Done with University

Well, long time no see! 

I've been taking a break from writing and posting anything whilst I've been finishing up everything university related. But provided all goes well, I'll be graduating with an integrated masters in physics in July so that should be fun. It has, however, meant that I let my writing fall to the wayside a little bit. A lot of what I had been working on is unfinished and will take me a little while to get back into each story before I can continue writing them. Now though, I have very little else scheduled for at least a month (apart from a trip to Italy in late June) and can actually spend some quality time with my laptop and my stories. 

I have about three different stories currently on the go, a KaiXing, a SeChen and something centred around Baekhyun but I don't know who I'm pairing him with just yet. I, also, have a little ChenXing stuff to type up and finish for the Tree Of Life idea I was playing with so hopefully I can get at least one of these finished and uploaded at some point soon. 

I'm sorry for my absence, especially when I promised I would have things finished sooner and uploaded but now that I'm a lot freer, I can dedicate proper time to writing again. Maybe if I'm able to push myself, I'll actually be able to publish something before June starts so that will be nice. 

Another note: Thank you so much for 150 unique subs! To know that people are liking my work enough to subscribe and to upvote is really motivating and I promise to work hard so you all have more content to enjoy. Thank you again! 


Happy Reading,

MissUprising :3 


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Oh wow congrats on getting your Masters degree up to this point!! That's amazing!! :D