(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis #12 - Welcome... to The Bacon Show. (...You're not joking are you?) (...Nope ;D - It's a Writer's Method - Check It.)

The Material You're About To Read Is Ridiculous To The Extreme.  Read Anyway - You'll Thank Me Later.
Welcome... to The Bacon Show.
I'm lovin' you.
Something something (Out of Tune)...
-Bacon, Like I'm supposed to-
*Clears Throat (Awkward).
The Bacon Show Promises Entertainment, dumb humor - And that you learn a very important lesson in writing.  Trust me.  Hold on for the ride, and you'll thank me later.
I swear.
Then get on with it already.
...Ok, sheesh.  "So impatient," she says in a cutie voice.
Why Bacon?
'Cuz I love it.  Imagine:
    The thick, greasy bacon cooking, and your tastebuds swelling in expectation?
    Maybe make it a sandwhich, and add some mayonnaise... mmm?
Right... *Laughs awkwardly.


These lyrics inspired-
The Bacon Show - Oh!
Add bacon every where you can - oh.
Let me go - oh - somethin' something (out of tune-
Chanyeol - can't escape from you.
*Curious, clicks Play.

How many of you sang my lyrics instead?
Oh?  Bacon - Oh.
*Grins - Yes you did.  Haha.  <3
Sweet hearts.
Hopefully, you got at least a good laugh out of it.
What's next?
Flash Fiction Below-
Kim Minseok - I got this
Press Play and read Flash Fiction (or in your order).

Flash Fiction
The singer had this thing:  While Minseok drank, she entertained.
"I got this thang," she sang.  "Gonna blow your mind."
He smirked and took a shot.  His back remained to the stage, but their connection tranged.
She sang, "Pulling the string.  Helping you unwind."
"She sure does that," Jongdae said, sliding him another shot.
They did this every Wednesday.  Day entertainment wound them up, so they could entertain the night.
Sassy Soul Jazz... and her.
He downed the shot and nodded along.
When the music quit, coordinated pointed finger nails moved along the back of his neck- heeer... arm settled over his shoulder.
He tipped his head up and she kissed him.  Their wedding bands glittered in natural light.
"Yo, you want some?"  Another arm settled over his shoulder.
Chanyeol had a styro foam bowl full of -
He rolled his eyes and lifted his shoulder until he got off.
And that's all for-
The Bacon Show...
I swear...
I do.
So, what's next?
I just gave you another prime example of going with first thoughts, instead of filtering an idea down to fifth thoughts.
Why - the fifth thought?  Why not the second or third?
Because I read somewhere that we usually filter our thoughts (or edit them) to at least the fifth one before we deem them acceptable to release unto the world.
Of course the wording was different, but - that's the basic... thing... of... it...
And if I'd filtered The Bacon Show down - let's be honest:  It either wouldn't be the same or wouldn't exist at all.
It's a little:  I'm embarrassed for you - AKA:  You embarrassed for me-
And I'm completely ok with that.
I found it hilarious.
I laughed so hard when writing it.  Any thing that can make me laugh and feel so happy - I'Z good.  I need laughs, I need happy.  If I didn't crack myself up, who else would...
...besides my Mom?  She's pretty hilarious.  Once she gets cracked up - she laughs so hard and so long that I end up cracked up... And on and on it goes.
[!We call it - The Giggle Box.  ;)
I'm sure someone, somewhere out there also found The Bacon Show Hilarious.
Did 'Choo?  0.0  Hm?
And I'm sure someone is thanking me for giving them what they never knew they always wanted.
[Insert Dilusional Tag Here?]
You're welcome.
[Dilusion Tag X2?]
Even if they're doing it silently.
*Silently judges you.  XP
Today, try writing something dorky, fun, and maybe a little embarrassing.
You may find you really enjoyed it.
Humor is the spice of life.
Until Tomorrow,
I'm not lovin' you - oh-
-like the bacon wants to-
Something something (Out of Tune).
Like I'm supposed to.
I'll see you soon, and wait for you on the moon-
-where I'll eat...  Yeah, you guess it-
No not the dune...  What?
A spoon?
*Rollz eyes - "Bacon."
Oh right... be-cause Ba-con... show...
...and all the yo... *gasps - oh-
Oh - not Oh?  Oh.
The Bacon Show.  I got it now.   It's a Writing Method.
Yeah, by yours truly.
...Right.  Ok then.
*Sigh.  Unbelievable.
And it teaches you to write First Thoughts?
Yup.  Try it.
Tomorrow's Post may or may not be just as ridiculous as this one.
~ Demitria_Teague
*Iz amused.
And just for that...
Drake and Josh - Everybody singing We Will Rock You

Who doesn't love Drake and Josh (Don't answer that).
Don't ruin my hopes and dreams.
*Unecessarily Dramatic
PSWhat did you imagine Xiumin's wife looking like?
I didn't describe her - and yet your imagination did it's thang any way.
*Gasps - You're right.
> I think she looks like Kitten from the fic I'm writing - The Ethical or Poly - Amour?  (Part II of Sensualist Cafe) <

> Sensualist Cafe (Now a chapter Fic) <    


It's a story I created from a request and it grew in to something more.  Am currently nearly done with the second part and heading towards writing the third one.  Probably won't be posted until I've finished it, so:  Regular Updates.  ;)
Kitten in the Flash Fic:
American, taller than him, red hair, cat-like hazle eyes.  Hair curled and pulled half way up, nails sharp and she and he are so much alike-
-it sizzles between them.
Participate - Oh? 
(Answer one or the other - or all...  or none.  It's just a little bit of fun.)
    *)  Leave your Kitten description in the Comment Section.
    *)  Compared to the other posts, is this writing style/teaching method better? 
Phat Question :>.<:
*covers face, embarrassed.  She just keeps at it with the bad jokes.
Did you enjoy the Bacon Show?
What was your favorite part?
*Gives up on the world.


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Where do you get the ideas to write like this? LOl
i loved the Bacon Show it was good even though I don't eat bacon. And I admit I sang along using your lyrics too