Back After 3 Years

Hi everyone, (or maybe I'm the only one left) 

I am back after 3 years!  I finished my HSC (tests for uni enrollment) and now I have a 4 month break with nothing to do, so I thought I might just rekindle this account.

I feel like nowadays no one's really on this website anymore and I have to be honest even my favourite authors seem to be less active nowadays, which I can see why. If any of you guys are still here and reading this, then omg hi!! it's been so long!

I really do hope I can be more active here and be more active in my friendship with all of you guys!! I have definitely met some really great friends here, so keen to meet more!!


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Welcome back!! I'm not sure if we've ever talked, but still, welcome back! It as grown quiet on here, but there's still enough people to keep it going. ^^