홍리나, reporting for work at we! love! marketing! inc!



welove marketing inc.

welove marketing inc.


iheartswag /  utc+8  /  8  /  credits

NAME (as in i.d.):  hong ri na  

preferred pronoun:  she/her 

JOB APPLIED FOR: creative designer

date of birth:  171292 

this is not placed in the center, it should be in the center.


about you


             • irene, red velvet

             • moon ga young, actress




         • ri na's wardrobe!




             miss ocd • colleagues because she is very about little things




nationality: korean



languages: korean // native language // her busan satoori comes out when she is frustrated or angry

                 english // conversational // she went to university in new york 



backstory: hong ri na was born on the 17 dec 1992, in busan, south korea. both her parents are high school teachers. ri na was a dillegent student since young and has excelled in school. after graduating from high school, she went abroad to new york for university, majoring in graphic design. At the age of 22, after graduating with a degree, she returned to korea to find a job. She worked at a multi national coroporation as a graphic designer for about 4 years before resigning. Reason why she resigned was because the company was merged with another major company and so she didn't like the changes being made because it wasn't benefiting her at all. Thus, she chose to leave as she knew there weren't going to be any future there. Thus, she is currently applying for a job here at WELOVE Marketing Inc, hoping that she could at least grow her career at a simple and small start up.   

ri na is currently living in seoul, south korea with her husband. 




             • postive traits // hardworking. responsible.

             • she is a very dedicated and hardworking worker. she does her everything to the best of her ability she loves what she does and she will not stop until her work is finished. She is definitely someone who will not submit a report or project late. Always on time, Which makes her a responsible employee.

             • negative traits // insensitive. blunt.

            • she is however quite insensitive and blunt sometimes. she is quite frank and never holds back when it comes to saying her thoughts. for example, if she thinks that your new hairstyle doesn't suit you, she'd probably say it in your face. but really, she doesn't mean any harm though, she's just a little too honest.

             • she has slight ocd 

             • so she gets annoyed when her table isn't in order 

             • like her stationaries has to be placed a certain angle, along with her post its

             • when she works, her mug will always has to be on her right side and on a coaster

             • she is a neat freak as well

             • so she can't stand a dirty/messy table 

             • she gets annoyed when she sees other people's desks which are messy

             • she can't resist organizing it for them

             • on her desks: her wedding picture and her family portrait 

             • when she does her work, she has to put in her earphones and listen to music 

             • her favorite genre of music to listen while she does her work is pop music 

             • after working on her computer for about three hours, she will take a break by resting her eyes

             • how she rest her eyes is by using a small eye massager and massage her eye areas

             • she wears glasses when she works because it does not strain her eyes that much

             • she needs to have a cup of coffee when she starts working 

             • she will at least refil her coffee five to six time 

             • for lunch, on some days she love going to the cheap restaurants below the office

             • on some days she will bring lunchboxes made by her husband 

             • speaking of which, she has been married for about eight months 

             • she is hardly a sociable person but if you talk to her, she'll respond 

             • she is a little introvert but you just need to keep talking to her 

             • and if she likes you then boom, you're friends

             • she dislikes chatting during working hours though, cause it distracts her 

             • unless it's lunch or break time, don't talk to her, she'd get annoyed when she can't finish her work

             • always on her macbook 24/7 with all the adobe programs (creative designer life)

             • she gets her inspiration mostly from her surroundings.

             • for example, the things/colors/people she sees on her way to work and back home

             • she likes to keep her designs as close to reality as possible

             • she is very passionate about designing because it was something she likes since young

             • when she was younger, she used to carry drawing pads around (when they're are no macbooks)

             • in her free time she would just randomly doodle and design on her drawing papers

             • if you ask her to do other stuff like sales, she'd find them boring

             • she does work well under pressure, in fact, she prefers if there is a little pressure

             • it acts as a motivation to push her to do her work well 

             • if her husband is free, he'd drop by ri na's work place just to give her some tea and lunch    

the interview


"hello, take a seat." doryeong leaves through the simple application form and the candidate's resume casually, twirling his Yonsei pen in his left hand. "so, how did you come across welove, and why do you want to work here?"

ri na sat down slowly. "hello. I came accross the job ad online, on a jobsearch portal.. So I decided to apply. Reason being is because I would like to grow my career in a small start up company, and to just take my time to learn new things and to increase my skills." ri na gave a nervous smile.

he flashes what he thought was his characteristic suave smile, but it turned out to be a lopsided, i'm-not-even-sure-how-to-interview-you one, "ahh i see. so you've applied to be my creative designer, i'm guessing you have the relevant knowledge? any past experience?" his voice raises a little at the end, destroying his established calm demeanor.

ri na nodded, "i worked as a graphic designer at my previous work place for about four years. Before that I graduated with a bachelor's degree in graphic design in new york. I am definitely familar with the scope of work and the skills that a creative designer should have." she finished confidently. 


"that's great! uhhhh, um. your... expected salary? i mean, we're just a startup and i don't think i can afford much, but i'd like to know where you stand on this matter? and you've got to know that we most probably will work overtime here."

ri na stayed silent for a few seconds, thinking through the question before answering. "hmm.. since I do not have much experience from my previous company.. I'd say about $26 to $27k? Probably the basic salary for a ceative designer.." 


the boss sighs an audible sigh of relief. "okay, last bit! you'll be having your own workstation, but for now... do you ahve any decorating tips? it's really a lil sparse around here.. not too much plastic stuff, of course." his voice trails off.

ri na gave a light chuckled, "to be honest.. people don't like it when i give suggestions.. you see, i'm a little bit about certain stuff especially things that needs to be placed, it's like a mild ocd.. But if you do need any tips.. i'd say make sure the decorations isn't too messy." ri na smile sheepishly. 


"okay, thanks a lot for coming in today! i'll let you know of your interview results in about a week!" 




FATHER - Mr Hong // 52 years old // high school teacher



MOTHER - Mrs Hong // 48 years old // high school teacher


ri na and her parents are very close. they are tight knit family who tells each other anything and everything. a very fun and loving family, ri na's parents are forever her cheerleaders, cheering on their daughter in whatever she does and sometimes.. it does get a litle embarassing. but it's how they show their love.



HUSBAND - Ji Chang Wook // 30 years old // Entrepreneur

ri na and her husband are a loving couple. compared to how ri na is at work (quiet and dillegent), she shows her lovable and cutesey side to her husband only. chang wook is the one taking care of ri na at home and is always making her food and coffee especially when she is busy with her work. since he is a entrepreneur, he is a little more free than ri na so he takes more care of the house in order to ease her burden. definitely a modern husband. 



BOSS - Yoon Doryeong // 29 years old // Boss of WELOVE Marketing Inc

ri na and her boss doryeong are like the opposites of each other tbh. ri na is more quiet and the type to work silently. whenever her boss starts chatting or goes around table to table to just say hi or whatever, she would just respond by nodding her head and then just go back to her computer screen. this makes doryeong abit sulky since she doesn't respond much and he'll just move onto the next table. while others finds his love for saving the environment and paper amusing, ri na doesn't at all since she kinda understands him. after all she do get annoyed when she encounters dirty or messy tables. 

note from you

anything you want to add? sceanrio request?
• ocd ri na
• one of her colleagues spilling coffee onto her desk which makes her explode oh gad 

thank you in advance for applying (´ヮ`)/ , and please tag your blogpost as "thatcubiclelife" 


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