(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis - Mini Post #1/w Writer's Tip :) - Iz frikin adorable.

Writer's Tip Under the [!] Me-Share


[!] Me-Share:

Sorry I haven't posted once or twice. The internet company forgot... *Rollz eyes ...to send us a new box, and now we "should" get it today sm/tm.  We'll see about that.

Then you'll start getting full sized, formatted posts again. You know-how

-with all the cute pink and purple and yellow and black bold colors, and Times New Roman Font?  *Sighs and 🌟 star... I means stares dreamily in to the sky.  It's early enough to do that without burning out my retinas-



How horribly morbid of you.


Just..  honest.  Haha.

Any who-

-Writer's Tip:

Write when you first wake up.

That's it?

*Nods cutely.

But I do that already.


It doesn't work.

Do you literally do it when you get up?

Do I have to do it before I go pee?

*Blinks - I can see where that's be a problem. Try to get the pottying out of the fast, but don't eat. Don't do anything else.  Don't brush your hair, don't wash your face.


No "but".  It's important that you don't give your mind enough time to wake up.  It needs to be fuzzy. You need to be half prison to the sleeping world so your mind hasn't had time to put up those mental blocks that usually stalls your progress-

-and half prisoner to the waking world where you can type or write what ever the frick pours out of you.

!!! I can't come up with stuff that early in the morning.

I just-


-In the past I've said to give yourself permission to write crap. Somewhere... In all that... Crap... Will be something you can use... Maybe... Hahaha.


*Squeels... "No need to shout," she says cutely.  Inspiration can be like touching a live wire... Or... *Gulps "...a fickle thing.  How bad do you want it?"

Want what?

To be inspired?  How far are you willing to go:

Examples: Write in the bathroom- stop while walking/w Notebook and sit on grass to write, wake up and after having pee'd Write?

How bad do you want it?

*Ponders this.


*You're a little strange.

Haha.  Um thanx. I thank.

It wasn't an insult.

It's ok. I understand. I've always been and odd ball, but ya know what?


Life with me is never boring... Even when it's boring. Boring and me are chummy.

*Grins - I think we just might get along.

*Sways side to side.  And I think I'm ok with this.

*Both grin

We'r doerka.


Stupid autcrrect c... Auto correct... Gah!  We're Dorks.

Oh. *Laughs.  We are.


Ok.  *Pat's shoulder.  I'll try the idea.


*Fans face from cuteness.  Yeah.

And others?

Don't push it.

*Nods rapidly.

Now, let's go.. We'll, you're there and I'm her, so you do you and I'll do me and... Let's meet back here tomorrow?

*Bounces I excitement.  Yes, where there may be full post/w video and my mourned for format and colors.  Byez.

*Grins.  So cute. *Iz disturbed by happy dance, but amused.

- End.

~ Demitria_Teague


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