What do you live for?

I want to know what do you guys live for? What is it that motivates you, what is it you love so much you live for it? What is it that you tresure? But before asking these questions, do you have anything to live for? Do you have anything you treasure at all?


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I would say yourself right? everybody live for themselfes. You are in the world for a reason. Who knows maybe youll help someone develop somrthing change peoples life. So my asnwer is you live for people simple as thst
Hmmmm is this for developing a character? LOOOOOL Jokes, but just asking. :')) Quite a thought-provoking question on a night where I'm supposed to be doing work but decided to answer this question instead.

To answer your question, I live for many things. I treasure many things in my life, even the simplest things.

1. My siblings, my parents -> I love them so much.
2. My best friend -> I have never met someone that I loved this much in a platonic way who has always been there for me. We get into fights, yes, but I know that I can always count on her. The last real fight we got into was years ago (maybe 3).
3. My friends -> I've been going through a really rough time recently and although I don't speak to a lot of them most days because of my busy schedule, they make time for me and ask how I'm doing.
4. I live for giving back to the world, because I want to become someone that I'm proud of. I didn't do really nice things to other people when I was younger, and I want to make up for it.
5. I live to learn, because I realized there's just so much I don't know and I don't think I'll ever know enough.
6. I want to help as many people as I can before my life is over (hopefully decades from now) so I can say I didn't live to just live.

LOL. Now, time to stop procrastinating!