Maybe I am just a little down today. Idk

Why do so many of my favourite authors go or deactive their account or do only invite or deleted or Idk something so one can't read their stories anymore... :'( 
And pls don't misunderstand. (If anybody even reads this.) I am not mad that they go for what ever reason. It's totally their right and if it's what's makes them more comfortable or happy they should do it.
But that doesn't mean, I won't miss them and their stories. Or that I won't be sad about it form time to time.

But thank you all for sharing your hard work with us. Even if you're going to take it with you again. I am really thankful for all these people providing us with so many stories ♡ and their lovely personality ♡ 


(I hope nobody will feel offend or something.. >.<) 


(Also I love Love Shot. ♡ bye) 


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