Ghost Club New Member Application - Jo MiCha


Jo MiCha



 👻Cha cha + A nickname taken from the second part of her name that her friends and darling brother Minjun

👻 Baby+  The club members call her this because she's one of the younger members of the club

👻  Mi + A short way to call her by used mainly by friends and the club members.

DATE OF BIRTH :02/14 +15 
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea 

—  Korean + Fluent +It's her native tongue born and raised using it. 


Well Hello there!


FACE CLAIM : fromis_9 jiheon


👻165cm & 55 Kg

👻Has a Monolid and isn't worried about having double lids

👻 wears glasses  

👻Occasionally dyes her hair blonde 

👻 Has a mole right under her left eye



👻  Micha wears the uniform with out any real altercations to it because it isn't her own personal outfit. 

👻 Though that is the case she does wear lots of fun hair accessories like headbands that match the holidays and hair clips. 

👻 Outside of school it depends on how she feels she varies between pastel  stuff to darker colors. Although she typically leans towards the pastel side of things with black thrown in there somewhere. 

👻 She aims for comfort over style and adores shorts and leggings the most.

👻Sweaters are a must have for her no matter the time of year she wears them whenever it gets cold.


The Newest Member!


PERSONALITY : Micha is independent feeling as if she is dependent on someone she will become a burden something she doesn't want especially since her parents have other things to worry about. She learned to be independent and do things by herself if she needed to from her mother and at times it's the easiest way for her to achieve her goals that she has laid out for herself. She doesn't seek help from the outside. She's also extremely quick-witted she's able to come up with answers for certain things without a thought of time. Especially when she is put on the spot it comes in handy for her and helps her get out of all if not most of her sticky and undesirable problems that find her somehow, someway how and she's able to help out others with it sometimes too which comes I'm handy. Micha is also extremely Kind by making sure her friends and people she knows have eaten, and that they are all happy and healthy just like they are a part of her family.

Snarky Defines Micha when she is upset she will tell you off and not care about what happens to her afterward until it happens and then she will deal with it then. No sooner or later only when it takes effect. Her being a tad bit Cynical comes from the fact she's afraid of getting hurt and past friendships making it rather hard to make friends with her and to get her to trust people but when they do it is something that is hard to lose once they do have it. lastly Micha is sarcastic and many people have told her so. she uses witty language to convey insults or scorn people by saying something that implies an opposite meaning.


BACKGROUND : Jo Micha was born the evening of February 14th 2003 and was the second child and first girl. It was a happy moment for the family and she was showered with the love and affection most children have when growing up. When Micha was old enough because her parents worked was enrolled into kindergarten so that she would be able to learn but still be looked after. Micha as she grew up and learned really loved to mimic and follow her older brother Minjun around wanting to be like him. At first it was cute and he would happily play along but after a while he would get annoyed by it and try to ditch her often. Fast forward to elementary school it was decent for her she got good grades and and she often would spend time at her friends place instead of at home but when she was at home her favorite past time was to harass Minjun and try to get him to play with her sometimes he would other times he'd tell him to scram. When she finally made it to middle school is where their relationship and she herself changed.

The first year of middle school was hard for her she'd get bullied for What she liked and it was just hard for her to make friends in general. One day the day was so bad she came home with tears running down her face storming past Minjun he followed after her and did all he could to make her feel better telling her that the other girls were stupid and that she was amazing but he also became outwardly protective over her. The two of them talked until their mom came home and Micha talked it out with her mom instead. After the talk the siblings had Micha changed herself for the better wanting to not let silly girls get to her. She managed to make one friend and they soon became best friends and still are. When it came to High school time for her the obvious choice was to go to the  same school as her brother. She was in a way familar with it through him.


👻 cold weather is her favorite the cold in general 

👻Allergic to Vanilla 

👻 Has a habit of picking at the skin around her fingers

👻Also is very intrested in the occult blames Minjun for it 

👻Scary things are her favorite and when it comes to horror movies more gore is better

👻 For no real reason besides it could come in handy she an Ouija board in her back pack 

👻She loves sour things and would chose them over sweets anyday

👻snorts when she laughs 

👻Absolutely hates bugs 

👻Puts up with by can't stand the heat 

👻summer is the worst 

👻Has a habit of repeating herself if she thinks someone didn't hear her even if they did andare trying to reply. 

👻her favorite color is pastel purple

👻Hates the color green

👻Doesn't like being late

👻 is scared of clowns

👻 her favorite scary movie is Texas chainsaw  massacre 

👻Currently she is unsure about what she wants to do after high school other then go to college. 


👻 "Have you eaten?"

👻 "I feel like I'm going to  melt."

👻 "Sanghyuk, let's open a portal to hell. "

👻 "I'm bored poquito."

👻"We should order food we need proper energy."

👻 "Honestly no one cares."

👻 "In your dreams."

👻 " you guys are fangtastic."




The Important People!


👻 Big brother : Jo Minjun/ University  student /laid back, observant , outgoing, and reliable / 10/10
The two of them have a very nice  relationship now adays.  If Micha needs anything at all more often then not Minjun will take care of it or at the very least help. They text each other at least once a day and though the two don't often say I love you they don't need too. Micha often texts him random things and will sometimes purposely spam text him and do little things to get on his nerves as a little sister should. 

 👻Future sister-in-law (Friend?): Kim Jinah/ university student/ sassy, protective, blunt/ 6/10
Jinah and Micha obviously know each other because she's dating her brother and she likes her. Micha finds her nice enough and she makes Minjun happy so she's happy.  Jinah and Micha go to each other a lot when it comes to venting about Minjun and Micha often goes to Jinah when she needs girl advice. 

 👻Adopted  big brother (Friend): Lee Sanghyuk/ student / you know him the best/ 8/10
Micha and Sanghyuk are pretty close to each other having interacted here and there when she was home when Minjun and Sanghyuk would hang out. Now that she's in school he trys to make sure that she gets use to everything and in her joining the club the two often just hang out and talk about their day and how things have been going.  She sees him as another big brother and she loves to occasionally get on his nerves and but he does it back to her. 

👻Best Friend| Jihee Park| 15| student| Loving, funny, Messy, Vain|  10/10

Jihee and Micha have been friends since their second year of middle school. The two do almost everything together except for the club. Jihee is always supporting Micha and Micha is doing the same and tries to go to all of Jihee's swim meets when she can and isnt doing things with the ghost club. The two honestly are two peas in a pod and would be lost without the other.


Application Questionnaire!

So, what brings you to Moon;s High's Club for the Investigation of the Supernatural? How'd you hear about us? : 

—  "Well obviously Min is how I first heard about it but I saw the flyer around school and figured it was a sign to join or at least stop by and see what it was all about but mainly to join because it's one of the reason or more like an added bonus of coming to the same school as my brother.."

Do you believe in Ghosts? Goblins? The bogeyman? Do you believe in anything supernatural and not of this world? : 

—  "I do and anything is possible if you want it to be so  to put it simply Yes I do."

What do you hope to get out of this club? : 

— "I hope to get new friends out of this club and hopefully discover something supernatural but friends are a big goal."

What should we do for our end of year event? : 

— "Oh! we could do a haunted house or  seances maybe. There's endless oppurtunities. "


 Kpop_kitty: Ami  :  turn in

COMMENTS : hello hello, I hope you like Micha.  I had fun making her and I am happy I came across this fic .


— Minjun & Jinah bring the club members food
— The use an ouija board to talk to Eun

👻 They all spend the night at school

👻 I don't have more ideas atm

PASSWORD : history



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