a question for those who may read my blogs (and even those who don't, I guess)

Hey everyone ^-^ For a while now, I have always wanted to use my blog here to communicate with people - however, I thought it may be a pointless endeavour insofar as my posts would be boring, or go unnoticed, or simply just be uninteresting. However, after the response towards my recent blog-post (a plea to army), I started to reconsider, thinking maybe there was a chance I could somehow communicate with people.

In my life, I have had several experiences, and I wanted to use what I went through to bring positive benefits to people around me. Here, on AFF, whilst my audience may not be in the thousands, it matters little to me - if my words could communicate to even one person, I would be thankful. I wanted to use my blog to talk sincerely about topics such as kpop, mental illness, body image and self acceptance. On first thoughts (kpop aside!), AFF may not be the best place to express these posts; however, that being said, the audience here is actually perfect, in many ways. I have seen so many users talk of low self-esteem, mental health and similar issues, and I have always wanted to be able to reach out to them somehow, even if my words would go unlistened to. I want to help people somehow foster more positive images of themselves without the imposition of condescension, I want to help break stigmas, and I also want somewhere I can freely share my opinions on the k-pop industy, my concerns, my support, my appreciation for the idols themselves, and so forth. 

So, can I ask - do you think I should try it? Should I try and use my blog to communicate to others here? I wouldn't expect anything in return. I know that some people may believe this to be an inappropriate forum to address issues like health, but I would do so in a respectful manner, drawing only upon my personal experiences, and reflecting only a positive message. 

Would you guys be interested in reading it? Do you think it could work?

Thank you for any responses!




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WendyClary #1

i really think you should go for it! you're a very respectful, sweet human being, and the things you put out here sometimes really hit home for us.

positivity is really an important aspect of our lives, and i think so little people take it for granted or don't see it when even bits of it are there. we'd love to hear your voice, lovely! <3
It would be so good for you. I'm positive you can help others like you help me when I'm being silly but I also think it could help you. So yes, absolutely. I support you but you know I always will <3
You should try sis... Cuz it's good... You trying to help others and do good to them...who knows may be you can able to change someone's life... So keep it up...
damn son, that's a great idea and you should go with it.

I actually aim to do the same thing as you, being a blogger(basically) on AFF. but you know, I'm like one level below since the content of my blogs are usually, immature, I would say
Yes if it's for good caused and intention
Of course you should post what you're thinking! That's the best therapy there is. I have blog posts that NO ONE even reads and comments on. I feel quite invisible actually hahaha. But then isn't the blog post just for there for people to read? It can reach out to just a few people but that's a few people more than you thinking it to yourself.
I don't know if I got my point across. Hahaha.
There will surely be people who will read your blog :) Don't be afraid of it