Do you ever...

This is a question for everyone, I guess, my friends especially.

Do you ever feel really tired? Physically, I mean. Personally right now I’d say I’m pretty fulfilled, doing the things I want to do and going places I want to be, but the trade off is, I’m very tired and find it hard to rest. I’m working hard and I do see results but I’m not really able to sleep much, sometimes my heart rate feels a bit irregular and in general I’m just sleepy? 

These are just random thoughts, but does anyone else feel this way? O.o 


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I relate a lot (sorry I just saw this) to this. yes I feel like that a lot esp with early morning trainings along with late night trainings. I reckon the best remedy for irregular sleeping patterns and potential insomnia is setting a suitable bedtime and sticking to it no matter what. Also your eating may be affecting it as well so try to eat whole fulfillin meals; avoid junk food or foods that are high in sugar. Also avoid energy drinks and coffee. ;)
I can relate in a way . Take good care. Try to spent some quality time on yourself. Self care is just as important as your work. Go have some fun
oceanscapes #3
I randomly relate so much, like today I was so tired, I went to my room to get something, and ended up taking an hour and a half nap, oopsie xD
So yeah I do feel like that sometimes, I have finals coming up and I've been really stressed, not sleeping properly etc. I get you, but you should really take a little more care of your health. Even if you don't time to get a lot of sleep, try taking power naps in between and make sure you're eating well, I wish you luck with whatever you're working towards~ Take care <3 :)