・° ✧ P R G N : DYLAN BAE } blank af, #f47142, #ffccba, #f9b095

` it's best if you just change the character name + quote in the coding, it's around the beginning parts of the coding so it's not hard to find! feel free to change the font size so your character's quote fits inside it
` speaking of things to do in the source code, you don't want to change the text with text shadows outside the source code, it's impossible. so please go to the source code and make sure that both words are exactly the same and try not to exceed the length of the 'box' so it doesn't look wonky! unless you have the html knowledge to fix it ofc.
` you might want to zoom in when filling this up because i was on +150 when i made this 

` there are 7 section to this: the one with name + quotes; basics + visuals + trivia; relationship + love interest; idol + trainee info; interview; final words.
` if things looks weird when you edit this, it most likely looks fine on the actual blog post so don't worry. 
` keywords for images ( which are all alt names so you don't need to change that lol ) so u can skip to those sections: firstimg;  fccircleicon; looksimg; triviaimg; bioimg; rsimg; liimg; knetzimg; greetingimg; behindimg; urcircleicon
` the color scheme for this are: #ffe9c4 ( used as thick border around the layout, the color for the block text boxes and borders of the interview questions ); #ffd793 ( main bg color of the box and question boxes ); #ffa054 ( the accent, the big L and thin border around said L, mainly used as the text shadows and the text in general actually ); #fff ( for thin borders, the text overlapping the text shadow, image text boxes, and the text in the block text boxes, the 'ast name, first name' and first quote ).
` image dimensions are shown on t he images themselves ( e.g the 600x400 you see refers to 600px x 400px ), if you don't really know where or what to use to crop your images then you can try ezgif and save the pics before posting it somewhere online and copy the image link to use for the layout )
quote here; no scroll; lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
name. bae, doha (dylan bae)
insert nickname here
insert explanation here
insert nickname here
insert explanation here

date of birth. dd/mm/yyyy
birthplace. here
hometown. here
ethnicity. here
language. fluency.
insert explanation here
language. fluency.
insert explanation here
the boyz' kevin + 

appearance + style.
please write about their appearance including height, weight, and notable differences. along with their style of outfit.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.

praesent pellentesque egestas metus, et posuere risus suscipit nec. cras nec ultrices eros, id egestas est. proin maximus urna eget nibh bibendum dignissim. integer bibendum quis arcu eget gravida. morbi eu nunc a ante molestie fringilla. vivamus non aliquam leo. cras ut mauris sed nisi mollis faucibus eu nec libero. quisque augue nulla, scelerisque quis dapibus ut, ultricies vitae metus. praesent interdum risus mi, sit amet imperdiet dolor sodales at.
likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits, quotes ( optional ), special talents, trivia.

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.

praesent pellentesque egestas metus, et posuere risus suscipit nec. cras nec ultrices eros, id egestas est. proin maximus urna eget nibh bibendum dignissim. integer bibendum quis arcu eget gravida. morbi eu nunc a ante molestie fringilla. vivamus non aliquam leo. cras ut mauris sed nisi mollis faucibus eu nec libero. quisque augue nulla, scelerisque quis dapibus ut, ultricies vitae metus. praesent interdum risus mi, sit amet imperdiet dolor sodales at.
the wolf
the wolf
you list your traits here. feel free to add whatever you want here like mbtis, hogwart houses, inspirations, or whatever really. it scrolls so go wild xD. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.
you write it here, please include why your character wanted to become an idol, how they became one,how they've gained their musical skills, and all those important stuff!lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.

praesent pellentesque egestas metus, et posuere risus suscipit nec. cras nec ultrices eros, id egestas est. proin maximus urna eget nibh bibendum dignissim. integer bibendum quis arcu eget gravida. morbi eu nunc a ante molestie fringilla. vivamus non aliquam leo. cras ut mauris sed nisi mollis faucibus eu nec libero. quisque augue nulla, scelerisque quis dapibus ut, ultricies vitae metus. praesent interdum risus mi, sit amet imperdiet dolor sodales at.
name :: age :: relation :: occupation :: personality
the details and more information of them and the relationship here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.
name :: age :: relation :: occupation :: personality
the details and more information of them and the relationship here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.
name :: age :: relation :: occupation :: personality
the details and more information of them and the relationship here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. nam faucibus interdum mi, in ultrices nisi tincidunt non. sed mollis nisi ex, in vulputate leo interdum quis. integer feugiat mauris ut auctor aliquet. duis in lacinia sem. morbi porta lectus eu lectus interdum tristique. maecenas molestie velit sed sollicitudin dignissim. integer dapibus dolor ac tempor imperdiet. donec ut eleifend orci.
lover's name     
lover's name     
here ( include backups! )

we most likely wouldn't know who your character's love interest is, and if that's the case please write about their personality in great detail too!

love story
tell us how they met, how they fall in love and more!

any fun stuff to know about them?


stage name
insert here
vocal twin
name + backup
dance twin
name+ backup

another thing to note is that we'd like it if you'd rank your boy's best to worst talent! and the two twins listed above are a must to have, that's for just in case we have to change plotlines. rap twins or band twins ( aka if they're well versed in playing instruments and can pull off a band theme insert their twin here! ) 
trainee years
here, please specify how long theyve been in the specific company they trained in. so if they trained in jyp for two years and then in milky way or sunlight for three years, then please say so!

trainee life
how was their life as a trainee? this includes when they were in other companies too! 
pre-debut activities
please inform when your boy was involved in it! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc.
headline :: when :: true/false
good or bad news about your boy here! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit . donec luctus nisl metus . quisque mattis , lectus sed iaculis tristique , lacus est mollis velit , id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci . nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc . 
here is your greeting (+ persona if you want) four lines!
behind the scenes
"( insert your character's name / nickname here ), please enter the booth." the interviewer called as he gestured the other to come in. 

( insert your character's reaction here. did they enter the booth confidently? were they nervous? did their inner curious kitten check out around the booth first before entering? )

once ( they ) stepped inside, a screen started to countdown from 10. ( insert their reaction here ).

snap! the camera's click resonated throughout the booth as a picture of ( them ) was taken. ( how was your expression? was it derpy? answer may be given in form of description or picture/gif or both that you could use for the behind the scenes and greeting pictures. )
please introduce yourself.
answer here. it should be longer than their actual greeting, with additional information such as age or the basic naruto way a.k.a likes, dislikes adn dreams. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
please show off three of your charming points.
answer here. is it their smile, their eyes, or their body, or their legs? answer may be given in form of description or picture/gif or both. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
how well have you prepared for your debut?
answer here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
where do you see paragon in another 10 years?
answer here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
"i am the best in paragon in—"
answer here. be creative! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
quick! prgn has just won the rookie award, how would you react?
answer here. answer may be in descriptions or pictures/gifs or both. be creative! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
what is your role in the group?
answer here. are you the designated trash-taker? the grandpa? the nosy neighbour? lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
what is your ideal type?
answer here. be creative! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
any last words?
answer here. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec luctus nisl metus. quisque mattis, lectus sed iaculis tristique, lacus est mollis velit, id malesuada nisl mi sit amet orci. nullam felis ex, egestas vel lobortis et, aliquet id nunc. 
noeiie. five out of ten.

insert here 

details here
details here
scene requests.
details here.
details here
have you thoroughly read the cheatsheet?


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