(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis #18 - 3 Writer's Tips w/Videos + If You're In The Mood to Write & BONUS Videos

Writer's Tips below each Video (1 for each).
This post is for those of you writers who are in the mood to write right now ;)
I feel like I've been stretching myself thin and I need to slow it down.  Two posts a week (I'm not going to promise which days, until I establish which days work for me):  One to provide inspiration for you to have personal writing time, and the second to give you a writers tip.
It'll be good for all of us.  I can get my work-out junk, health, stress level back in order + get those one-shots I've been promising done & you can actually look forward to these posts.  I'm sure you're feeling just as over whelmed.
*)  There are three videos.
Do with them what you will.
I hope you enjoy the experience.
What about the CBX Episode 3?
Well, I've only found it in Thai and Spanish Subs, so until I find an English Version (I'm stuck, but I'm going to add a cute Xiumin Video in his reality show that I think is called Under The Blanket.  I stumbled on this show by accident to.  ;)  As per usual.
Video 1
Taylor Swift - ...Ready For It
Yes... I don't understand people's dislike of her.  She's creative (and I don't listen to hear say or get in to Hollywood Gossip).
The SciFi is awesome in this video (and you can't tell me it doesn't inspire something).  If any thing it can shake something lose to inspire you in a current story.
Ready, Set, Go - Write!  (Write whatever comes to mind - don't edit as you write).
Oh, surprise BONUS -Writer's Tip (You can't edit what isn't finished, so finish something... and then edit ;)
Video 2
Halsey - Gasoline (Audio)
Any one whose been reading my posts know I have Bipolar Disorder, and hearing this gives me hope.  I'm not the only one out there who doesn't fit the mold - and owns it.  It also inspires me to write more of what I want to read.
Another surprise Writer's Tip - Write What You Want To Read (and your audience will find you - I may have already said that - but there you go ;)
I think this'll count as the last thing I post for this week.  Plus there's a chance to add another Tip.  One 'Mo Video coming.
Ready, Set, Go - Write!


Video 3
Exo - 'KoKo Bop' MV
I love the relaxed, but mismatch totally clashing bunch of themes in here.  I want to write something with it.  Stay tuned.
Ready, Set, Go - Write!
Xiumin:  Under The Blanket EP1
You may even be inspired by this one.
So, what could be a writers tip here?
Pay attention to what he does, his clean freak habits, how he has fun, how he reacts to other people as new in the house.  Use them in a story for him to seem real (for character development ;)  Things like this always helps me in my stories.
Oh, and before I forget:
Post #17 got messed up after I tried to edit with my phone.  The format's all messed up and until I fix it I'll have it in Draft Mode.  *Sigh.  Ok, now that I've got that out of my system-
~  Me Again (~ Demitria_Teague)  :):)
While you wait for the next Post, enjoy my Master List (You can entertain yourself with my stories - or go back and read past posts - and actually try them ;)


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