I hate that awkward moment when....

....your dad is a bipolar bastard.

My little got in trouble today and is grounded for the weekend. Which means I'm the good child. Pfffft like im not the good child as it is.

I do my chore today, which is to clean the bathroom. I make it ing SPARKLE.

Dad is a happy ing camper when he gets home today. He gives me twenty bucks for this weeks and last weeks chores. But it didn't last long. He scolded lik sis for not having done her chores which is why mom grounded her, and then he has to go to work tomorrow which he doesn't like, and he has to pay bills. One particular bill especially pissed him off. The insurance bill. Because I am a licensed driver and cost him extra money. I owe him $1000, currently, for my part of the insurance, so he yells at me for not having a job.

I'm sorry, I think right before he yelled at me for not having a job, he asked me when I was moving out. I guess I'm just a ing human target for him to vent and yell at. It seems like all he ever does is yell at me. For I did, for I didn't do, for I haven't done yet.

I know dad was pissed that little sis didn't do her chore, but [i think] she's his favorite, so if mom hadn't been angry and grounded her, he wouldn't have cared. Because she's a daddy's girl and I'm my mommys girl. So he saw that mom was riding her case and he decided to ride mine.

Thank you SOOOO ing much dad. I was in a good mood. He gave me my allowance, we talked about the races [we're going to the race in Dover, Delaware together this spring and then all four of us are going to the same one next fall], and we were happy. And then he had to go and be a and make me cry.

Hey guess what dad, you hate your youngest sister and your mother pisses you off. But you are JUST LIKE THEM. Of course if I said that to your face I'd be murdered on spot.

So thanks dad. For making me feel like the greatest ing human being on this ing fuxked up planet. And in about 30 minutes when I make fun of myself and you yell at me for not having any confidence and ask me why i don't, I'll silently blame you. Cause God knows I won't do it aloud.


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...sounds like my ed up household? LOL chill out and you have to remember once u graduate from High School u can leave ! (:
Hey, I'm 12, turning thirteen... I have way more years til I leave,so don't worry =D If you get pissed ignore him, give silent treatment, and if he gives you about that then piss him off by yapping at him... etc... I get pissed at my dad all the time. I told him that my sister was his favourite which was why he was being a to me and he yelled at me--> I yelled at him... Genes run in the family. Me and dad are stubborn es...
hey, i've heard this story before. unni, i'm always here for you, you know that (i might not answer right away, but i'm here). someday we'll get all the wonderful things we deserve
Why didn't you call me? It hurts to sit here and read this because you know I don't give a crap about authority and I would have told my own father to screw off on the spot. Hell, I have. Don't pay him any mind. People that hurt you don't ing matter.
HellsRainbow #5
Oh girl.
Think of it this way, you have less time until you're free than I do.
Look at the bright side, you'll always have us. We're here for you ^^
So don't take things too harshly okay? I'm a worrywart.