
Hey Everyone!

It's my first blog entry. The last time I log into asianfanfics is probably a few years ago and yeah, I stopped writing stories. Sorry to those readers who were looking forward to "Kidnapped". To the fans of "Really. I'm just curious.", thank you so much for your support. I enjoyed reading all your comments. Just to let you know, Jihyo was just a random name, and I wasn't referring to Song Jihyo from Running Man.

I am not sure how this whole blog thing works. I'm pretty rusty here LOL. I don't know if this blog will go public or only certain people can view them, but I hope it's private. Let me know if it's public though. I didn't tag anything so I'm really going as private as I can. For those who follow my blog, hey there! What's up?

Anyways, the reason why I came back to asianfanfics is that I wrote some stuff when I was feeling down and ty. I store them on my laptop but my laptop is about to die soon. I got a few backups here and there, but I'm just creating more backups just in case. You never know. So yeah, the blogs entries are like my backups.

The things that I will post from now on are entries that I have written over the past few years. It's not K-POP related. It's about my personal life and feelings, whatever I feel at that moment when I wrote those things. I will try to organize them in chronological order, the oldest one comes first. So, the next blog post will be something that I wrote back when I was probably 18 or 19. Warning, the entries can be pretty depressing or whiny. No worries, I am alright. Doesn't hurt to express whatever you are feeling inside, right?

Sorry to disappoint readers if you are looking for something else. BTW, potential haters don't hesitate to throw shade. Let me know if my content is inappropriate because I will then delete everything immediately.  Let me know if what I'm doing is wrong because I'm willing to stop. And for those who read each and every post, I LOVE YOU.




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