Weird dream (my cousin's rapper friend and switching bodies with V)

I had a dream that my cousin had a friend, who was a rapper.

This rapper dude had a weird name, that I can't remember. But he was Canadian (or born in Canada, I think.)

He was suntanned and much taller than I.

And I started to crush on this rapper dude.


And then one day me and this dude suddenly go to school together.

He was with his other friends. (for some weird reason, they were all wearing the exact same outfit.)

And there is a time when he actually suddenly gets lower and lets me peck his cheek.

For me, he seemed like he was not in love with me. He was only being flirty and stuff.


And then I suddenly switched bodies with V.

BTS were filming a new music video for a song called "Ririraro." (Or something else gibberish.)

And my eyesight was bad and blurry for some reason.

And I was singing and dancing, even though I was not sure about how I was surposed to dance, so I just did as RM did at times.

When we were finished with filming that music video, a member was walking towards me. He had long, blue-green hair. I was not sure, who he was, but I said: " This handsome person is JHope."

And it was J-Hope.

And then I said "Smuk" (which means "beautiful" in Danish. Even though my native language isn't Danish.)

And J-Hope was like "Smuk?" because he didn't know what I was saying.

Then I said that he looked handsome and he started blushing. (Is vhope freaking real or something?)


And when I woke up, I was like "Why is this tall Canadian rapper not real?"


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Okay so I clicked on this bc my blog post is the one above yours in the latest blog section and the titles are legit so similar I'm dying, we both shared our dreams... Coincidences DX

Anyhow, VHOPE OMG T.T and I am sitting here trying to imagine hobi with hair like that but I can't, I literally can't even imagine it •-• maybe it'd be too beautiful for my soul? Lmao~

Although maybe it's a sign you will actually meet this Canadian rapper dude someday and Vhope will come out. Future predictions >.< !