` ☆ * . °  OH!Shadow  · Tokko Jimi

name Tokko Jimi 독고지미
other names
• Milla, when she became a member of the circle her mother decided this would be her name and refused to let her pick something else. 
birthdate September 22, and 20.
birthplace Seoul, South Korea.
ethnicity Korean.
nationality Korean.
languages Korean, fluent
English, fluent. Her family speaks English all the time to try to keep them separate from others around them.
faces Lee Jinsil, Kim Ja Young
appearance Jimi has very pale white skin and long dark brown hair. Her features are delicate and soft. When she uses her powers her eyes fog over similar to Storm's eyes and her hair seems to blow in a hidden breeze. She is 164 cm tall and weighs 47 kg
style Jimi wears mainly muted pastel colours that are soft and takes away from her dark powers. Her family only wears designer clothes and they never dress down for anything. She hates prints  
personality (+) Friendly, careful, orderly, independent
(-) Perfectionist, absent-minded, indifferent, predictable
Jimi isn't harsh in any way. She is a soft person who likes to make friends with people who she wouldn't normally be in the same circle as. She is very precise about what she does as so she won't make any mistakes. She hates mistakes and will do anything to assure they don't happen. She is very orderly with everything. There is a place for everything and there is no reason they would be out of place. She makes sure she knows what she is doing fully before she does anything. Even with all of this she often doesn't like having to rely on other people for things. She is accustomed to doing things her own way, on her own. 
Jimi has OCD badly. If things are done wrong or put away wrong she has to fix it. It just cants get left wrong. She often gets distracted by small things though. She gets lost in her thoughts all the time and has been caught staring at nothing sometimes, eyes distant. As bad as this sounds, Jimi just doesn't really care about things that don't affect her. Yes, it is terrible that the population of American witches and wizards is on a very steep decline but there is nothing she can do about it so why should she care. That, amongst other things is what makes her predictable. She has a set way of doing things and people seem to pick up on that quickly. 
background 47 years ago the Tokko family and Sŏl the decided their two youngest children would marry, joining their two pureblood families together. There had been disputes between the families in the past before and they decided this would be a good way to end those. A year after they married their first child came along. 
Jimi was planned, her younger twin Aeri was not. The two of them were underweight when they were born premature so it was an enormous surprise. Jimi came out normal, nothing special about her but her sister. She was weak and sick. The first year of her life Jimi she spent mainly with nannies because her parents were worried about Aeri. 
Fast forward a few years to when Jimi is in school. She didn't show any signs of any kind of power. All her siblings, who had powers already, picked on her relentlessly about it. While it wasnt uncommon to not have powers, her family is held to a higher standard and her siblings knew that so they took the oportunity to pick on her, like any sibling would do. One afternoon when she was nine she was fighting with her sister when shadows erupted from her. When she awoke she was ecstatic that she had powers but was also scared of them and what she could now do. 
All of the Tokko children went to a very private very prestigious magic school called Yijin preparatory academy for the magically gifted, often simply called Yijin prep. Every year they would only accept fifteen new students from pureblood families only. Every Tokko and every Sŏl went to Yijin and they would continue to in the future. Three children were ahead of Jimi and Aeri but they were all bumped down for the two of them. The Tokko and Sŏl had been at Yijin since it started and all of the family were legacies there. They were boosters and had a lot of leverage for what happened there.
lifestyle Jimi is studying the effects of addicting magic while at the academy. She is interested in how it affects the use of future magic plus how it affects those physically. She attends early morning classes well before the others of the circle even wake up. She has a private room at the academy that is filled with books that are sorted by topic and alphabetically. She also still has a room at her parent's house
Often Jimi will put her currant advanced education ahead of her circle duties yet she is also interested in how the circle magic will affect the five of them
Spicy food
Pale lavender is her favorite colour
She always has a book on her
She forgets her phone everywhere
She has more books than she can count
She wants to get a tattoo but she is too scared to
Sweet food
Large animals
The cold
Loud people
When she sees things that are done a way that is wrong and she can't do anything about it it will bother her constantly 
She makes her bed right away in the morning, first thing
When she can't sleep at night she goes for long walks, alone
Spending time in a bookstore
Open water
Hurting people
Fun facts
She has a tiny grey cat named Chingu
Every member in her family has a pet cat
She owns three black items of clothing
She has a very low pain tolerance
She went to get her ears pierced but after one she left and let it close up
She gets nightmares often
She doesn't know how to drive
She is a terrible swimmer
She goes out to find spicy food, looking for the hottest thing she can find
She loves waterfalls
Her teeth are super sensative
She loves baths, the steamier and bubblier the better
She loves cookie scented candles
She is very difficult to wake up when she doesn't set her own alarm
She doesn't eat pork
She has way too many blankets but she is a bit obsessed with them
Her mother gave her a watch that her grandmother got as a wedding gift. It is enchanted so it will never die as long as it is in the Sŏl family
She is closer to her Sŏl side than the Tokko side
She looks more like her mother and her twin looks more like her dad
magic type Magic shadow.
Shadow Armor: Jimi can create a shadow barrier around herself that is all but impenetrable. She has been able to extend it around a small group of people but if she tries to push it further it will become fragile and break easily. If Jimi is just protecting herself she hardly has to focus. Shadows settle around her like a seconds skin and she could keep it going for a long time. If there are a few people in the group it takes some effort and she needs to focus. When it is more than four people she physically can't stay standing and if she holds it very long she will pass out. While she holds on she will start to sweat and shake uncontrollably. 
Shadow Camouflage: Jimi can easily blend into shadows. She hides easily but she can't extend it to anyone. Even if someone is looking directly at her, if she remains still she will remain hidden. This is easily her best power. She does it without even thinking. People have gone to wake her up in the morning but her room was full of darkness and her bed appeared to be empty. She was just camouflaging herself. It hardly takes any effort, just as much effort as walking to classes would take. 
Shadow generation: Jimi can control shadows. It is mainly a 'magic trick' but it does look cool. She has been trying to figure out a way to push shadows towards something and either protect it or hide it. She hasn't been able to make  push shadows towards something and either protect it or hide it. Generating shadows is something that comes naturally to Jimi. She doesn't have to focus but she only has ever messed with small shadows.
Death shadow: The only time Jimi has ever done this it was an accident. She was fighting with her sister, screaming mad and shadows pushed out around her. One of their cats was startled by the yelling and screaming, it darted across the yard, directly through the shadow. It died instantly. She has never tried to do it ever again because she is terrified of it.
Jimi's magic is not one she controls well. She has struggled to get a lid on it and often times it can get away from her. She hates how it makes her feel, dark and angry, hoping that she could get the chance to hurt someone and feeling no regret when people do. 
the circle Growing up Jimi was often in the spotlight because of her family, the joining of the Tokko and Sŏl families was surprising to everyone in the magic community so everyone wanted to know what was happening with the Tokko children. Most of the time Jimi ignored it all so when people started paying attention to Jimi because of the circle it was just the same as when she was growing up. 
Most of the time growing up Jimi was on her own. Sure she was around people but she never had anyone that was close to her. It is strange having people around her all the time and for them to be working with her. 
relationships her

Tokko Jinso is Jimi's mother. They are somewhat close and often will go star gazing together. Her mother has the ability to replicate stars and has caused more than one panic with the astrology world. She is 46. Jinso is from the Sŏl family, which is composed of mainly sun and star users, not shadow users nor have they ever been
Tokko Gyubeom is Jimi's father. They are close and often sit together in their library reading. He is 47
Tokko Gomin is Jimi's older brother. They are not close and often will pretend the other doesn't exist when they are in the same room as each other. He is 24
Tokko Aeri is Jimi's twin sister. They are strangely close. The two of them have a love-hate relationship. They have the regular twin things like being able to tell how the other is feeling and their powers are often strong when they are together but they never hang out or want to be around the other. They do love the other more than anyone else though. She is 20
Tokko Jinseo is Jimi's younger sister. They aren't very close and dont talk very often. They havnt found anything to connect on. She is 14
Sŏl  Mijae is Jimi's cousin and best friend. They are extremely close and they do everything together. They are inseparable and have been since their youth. She is 21
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