Long Weekend~

So, wow, if feels like I had a long weekend -___-

As you all know, there were a bunch of Korean Idols' birthdays even these past days : Kyuhyun, Hangeng, Siwon, etc. And then I think there was a Wonder Girls' Anniversary......? Sorry, I'm not really big on them. And then Heechul hanging out with Siwon and shaving his cat o___O Who's teaching him English lol Seriously? xD


But that aside, something bad happened and I just need somewhere to let out my relief.

So on the night of the 11th, my parents got into a car accident. They're okay now, thank goodness. My mom got out of the hospital today (12th) because they had to keep her overnight just in case. I feel bad 'cause she had to get stitches between her eyebrows and above her lip and broke 2 teeth and has a loose one. Dad has cuts on his forehead, but they'll heal. Her birthday's on the 14th, so wow, best luck ever huh? >___> 


Thanks for reading (whoever does) :D I hope you know you're all the best.

And then for Kyu, Siwon and Hangeng

  Awww ^_^


Lol Aww HanBum (...?) I miss them.... :|   <3


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Aww Thank you^^ I'll make sure to tell her you said so~
:0 I'm sorry for the accident that your parents had been through! I hope they get healthy and heal quickly. :D
And, Happy Early Birthday to your mom! I hope she gets well and healthy~~