Wolrd Suicide Prevention Day

Image and video hosting by TinyPic To anyone who's having a hard time , I hope that you never give up hope in life and know that you're always being loved. You deserved to be happy just like everyone else . No matter how hard or bad your situation / circumstances , know that you will not be tested for the things that you couldnt handle. Trust your journey according to God's plan . Learn to trust even if the journey might seems scary . Multiply your faith , seek comfort in God. Try talking and sharing your burden with people who you can trust . Please know that you're not alone. No matter how dark it may seems , the sun will shine again. Just as long as you dont give up , you still have all the chance to change things around for the better. Focus more on the things that makes you happy, people who really care for you and also your dreams. Know that your current circumstances dosent define the whole you. Its okay to make mistakes , its okay to failed . We are only human. No one is perfect . You dont have to force yourself to fit in to any standard / expectation . Grow at your own pace. Believe that everyone have a purposed in life. Life is a precious gift . We only live once so please use it to the fullest and live a meaningful life. Exercise , eat healthy food , meet new people , try new things , travel create memories . Please dont be hurt anymore . I hope that you'l be comforted by my sincere message and know that there are people out there who cares . Please seek for help and support if you need. I will continue to cheer on you . Please give life a chance. Love yourself know that only you can put value and colours to your own life. Even its hard , lets not give up . Cheer up the world is looking at you with hopes. You're amazing . Believe in yourself , believe more in your dreams. Let go of the past , let go of the pain. Healing comes from within and it takes time. Open your heart to received love . Lets view the world in a beautiful light. May we be kind to each other , may we learn and inspire each other. For where is love , there is life that lives. I love you :) Have a blessed day . Continue to shine. I'l be here to offer my moral support to anyone who's in need . If anyone need someone , you can talk to me if you want ^^


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ah, i just scrolled down thru the "friends blog" and saw this. thank you for sharing this, Prince, it's beautiful <3
what got me right in the feels is the fact that i lost a friend after committing suicide like a day after the world suicide prevention,,,,
Thanks for sharing sis... You always inspire us ... Stay blessed sis...
Saying it is easier than doing tbh ... I thankfully believe in God and in doing so its helped me lots, and if I didn't I would've seriously already taken my life away some way or another. But to some people God doesn't exist or even makes them angry so there's other ways needed to help them.. and its very hard... I myself try to help others but sometimes there's just sometimes you can't do anything and it hurts so damned bad.