Why do I like kpop?

Why do I listen to music I don't understand? Why do I have an Asian idol as my background?

I've been asked questions like these on multiple occasions and honestly, it used to annoy me. I thought that when people asked me this, they were looking down upon the fact that I liked something that wasn't in my language or that Asian music appealed to me. However, I've come to realize that I do the exact same thing sometimes. We all do. 

Like, for example, I might not see why some YouTubers are appealing or why people find the content interesting or fun to watch. And it's completely normal because there's something called opinion and personal preference. 

I mean, you can't tell me that you've never looked at a culture, a religion or another person's activities or rituals and just been like...why? Why do you do that? And for everyone, the reasons we do things are different for all of us. Some ask why I don't do certain things on a Sunday. I tell them that it's the day I go to church and reserve time for the Lord. Is that so hard to understand? For some people, yes. It's just like listening to kpop, or cpop, jpop, or whatever kind of music you listen to.

It all ties into personal preference and your background, really. 

So, to answer the question. 

WHY exactly do I listen to Kpop?

Well, for me, I've grown up in different countries and all of them were culturally diverse (Samoa, Australia, New Zealand) and listening to music in a different language was never a big thing for me. I listened to Samoan music, cook island music, Tongan music, Maori music etc. I never paid attention to lyrics. I only listened to music for the sound, as I enjoyed playing around with instruments. So when my sister discovered kpop in the year of 2009, it was a totally different sound and I immediately clicked with it. It was different, it was good. To me anyway. 

And now, it's become integrated into my life. It also reminds me of my childhood too since I grew up with it basically.

You see, I've never labeled kpop as a genre because there are so many different sounds in kpop. I've only ever considered it as what it is; music. Music is music. Western music is music. Kpop music is music. 

And with that being said, KPOP IS NOT THE ONLY THING I LISTEN TO. A lot of people have this idea that kpop fans ONLY LISTEN TO KPOP. If that was true, I would've gone insane. Yes, I enjoy a lot of kpop songs, but some songs are just...I'm sorry but, no. 

Anyways, before this becomes longer than I intend it to, we'll finish this blog. Not that anyone will read it lmao. 





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