OTW National Exam... Is a List of Crazey Schedule

I hate pre-national exam days and its crazy schedule.

Tomorrow I have mid semester test and for the next six days and… WTF? Next week is my semester test week! Just… semester test in a week after mid semester is so CRAZEH!

Practical test will begin this early March and I could not be happier (being sarcastic here). Good thing that my English practical test would be writing 8D. Still, the schedule is very busy. So I think I will update my fics less frequently. I’ll try to be faster though ._. Or at least I wish so.

And—and—AND! I'm not feeling well now. I think I'm sick, physically and mentally. ._. Oh, happiness of being a student... Yes, that was a sarcasm


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semangat ya saeng.... HWAITING...
Saeng... Santai aja, saeng... jangan dibawa stress gitu...
ourania #3
Whoa! Aku juga pernah ngerasa kyk gitu & emang beraaat ~___~
Tetep semangat ya adepin ujian nya! :D:D:D