A Quick Viewpoint on Cliffhangers


I see what everyone's problem is on cliffhangers, but, at the same time....I dont. LOL
The reason behind this is, yes....I get that feeling of
"OMG I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT" but never to the point where I'll ever be distressed over a cliffhanger. At the same time, as a writer, I've noticed that everyone has their own writing style. Mine just so happens to be the kind where there's ALWAYS something new happening. And it really makes it hard for me to NOT leave every chapter with a cliffhanger. Because some stories just never really die down enough to leave a cliffhanger free chapter ending. It's an unfortunate event, but, at the same time....is it REALLY all that bad? I mean, come on people. I get like...5 people a day spamming my inbox asking me to stop leaving cliffhangers. LOL not to sound like a , but it's ACTUALLY inspired me to leave a few more cliffies out there just to spite you~ kekeke.
But really. It's all in good fun. I hope people really aren't bothered by cliffhangers because honestly, I'm not changing how I write.
Sorry, I just simply can't do that. If I change how I write, it will be that natural change that comes with each person's own growth and development. But NOT because some people want me to write faster. I love all my readers and subscribers and commenters. I really REALLY do. So dont doubt that.
I hope this leaves no hard feelings. It's just my own personal opinion on cliffhangers.
(((lol, I actually rather enjoy the suspense cause when you see that "new story update" and then you click it and you see the story that you've been waiting for is updated your heart gets all FLAILY and you have a heart attack and you gets so excited and start crying a little and then you're like "OMAFVNSOVJBOSVODBSJOCSD!!!!! I MUST READ THIS NOWWWWWWW!!!!!" and it totally makes your day.....but that's just like.....my opinion, man)))
Anywayyyyyyyyy.....I'm done ranting. kthnxbai~


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