The problem with roleplays


Lemme Explain



Division of Security Operations
I've noticed a trend in roleplays lately

Scrollng thorugh the roleplays tag I found a few different roleplays.

1. The only roleplay. There are tons of these but where are all the Yuri roleplays? Yuri only roleplays are nonexsistent - this is fine I guess but I would prefer to see support for both and yuri.

2. The straight only roleplay. For those who enjoy these that's all good but what about the and yuri roleplayers - they have to search for all ualities accepting roleplays or and yuri only roleplay - which is a disadvatage to the yuri roleplayers since there's way less yuri only roleplay. My point is why restrcit who can love who? I personally do not like this. I stop myself from joining many promising looking roleplays because of this rule it irkes me. Or better yet all ualities accepted but they put a limit to how many yuri couples so that it can be balanced. Again I prefer to allow to be themselves and love whomever they want without any restrcitions.

3. There's so many differnt platforms nowadays to roleplay on - which is great in one sense but it's one heck of a mess for roleplayer to find one nice place to make some friends and have fun. I personally am a fan of the OG roleplay platform - Facebook. Now FB has a lot of issues but it's where many of the OG roleplays took their first breaths.

4. Members and sometimes even admins not greeting and genuinely trying to get to know their members - all of them not just some. I've been in serveal roleplays where I have to make the first move and get seenzoned and it's tiring a lot of times since I am honestly putting in effort and getting little to no results.


Well I'm changing I'm out on te prawl to create my own roleplay but this is a feat I cannot do alone. But here are some basic rules I want my roleplay to be based on before we continue.

1. Zero limitations on uality. Be as gay as you want. Be as sraight as you want. Be as aual as you want. Love without limitations and restrictions.

2. I want admins who are honestly interested in bringing a fun experience to the members through games, puns and just plain ol' nonsense.

The rest of the details can be spoken by contacting me. Shoot me a dm and we can continue this conversation in creating - The Greatest Roleplay.



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