't like her, then they can walk out on their friendship. her friends largely sigh and stay, further reinforcing hyemi's attitude that she's faring just alright and that she doesn't have to change. that doesn't mean she doesn't regret saying that to her friends because she knows that these things stick around, but she tends to act before she speaks, kicking herself for the rashlessness afterwards.

born to single mother na minyoung on april 21st in 1991, na hyemi had a relatively happy childhood, running around with similar aged children in her neighbourhood. her mother was often out working odd jobs, so hyemi had lots of free time to herself, successfully reigning the playground before lazing around at home with no one to nag her. she'd once asked why she had no dad, and her mother had rashly answered it was because of her. that was the sentence that drove apart hyemi and her mother, shaping her independence and refusal to trust people. her lack of a paternal figure also has made her thirst for validation from people, and sometimes she ponders and thinks that's why she tries to be welcomed by all those around her. 

the only time her mother and her could feel a bond was when her mother and her hummed old songs together as they finished chores. that invoked hyemi's interest in music, and she began to write songs to sing for her mother when the latter came home from work just so she could see her smile. never a particularly good student, she didn't get admittance to top universities, and chose to major in film and musical in the college of arts and physical education at myongji university. she focused on singing and songwriting, but soon realised that she didn't want music to become her career, as the pressure diminished her love for the subject. after consideration, she switched to major in journalism, a subject many had always envisioned her to be good at due to her overflowing confidence and eloquency. although she didn't really like the subject at first, she soon fell in love with it and graduated with flying colours. she entered sbs, and after a few years of working behind the scenes then as an onsite reporter, she got promoted to become a newscaster in mid-2018. the morning she appeared on television, there were posts circulating on forums complimenting her face, and she became sort of a semi-celebrity herself.

lifestyle she's not a morning person, so she pretty much wakes up late every day ( she should be out of the door by 4.15, but ends up waking at that time instead ), hastily changing and rushing out the door with a piece of bread hanging from as her hands try to put a ponytai together.she needs to be at the studio latest by 5.00 to attend the newsroom meeting and while she can usually rush fast enough to get there on time, she always runs into the room breathless and sweating. she then edits her own copy so that the script sounds more natural as she reads off it, and touches up on her makeup before waiting to go for live. she gets off work at 10 and has lunch at the cafeteria with woori. on most days she goes home to catch up on sleep as all her friends are still working anyways, but sometimes she and woori go watch movies or hang out and have fun. 

her weekends are mostly spend on her bed as she wakes in the afternoon, cooks herself a simple lunch and watches dramas on her laptop. contrary to popular belief, she works out on weekends, heading out to a gym at night to box for two hours before eating dinner and going home to, well, lie on her bed.

likes mainstream hiphop ( she is a proud basic who only started paying attention to hiphop after show me the money ), ramen, street food,  skinship but only with those she's close to, clean crisp shirts, woodsy scents, horror films, vibrant colours.

dislikes tight hairstyles that give her a headache, cooking despite being good at it, unpainted or chipped nails, rainy days, fizzy drinks, food that utilises spices like lemongrass etc. so indian or thai food, sweet foods, ty comedies.

habits bites her nails when she's bored,  pulls her left ear lobe when she's thinking, purses her lips when she's concentrating really hard, taps her forefinger and middle finger rapidly on any surface when she's annoyed, walking around her apartment only in her underwear even if her roommate is home.

looks fine without makeup, so she tends to keep it simple. after putting on foundation, she fills in her brows, puts on brown eyeshadow, light blush, brownish-red lipstick and is pretty much good to go.

doesn't need glasses, but has numerous non-prescription glasses that she wears just because she wants to nad because she feels like it adds onto her image of a journalist.

would never admit it to jisung, but one of the reason why she likes having so much free time in a day is because if he facetimes her, she usually has the time to pick up and talk with him.

has a small appetite so she doesn't need to do much to keep her figure in check. gets full really easily but also tends to become hungry more frequently. works out because she thinks that if she just lazes around she feels really unhealthy and scared of what'll happen in the future. 

swears a lot. like, a lot. however, when she texts, she tends to use proper grammar and doesn't use abbreviations except "lol". types really quickly though, so would definitely win in an argument over text.

is at focusing, so tends to work for half an hour with ten minutes breaks in between. has really pretty handwriting, but finds it tiring and likes to type instead.

scores forums to read comments about herself. would 100% comment to defend herself if she sees hate comments. has a public instagram ( @n_a_hyemi__ ) with 105k followers and a private one ( @hyemiiiiii91 ) with roughly 198 followers.  mainly keeps in contact with friends on kakao (@hyemimi0421) but doesn't have twitter. considering opening a youtube channel to vlog.

Layout by Finire
Edit Profile
Hyemi Na 나혜미
Public Figure
910421 🇰🇷
161 Mokdongseo-ro,Yangcheon-gu, Seoul
♡ one love ♡japanese cafés are one of the best inventions of mankind.


kim kibum (27) was hyemi's seatmate when she began her first lecture at myongji university. with both of them having vibrant personalities, they clicked almost immediately, and when the lecture ended they realised that they hadn't listened at all and had only spent the two hours talking and chatting. they exchanged numbers and as they say, the rest is history. they've remained best friends ever since, texting frequently despite kibum's busy schedule as an idol. despite their close relationship, they've never harboured any romantic feelings for each other, and when they get drunk together they like to mushily admit how they're very thankful they've found each other int this life, for they can talk about anything with each other and every problem seems smaller if the other person is there to get them through it. they call each other soulbros and often marvel at how eerily similar their habits and hobbies are. you can always see hyemi sitting in the front row at shinee's concerts in korea and is probably one of those who scream the loudest whenever kibum has a solo stage. there was a period where kibum basically never replied because he was just that busy, but their friendship never diminished and if they ever meet up, there's rarely a silent moment as they tell each other what's been going on in their lives.

song ahyeong (27) was one of hyemi's project groupmates during hyemi's first year at myongji. contrary to kibum and hyemis' relationship, the two weren't on good terms at first, ahyeong's uptightness contrasting greatly with hyemi's relaxed attitude. during initial discussions, ahyeong had labeled hyemi as a freerider, but to her surprise, hyemi was the one who showed up to every meeting they had, citing that although she didn't want to come, she didn't want to drag the other members down. their friendship started when ahyeong had called for a meeting and nobody had shown up, so she started doing the project herself. half an hour into fuming on her own, hyemi had plopped down next to her, her hair messy and a coffee in her hand, apologising for oversleeping. the two worked through the night and to ahyeong's amusement, hyemi had snatched her laptop and deleted the names of the the two groupmates who didn't appear off the final report. this move gained hyemi ahyeong's respect, and the two became friends. the pair of best friends argue a lot due to their differences, but always come back to each other, one meekly saying sorry. hyemi pushes ahyeong to relax and let loose once in a while, while ahyeong makes heymi take her problems seriously and scols her a lot. the two are currently housemates.

chae woori (26) was someone hyemi had seen a lot around the station, but the two never really spoke until they became colleagues, presenting the morning news together. seeing each other daily and having similar schedules meant that they ended up doing a lot of things together, and their initial awkwardness quickly melted away due to hyemi's outgoing personality. woori's definitely more introverted and demure, but tends to be a bit dizty at times, and her innocence invoked the maternal instinct in hyemi, so she promised herself that she'd try her best to protect her good friend from, well, anything. they don't share deep dark secrets or anything, but silences between the two of them are never awkward and you can hear the excited chatter as they link arms and walk around the streets of seoul after they leave the station.


full name yoon jisung.
group ex-wanna one, current soloist.
backup lee sungyeol of infinite / kim jinwoo of winner.

huffleclaw neutral good pisces
team mom stepford smiler the heart
practical loyal dutiful sensitive genuine 
inflexible vulnerable needy anxious self-deprecating

"so many people see jisung as nothing but this happy go lucky person who can laugh at anything and make a joke out of whatever he comes across. I stuck to my television every time produce 101 aired, and I know why. those expressions, that clap he's always done ever since we met... some rip him apart for being fake, but that's just how he really is. he can bring a smile to just everyone's face, putting their happiness before his, always masking his emotions with that smile of his. he knows when you're feeling down and can always say the perfect thing to make you feel better no matter how down in the dumps you are... it's like he takes up the responsibility for caring about every single person he comes across. he could be heaving the weight of the world on his shoudlers and he'd still try his best to stand tall and proud, a small smile on face as he reassures people he's okay even when he's not. trust me, I've seen him doing that a lot. he's normally really realistic and can always help think of solutions when I encounter problems, but the only thing he's not realistic about was his dream and I'm so so so thankful he's made it. 

for how he's seen as a warm father figure, he's strangely stubborn and can't seem to accept new things. really, I had to spend so much time telling him to get daniel and the others to join produce - he was bent on becoming an idol the conventional way. I get that he's scared of rejection and failure, but he needs to understand that so many people will be here to help soften the blow and cushion him when that happens. I, for once, will always be there for him, but he never seems to truly get that and always acts apprehensive, thinking that he's not enough and that one day we'll all pack our bags and leave him. but the truth is his heart is so big it fits all of us and we've all brought our toothbrushes along for the long run because that's just how lovable jisung is. he can be clingy at times due to his fears, but it's something we're all used to. and hey, with an idol as a boyfriend, I'm more than delighted to have him spam me with messages because it makes me feel safer in this relationship. "

— hyemi on jisung, or as she likes to call him, jiddong. ever wondered how his former instagram username came into fruition? here you go.

love story fun fact: the first time hyemi and jisung had eye contact, hyemi was grimacing at him. both were first year film and musical majors at myongji, and jisung had walked in, laughing with his friends. he wasn't watching where he was going and basically smacked right into hyemi's table, causing her to smudge the whatever she was writing. she looked up and grimaced before her expression shifted into one of amusement as she stared at the male in front of her who looked absolutelyterrified. he had apologised profusely even though hyemi had reassured him numerous times that it was okay.

jisung, with his plethora of friends, forgot hyemi quickly, but hyemi remembered jisung clearly, mainly because she'd never seen someone as earnest and genuine as him before. she didn't like him, per se, she was just amazed that someone with such a personality could still exist at their age. his smile was infectious and whenever hyemi saw him around campus, she'd automatically get into a better mood herself. she wouldn't actively search out jisung, but she recognised his laughter and sometimes looked forward to seeing him. to put it plainly, hyemi was interested in jisung, but not in a romantic way - it was more of wanting to get to know him and see who was hiding behind the constant chatter.

the chance came when the film and musical majors had a trip and some seniors got drunk. they ganged up on jisung, jeering about how he still talked about wanting to be a trainee even though he was eighteen by then and his chances of debuting were slim. everyone was either too drunk to fight back or sober enough to know fighting back was a stupid move, so everyone stayed quiet. hyemi had been observing, and when he saw the flicker of hurt flit across jisung's face before a smile settled into place again, she stood up and told off the seniors, utilising a wide array of foul words and exaggerated body language. jisung thanked her and when it was time for them to head back to seoul, he sat next to hyemi. conversation between them flowed endlessly and everyone could see the sparks that were flying. after the trip, they'd hang out a lot, walking along the han river chatting about topics ranging from how their day was to secrets they never thought they'd ever share or working on music projects together at the university's music room.

two months after the trip, hyemi was the one who took initiative on 21st june 2010. jisung had been walking her home after watching a movie together, and when he turned to leave, hyemi stopped him and kissed him. he kissed her back, and that was the start of their relationship. to the eyes of many, their gender roles are reversed. jisung is the clingy one who tries to aegyo something out of hyemi or the one who initiates arms linking, while hyemi is the one who doesn't show her affection as much and the one who lets jisung sleep on her shoulder when they're riding buses together. they were comfortable that way, and even if hyemi tended to be snarky, jisung would only take it in stride, ruffling hyemi's hair affecionately as she tried to suppress her own smile. 

when hyemi wanted to change majors, jisung was nothing short of supportive. their relationship remained strong and everyone was pretty sure that when jisung graduated, he'd become a musical actor, hyemi'd become a reporter two years later the pair would get married and they'd get their happily ever after. that was, until jisung dropped the bomb the night before his graduation: he got accepted as a trainee by b2m entertainment. to say hyemi was angry would be an understatement. they had planned out their future, and now everything was... gone. after a few days of ignoring his messages, hyemi realised that she didn't care what happened if the two were together, so just sent him a simple text: "what's b2m's address? I need to come visit you."

that doesn't mean hyemi never contemplated breaking up. when she had graduated and entered sbs as a rookie reporter, her boyfriend was still an idol trainee, working his off for a chance that wasn't 100% guaranteed. she worried for their future, but seeing jisung's smile and feeling his arms wrapped around her made her feel that everything would be alright. their biggest fight happened in 2015, when b2m transferred jisung to mmo entertainment - hyemi thought jisung would give up then, but to her horror he continued to brave on. they broke up briefly after that, but after contemplating hyemi realised that jisung had always supported all her decisions and it was time for her to do the same. they reconciled after two weeks and have continued the relationship till now. as of february 2019, they've been together for almost nine years if you omit the two week break they had.



final words can you feel how rushed this is......... also I'm too tired to code the relationship section, forgive me. this is a mess. wanna one has way. too. many. members so I only put those who actually talk to hyemi?? like everyone knows she's jisung's girlfriend but because of the and how they literally don't see each other I don't see the point in putting younger members like guanlin and jinyoung. except for the members mentioned, hyemi's awkward with them at best.
scene requests tba if hyemi is chosen!

"i see all your imperfectionts, and it doesn't matter." 

na hyemi

na hyemi

horyiah. ying. six out of ten.

there was something powerful about her. like the sea it never mattered whether she was still and serene or in the throes of a storm, there was always a danger of drowning.



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