New but Not New


This actually happens to be my first blog post ever. Which honestly is a little sad seeing as I have been a part of this website for over three years now.

For the last three years I have been just a reader and haven't exactly been very active in the community. Lately though I have decided I wanted to change that. I've started writing and I've been trying to send friend requests. I have never been good at making friends online or over social media so it is a little nerve racking reaching out like this. But, I have only one friend that is into kpop, and I start college soon, so I decided I really wanted to make some more friends with similar interests. I think it's safe to say that everyone on this sight feels very strongly about kpop and it means very much to them. I would love to have more friends like that.

So this is me reaching out :)




Also, if you actually took the time to read this, thank you so much.


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Hello there :) you did amazing by taking the first step to reached out. I'm going to show my support by accepting it. Nice to meet you. I'm Prince . Thank you for the friend request ^^