A Thousand Words | Graphic Contest ;

good day ♡ 
these are my entries for the graphic contests;

every stories made are very attractive and it held my attention, every story has its own appeal pulling my attention to read and it also made me want to do every story a poster (but i am not skilled enough T_T) but nonetheless, i wish a very smooth contest along the time.
Thank You for making this contest happen ♡
Please support her stories. (NO REGRETS ON YOUR BEHALF)


click the banner for the link to her contest page ♡


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WOW impressed *thumbs up*
These are reaaaaalllly good! And the details for each poster, too. Is it okay if I ask what software/app you use? Adobe (I hate how I have to pay for it every month)? And where do you get the fonts? If you don’t mind.