In search for Epiphany

I have to work on a big research paper of mine by just one week and here I am stuck with a writer's block for six months now. I don't even know how to explain the situation. Is it me who is being lazy and wasting time on severe procrastination or is it my mind playing with me for something that happened in last one year? Dragging things out and missing continuous deadlines by just doing nothing but looking at the laptop screen or watching youtube videos to distract tension it was never this extreme with me, Let me know if there is a way to be productive. I just need to find out who I was, what I am becoming right now. Why am I being this pathetic? No one can't tell this about me by seeing from outside and I don't even feel like I am pretending. I am going along with life pretty fine, then what is it that keeping me behind? Maybe the answer lies in me being a little conscious of time, then time will heal everything and time will bring the answer to me or help me to reach the answers.  


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Have a rest from the world for a while. Let yourself rest and do what you have always wanted for a week and promise yourself to continue on your delayed work after. Whwn things are too big and messy, we sometimes tend to shut away. Have a rest, stop and enjoy life. I dont know what exactly are you going through fam but i hope it helps. It wasnt your fault, we need a break sometimes. We are humans after all. Take care of your health and stay happy :)