Mod Appreciation Day!

 So recently I've seen a lot of drama and unpleasantness in certain corners of the site and I've been reminded that it's very easy to complain while at the same time taking everything running pleasantly and smoothly for granted. It's even easier to take the people who make everything run pleasantly and smoothly for granted. I've had a great time on AFF these part few years (bar a few blips) and I'm sure most of you have too, and I think it's only fair to pause and be thankful to the site mods and site creator who enable this site and community to function, even when we're being ungrateful brats (which is probably how they viewed me a couple of years back when I kicked up a bit of a fuss over something and I still feel bad about that :/ ). Mostly they work behind the scenes but that's no reason to forget they exist at all. They probably don't get thanked much, so it would be nice to show them a little appreciation. 


So,  to the mods and Jason, thank you for all your hard work, especially when we're being rude and bratty and you'd really rather not deal with us. 


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Thank you to everyone who made and makes this site possible and the way it is.
revolamard #3
Thank you everyone who makes everything possible from the writers to the mods to the founder of aff to creators of posters and to all the others <3<3<3
wowow you're right
there's well over a million users on this site and the traffic it gets must be a lot of work to look over.
yay for this and actually taking action a senpai rite here

but yes, definitely, it's so easy to take all that hard work for granted and then complain when something goes wrong, and not even knowing what goes behind the scenes a lot of the time ahsdfjkahl
This is so sweet, Korey. I'd upvote if I could :) AFF's a big site, and I'm sure heaps of work goes into maintaining and improving it for us users.