1000 subscriber hit for "little Baby"!!!

I don't even know how to thank you all for loving this fic even though it hasn't been that long since I've published it. So far it's the only fic I've been updating regularly and I'm very much proud of it. Sebaek has been a cure to my writer's block actually and your comments and upvotes has made me wanna update sooner and sooner.

I just wanted you all to know how thankful I am for this and how glad I am that you like this. I'm putting so much effort in it and watching it being paid back feels so damn good. I feel so lucky to have such great readers <3


If you still haven't checked it out CLICK HERE


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Ps. I tried so hard to finishing / reading your stories recommendation, can't comment on the story that I hadn't read yet. I need to immerse and swim deeply first. ❤
shinyao #2
Omggg thats awesome! I wish you all the best and more subbies!
musicislikemagic #3
CONGRAAats u deserve it.thank u for sharing such great writing with us ^^
what_u_do #4
congratulations ♡♡♡
congrats!!! u deserve it! we should be the one be thankful of you for sharing such a great fic and im glad sebaek helps you with your writers block! they're my happiness and im happy you make them as your inspiration! thank you so much queen <3
You deserve it! We should be thanking you! ㅠㅠ<3
CONGRATULATIONS.. The story is amazing, u r amazing... U deserve it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
congratulations!!!! <3 <3 <3
Congratulationssssssssss I'm so happy for you you totally deserve this <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :-*
Awww congratulations! ^^
Congratulations!! ♡
Sksldc #12
You deserved it and so much more ❤️